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So What Have You Lot Been Upto?

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Well its been a lovely weekend and perfect weather for mothers day so what ahve you all done.

Saturday i actually got ed away from footy and went for a lovely long walk with the dog - finally got her training started on recall - amazing what a 15 mtr lead can do - she thought she was free - ran after a ball of hers but lead was not quite long enough to allow her to get it and she re bounded backwards! She also went for her 1st swim of the year and met lots of other dogs - she is finally becoming so much more social and interacts really well.

Up early today as its sooooooooo nice - going to hopefully plant up the early potatoes in their pots and put the leeks into individual pots to grow larger before planting out also sort out the bark chipping under apple tree


Checked car out before the MOT next w/e... Not good. All pads are seriously close to the limit and the discs arent far off. New brakes all round ordered.

Watched the rugby then spent the rest of the night washing the carpets... Cream carpets, three kids and a dog dont mix!

Up and out early today with the kids and dog for walkies round the lake... Dried the dog, wiped down the car and now were baking a cake before the mrs gets up! Have to tidy the house before my parents up from collumpton later for tea then im back out with the vax to clean the car seats.

Busy weekend!


My girlfriend has gone away for the weekend so i spent it with the car :thumbup: She got my 100% attention and i fitted my new coilovers whiteline ARB's and drop links. It was really good because i have never done it before so i learnt as i went along and now have a better understanding of the car.

Just phoned me mum to say happy mothers day and to see if she got her present, she did and i did better than my brother, result :rolleyes:


Well, spent all day yesterday at work 6am - 6pm and done nothing last night just chilled and watched tv. And today I'm back in work again 6-6 :rolleyes: Roll on home time, get the bike out and go for a blast for a while. Got tomorrow off so hope the weather's as good as today then I may just spend half the day out on the bike and the other half giving scooby a much needed clean :thumbup:


I took my Mum up to my Sisters Friday night. I lounged around all day Saturday watching the rugger with me nephew and broinlaw whilst me sister took Mum out shopping. Went to Kew gardens yesterday... saw some trees, flowers, few more trees, some more flowers and a plant or two.


well i worked part of weekend boo hooo!! :redcard:

but spent rest of it walking dog with parents on mothers day, managed to scratch mrs car parking bit to close to thorny hedge ops my bad!!

So now got job of wash t-cut polish etc fun times!!

Made pudding for family meal at me sisters scoffed all free food :huh: and wanna steal my sisters hubbys new tv 52" plasma :hl:

oh yeah and still scooby less grrrr!!!


I had a good weekends 32 hour shift, then 8 hour rest back in for 8 hours, seen my mum, went out with my mates, washed the car in the am lol.

Been putting in over 300 hours a month so i havent been around much lol.

I had a good weekends 32 hour shift, then 8 hour rest back in for 8 hours, seen my mum, went out with my mates, washed the car in the am lol.

Been putting in over 300 hours a month so i havent been around much lol.

you grabbing barsteward :P:D:):thumbup:


getting ignored by other members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. no wonder no-ones interested anymore.!!!!!!!! only takes a second to post a HELLO!!!!!!!

getting ignored by other members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. no wonder no-ones interested anymore.!!!!!!!! only takes a second to post a HELLO!!!!!!!

Who ignored you - if you mean me sorry but tea called so left computer on after last post and ate

getting ignored by other members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. no wonder no-ones interested anymore.!!!!!!!! only takes a second to post a HELLO!!!!!!!

Hello :P:D:) ...............................tried to watch Blackburn / Spurs but kept getting interrupted however any excuse to go out in the car :D:barf::hl:

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
and how are the weeds? :thumbup:B)

doing really well as it happens particularly with the recent rain :wub:

Edited by Tazman
so what are you attempting to grow then Mr Titchmarsh :wub::P:lol:

Nothing exotic

just the simple stuff like potatoes, onions, parsnips, raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrents and some gooseberries for the moment.

Hope to put some salad stuff in soon as well

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