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Mcrae Print On Ebay

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yes its a genuine print but I'm unsure how much they will give to the charity when the auction ends,

am waiting for the seller to reply to my message.

i know that its up to the buyers of the prints to do what they want with it once they've got it,

but seeing as Grant and I are still fundraising and havent handed the money over to the family yet, i'm a bit dubious if they will donate everything they make (less the original £40 sale price and fees/expenses) to the charity.

the McRae Gathering is always about Colin and his charities and we've tried v. hard to make sure no one makes money from our event.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, same as, I cannot believe that they are selling for profit already, I'd rather see them sell it back to the organising team for the same money to sell on again for what everyone else has paid for it...

I despise these people in the same way that I despise ticket touts...

and I REALLY despise ticket touts...

Edited by thefastone

If you can get some assurance from them that will donate the profits then I will gladly buy it. I was overseas without any email access when these went on sale and missed the chance to own one.

Posted (edited)

shame the ebay page mentions a donation, not the full profit being handed back to the fund, but maybe the donation will be that generous? I can be a sceptical old sod at times, so here's hoping that it's genuine and the fund does well from it.

I'm no financial expert, but if this is being sold via their business (ebay quotes their sales account on chs-hire.co.uk) , how will the money make it back out of the company accounts into private hands again?

Edited by HairyDJ
  Scoob Fae Ork said:
Holy mother of i touch goats thats a lot of money i hope the £305 quid extra goes to the charity :driving:

The guy posted up saying that 40% will be going to the charity.

  Terzo Neil said:
only 40% of profit to charity i'm afraid

thats 122 pounds to charity, rest in the pocket

Oh well its better than nothing i suppose :rotfl: . It will be intresting to see how many more will turn up on e bay after that one making so much money :driving:


it makes me sick.

honestly my stomach dropped when I saw it sold for £345 and the charity is only getting 40%.

the worse thing is that Grant and I are still working our ar$es off on this,

the event is still "live" for us, and will be until we hand all the money we've raised to the McRae family.

this has taken over our lives for the past 12 months and we have spent our own money, from our own pocket, paying for things to make it happen.

For some guy to keep 60% himself is disgusting.

whats even more nauseous is I had to make companies like Roger Clark Motorsport, Scoobyclinic and even Subaru UK promise and swear blind that they can only have a display stand at Warwick on the proviso that THEY DO NOT MAKE ANY MONEY from our event

- it is a fundraising event for Colin, not a trade show.

this eBayer has just sucked all our hard work down the drain and is the ONLY ONE to profit from this for very little effort (so far).

yes I know the print is theirs to sell, but this is how I feel and its sucks :driving:

and yes I also know that there may be a spate of other folk selling their print and it makes me think "whats the point in doing this."

I dont want to go online anymore.

the Gathering has become too personal for me.

Posted (edited)
  Scoob Fae Ork said:
Oh well its better than nothing i suppose :wub: . It will be intresting to see how many more will turn up on e bay after that one making so much money :driving:

Mods.. feel free to delete this post... if I'ts deemed out of line..

I'm so peed off with this ebay crap!! The fact that people are selling them on ebay at all at rediculous profit and NOT giving most of the excess to the McRae charity is ...... No word for it... In my view it's goes to show that people really didn't care about the event at all and what i meant.. They are now trying to cash in "big" style by selling on their posters... Fekin disgrace IMHO!!!

I know this sort of thing happens all the time with special limited edition stuff, but when so much work has been done to raise money for the McRae Vision charity and now the posters are beign sold on for rediculous sums of money.. The only saving grace is that "some" of the money is goign back into some sort of charity...

Sure in a few years time when you open up a box in your loft, blow away the dust and think oh! I remember that.. Maybe if I stick it on ebay someone can make use of it intead of it gathering dust.. People are out to make money for themselves with this, for whatever reason and it's out of line!!! IMHO!

Oh and for the record.. incase your wondering, I've raised over £1,000 now for the Charity by selling the McRae Window stickers! NOT on eBAY.. That money WILL be passed on to the proper people and charity as promised.. As will funds raised from future orders!

Maybe I'm too much of a sad git, but the poster means more to me than this...! :rotfl:

....... and.... relax..... :rotfl:

Edited by ScoUK
Posted (edited)

nah, I'm not going to name and shame, its not worth stooping to their level.

and ffs,

at least make up your own words if you're making up an advert and listing our item on eBay

dont use the words that I wrote, it took me ages to write our website updates :rotfl:

edit to add that the 3rd eBay listing is even using the cardboard tube and bubble wrap that we had to source and get.

oh the cheek of it..... dont know whether to laugh or cry :driving:

Edited by micra_wrc

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