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Glasgow/strathclyde Santa Cruise Christmas 2008

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Following a meeting at Yorkhill hospital yesterday , I am pleased to announce that this years Glasgow/Strathclyde region Santa Cruise will be happening on Sunday 14th December :santa:

Donation sheets for members will be available shortly.

as will stickers etc.

Times , route , final arrangements etc will all be sorted out at the November meet (Thursday 6th) so , please , lets have a good turnout this month.

Watch this space for more details as they become available .

:waving-santa: Al.

Will try and get down Ally. Been really busy and not managed a Glasgow meeting in ages!

Yeah we noticed. You're last attendance was the BBQ - poor show my friend :)


Donation sheets and car stickers for this years Glasgow/Strathclyde Santa Cruise will be available at this months meet :beer:(Thanks Robert and Ed :occasion14: )


Posted (edited)

Glasgow/Strathclyde Santa Cruise 2008

Sunday 14th December .

Meet at Asda Robroyston (off M80) 10.30

There will be prize for best decorated car so get the tinsel etc out !

Judging (by members kids) will be at 12.00

Move off at 12.15 on route around the city arriving at Yorkhill hospital at 13.00

Donation sheets

We hope all members in Glasgow/Strathclyde region will take a donation sheet around their friends , family workmates etc to help us raise money to buy toys etc to donate to the kids in Yorkhill this Christmas.

Contact Robert (STI Pretender) via PM and he'll email donation sheet to you. These have to be returned , with monies raised , by/on the December meet to give us time for shopping trips before the event.


We have white , silver and red 'SCOTTISH SCOOBIES SANTA CRUISE 2008' stickers available at £5 (all procedes to Santa Cruise ).

These will be available at the December meet or alternatively contact myself via PM to arrange to collect them .

Santa Cruise Charity Meal

Friday 12th Dec 7.30pm @ Kwang Tung Chinese Restaurant - See thread in Scottish Scoobies for more details.

We hope this years Santa Cruise will be as successful as previous years and we can brighten the day for some kids in Yorkhill hospital this Christmas :)


Edited by ally-b

There should be some funding available from those who signed up to be "Scottish Scoobies Supporters" - The whole point of making that membership status available was so any monies raised could be totally directed back into the various Scottish regions to support their charity efforts. Need to speak to Phil though as I have no control over that side of things.

There should be some funding available from those who signed up to be "Scottish Scoobies Supporters" - The whole point of making that membership status available was so any monies raised could be totally directed back into the various Scottish regions to support their charity efforts. Need to speak to Phil though as I have no control over that side of things.

How do you sign up to be a "Scottish Scooby Supporter"? I am more than happy to part with some cash for a good cause.....

I always wondered how they got the emblem on the avatar.........



Reminder to everyone - only 2 weeks until the donation sheets have to be in !!!

Anyone requiring a donation sheet to pass around their friends , family and workmates please PM Robert (STI Pretender) and he will email one to you.


How do you sign up to be a "Scottish Scooby Supporter"?

Oops - my bad for not keeping an eye on topics I reply to.

If you go to your membership control panel providing you are an SIDC Member you will see the ability to upgrade to Scottish Scooby Supporter. The upgrade is only available to SIDC Members, but proceeds from Scottish Scooby Supporter status, as stated, get put back into the charity events in Scotland.

Posted (edited)

Reminder to everyone - only 1 week left until the donation sheets have to be in !!!

Anyone who's still requiring a donation sheet to pass around their friends , family and workmates please PM Robert (STI Pretender) and he will email one to you.


Edited by ally-b

As Ally said forms available from me, hoping that lots of Glasgow/Strathclyde members will raise money. We know lots of money was raised for the Mcrae Gathering, these's a recession and it's coming up to Christmas but every little helps.

It real is a worthwhile cause which I found out last year when I was fortunate enough to visit one of the wards dressed as the big fellow in the red suit. The joy and happiness that you bring just by giving a gift and having a wee chat is amazing.

Anyone unable to make it to the next meeting or meal at Peter's, PM Ally or me and we will sort out collecting any donation money.



Next mod a reindeer with a red-nose. :icon_pray:


Last few days to get your donation sheets filled before they have to be handed-in at Glasgow meet on Thursday 4th ;)

Anyone with monies to hand-in but unable to attend meet - please PM and we will arrange something.




Volunteers Required ! Shopping Trip

First shopping trip will be on Wednesday 10th , meet at Toys 'r Us Govan (next to ASDA) at 7.30PM .

Trip 2 will be on Saturday and details will be posted here later in the week.

Anyone who can manage on either of these days , please come along and help .

Auction We had a couple of items donated which we've decided to auction for Santa Cruise.

Please see seperate thread here in 'pinned' section of Scottish Scoobies for more info and to make a bid.



Cheers Chris :)

We are looking for volunteers for tonights shopping trip (Toys R us Govan 7.30pm) and Saturday.

If you are free to help at either , come along .

Time and place for Saturdays shopping trip will be confirmed later in week- watch this space !


Cheers Chris :)

We are looking for volunteers for tonights shopping trip (Toys R us Govan 7.30pm) and Saturday.

If you are free to help at either , come along .

Time and place for Saturdays shopping trip will be confirmed later in week- watch this space !


I should make it along tonight.


Well done to the guys who did the first shopping-trip tonight :)

Its always fun to watch 6 adults spend £2000 in a toyshop :) - some even bought sweets on the way out (with their own pocket-money BTW :P )

Next shopping trip will be to spend monies raised from auction (ending tonight !) and the meal and raffle at Kwang Tung . Time and place TBA.



Latest News

Final shopping-trip will be in 8hrs lol !

Toys R us Govan (next to Asda) 9AM Saturday 13th - all members welcome to come along and help us spend lots of money on toys for the kids in Yorkhill Hospital.



Thanks to everyone who helped with the shopping trips :huh:

Our money is spent ! We have a huge load of pressies to give to Yorkhill :rotfl:

Looking forward to Santa Cruise tomorrow - see you all there :D

Remember , there is a prize for the best decorated car :huh:


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