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Tax Disc

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I'm not called the "Last minute" man for nothing... actually I'm not called that, but I probably should be. Anyway, I bought my new tax disc online yesterday and it takes 5 days to get delivered. That means, although I have paid my road tax on time, I wont be able to display the new disc till 4 or 5 days later. So, can I still get a fine for this?

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You will be fine mate. Im in the same boat. Just bought it online yesterday, although they say 5 days thats just to cover their ass. I would think it will be here tomorrow anyway. But so long as you have paid for it then you will be ok. Im sure you get a couple of days leeway as well.

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I'm not called the "Last minute" man for nothing... actually I'm not called that, but I probably should be. Anyway, I bought my new tax disc online yesterday and it takes 5 days to get delivered. That means, although I have paid my road tax on time, I wont be able to display the new disc till 4 or 5 days later. So, can I still get a fine for this?

The law states that the disc must be displayed on the vehicle so technically you could get fined, though a simple check would confirm that you have a current excise license.

It would be a bad day if you were fined for not displaying a current tax disc even though you've paid, yet it could be said that you've had sufficient time to get one and display it on the due date.

FWIW mine arrived two days later.

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The law states that the disc must be displayed on the vehicle so technically you could get fined, though a simple check would confirm that you have a current excise license.

It would be a bad day if you were fined for not displaying a current tax disc even though you've paid, yet it could be said that you've had sufficient time to get one and display it on the due date.

FWIW mine arrived two days later.

My mum got fined £60 for not displaying her tax disc. It had fallen off the window and fell into the passenger footwell. It was just a couple of regular cops that thought it would be nice to make an example of her when they spotted the car in Asda car park.

What really got to me was the tax on her car is only £35! :rotfl:

A simple lookup would have shown she was tax'd, MOT'd and insured but it never stopped them.


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i asked this question over the phone after it saying 5 days delivery after ordering online.

was told it is an offence to not display tax disc

however if it is ordered online and you are waiting on delivery if you get a fine for not displaying tax you state that tax was in post and give your reference number and the fine gets dropped.

was told best option was to print out a copy of the email with the ref number and leave on dash board, if a warden see's that he/she would normally check the ref number before giving the ticket

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My mum got fined £60 for not displaying her tax disc. It had fallen off the window and fell into the passenger footwell. It was just a couple of regular cops that thought it would be nice to make an example of her when they spotted the car in Asda car park.

What really got to me was the tax on her car is only £35! :rotfl:

A simple lookup would have shown she was tax'd, MOT'd and insured but it never stopped them.


Yeah, but she wasn't done for not having tax, she was done for the seperate offence of not displaying a valid tax disc, it's pish I know.

A mate of mine got a fine off a traffic warden for non-display, his disc was sat at home and I'd said to him on the Thursday night he'd better put it in before the weekend and he forgot. There was an address on the ticket where he could write to appeal and he did, stating that he had a valid tax disc but when he put it in his tax disc holder it slipped in behind the old one, basic human error and he'd be more vigilant in the future. This got him off of paying the fine. :rotfl:

Edited by Speech
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was told best option was to print out a copy of the email with the ref number and leave on dash board, if a warden see's that he/she would normally check the ref number before giving the ticket

That is what I did last month. Was only for 2 days or so. Printed the email and displayed the reference number with 'Tax in Post' written on it. All very Del Boy like! :rotfl:

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On another note i was wondering how the authorities would look upon displaying the new tax disc *before* the old one had expired.

Could you still get fined for not displaying a *valid* tax disc? I reckon so.

Nope, a tax disc is valid from the moment it's issued, but you can only apply for it 14 days before the end of the month, this allows people plenty of time to do it so there can be no excuse for having an out of date disc. :rotfl:

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Nope, a tax disc is valid from the moment it's issued, but you can only apply for it 14 days before the end of the month, this allows people plenty of time to do it so there can be no excuse for having an out of date disc. :rotfl:

My mate got a ticket outside ibrox for not displaying his, it was still in the post as he had ordered it online. He phoned the next day and had to send in the proof to show what date he had ordered it and the fine was dropped.

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Nope, a tax disc is valid from the moment it's issued, but you can only apply for it 14 days before the end of the month, this allows people plenty of time to do it so there can be no excuse for having an out of date disc. :rotfl:

Thanks Speech. I wondered cause *technically* it's not valid for 12 months (or 6) until the start date of the disc.

I'd be surprised if there would be a potential fine involved cause to obtain a license up to 14 days beforehand would mean that you have a current license in force, whereas, (i'm a bit hazy on details here) if the vehicle was sorned or purchased without a disc, you can only apply 2 days before start date?

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My mate got a ticket outside ibrox for not displaying his, it was still in the post as he had ordered it online. He phoned the next day and had to send in the proof to show what date he had ordered it and the fine was dropped.

Sounds about right.. Yes you can get fined.. But if you can proove the existence of a valid tisc for the date/time the disc was found absent, and the good reason why it is not on your vehicle at the tiem of checking you can drop teh fine.. However Is it worth the hassle! Just apply for it on teh 15th liek I did (Unlike last year :rotfl: )

Thanks Speech. I wondered cause *technically* it's not valid for 12 months (or 6) until the start date of the disc.

That's what gets me.. Is it an offence to display the tax disc before the end of month? It has an expiry date but no start date from what I can tell! So technically it's valid IMHO... Dunno if the boys in blue woudl agree...

P.s. THanks for the reminder to switch mine now before tomorrow morning :rotfl:

Edited by ScoUK
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That's what gets me.. Is it an offence to display the tax disc before the end of month? It has an expiry date but no start date from what I can tell! So technically it's valid IMHO... Dunno if the boys in blue woudl agree...

P.s. THanks for the reminder to switch mine now before tomorrow morning :rotfl:

Yes, though tax discs are only valid for 12 months. Having said that, you can get tax discs which are longer than 12 months, though this usually applies to new car sales only i believe i.e. the tax disc will state 12 months + 2 weeks.

Having a quick scan of the DVLA site on licensing, i would read their comments as being that you have a valid tax disc, even though it's not due to start until the beginning of the following month.

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Well. from all that it seems that I can get fined but would likely be able to appeal it and get off. I'll put a print of the e-mail in the window and say applied for on it. I don't park on the public highway during the day anyway, I would only get into trouble if I was stopped for ab unrelated reason or one of those freakin' DVLA tax dodger cameras are out - and they have been in around my area lately!

Thanks for the info


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Well. from all that it seems that I can get fined but would likely be able to appeal it and get off. I'll put a print of the e-mail in the window and say applied for on it. I don't park on the public highway during the day anyway, I would only get into trouble if I was stopped for ab unrelated reason or one of those freakin' DVLA tax dodger cameras are out - and they have been in around my area lately!

Thanks for the info


You wouldn't get into trouble with the DVLA vans as their system would show that you have paid your license fee.

Yep, seen them regular on Renfrew Road looking down on to the M8 before the flyover for the airport.

Edited by AlanG
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My mum got fined £60 for not displaying her tax disc. It had fallen off the window and fell into the passenger footwell. It was just a couple of regular cops that thought it would be nice to make an example of her when they spotted the car in Asda car park.

What really got to me was the tax on her car is only £35! :rotfl:

A simple lookup would have shown she was tax'd, MOT'd and insured but it never stopped them.


agreed,one of our joiners got fined for the same,his tax disc holder had come off and was only showing the top half,but it was enough for a TV to about turn and stop him.

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