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Underbody Damage

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I wouldn't say that I want to go into the local offices for the roads department and brutally murder the person in charge of roads, becasue it is never right to kill anyone. However, I thnk it should be allowed for me to follow said individual home, find out where he lives and burn his house to the ground. I detest, no, utterly detest paying £400 per year for road tax when it clearly not being used on roads.

My latest episode with the car was to ground it on a speed hump that is damaged causing the hump to tear away at the underbody of the car. As far as I can see the damage is minimal (see pics). Advice is two-fold: 1) Should I be worried about the damage you can see on the pics; 2) Is there any point in pursiing the incompetent uncaring prats who woork in the council for recompence? If so, does anyone know how I go about that?





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Looks like a groove's in the under seal .Take it up with the council get a price for doing the repairs to the underneath of your car.I would say the underneath of the car needs the under seal scrapped off to see if there is any bare metal showing painted then reundersealed.I would get this looked at pretty quick ie with the council griting the roads this time of year

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they will just say, "Im sorry sir, we did not know that the road wus in a poor state, the last time we inspected that road it was fine", then they will go and change their records to "proove" that the road was fine the last time they inspected it.

This id what happened to me when I smashed a wheel in a pothole

Renfrewshire council, you gotta love them


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I got over £400 for a hub and a tyer from Renfrew DC about 10 years back, hit a large pot hole. I knew someone who worked there in a different department who found out if i could claim.

I think they told me the damage to the road must have either been reported 7 days before a claim OR it must be obvious that the road has been damaged for some time.

Id sent the bill with the above pictures to the roads department they should pay no problem, if they dont and you can be bothered and the claim is £199 or less the small claims court should do the trick.

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I got over £400 for a hub and a tyer from Renfrew DC about 10 years back, hit a large pot hole. I knew someone who worked there in a different department who found out if i could claim.

I think they told me the damage to the road must have either been reported 7 days before a claim OR it must be obvious that the road has been damaged for some time.

Id sent the bill with the above pictures to the roads department they should pay no problem, if they dont and you can be bothered and the claim is £199 or less the small claims court should do the trick.

Small claims is £750 or less.

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Worth pursuing, even on a 'if you don't ask, you don't get' basis. You don't know if you don't try

Agree though that the roads are getting worse and worse. The road I commute on is a disgrace. Every hole I see, I just report it to the Council. I think they are getting fed up with me, but they must act on any complaint. Last year Renfrewshire Council made the mistake of sending me a letter agreeing the road condition is unacceptable. I have that tucked away for future use! :P

Hope you get it sorted soon.

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call the number that is on the big sign with the lion on it mate they have to repair any fault with the road withina week. u may be tight pushed to prove that it was that hump that did that to your car.

In future when u drive over those humps put a wheel on it don't try and get a wheel each side of it as your sump is probably another low part of your car!!!

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Christ that must have sounded like sheet!! Get stuck into the council & get the bottom underseal fixed rapido style especially in this weather, make sure you get plenty pics of it for evidence.

You have a point with the road tax too.... rip off, wouldnt mind it if they genuinely used it all for the roads and properly not just whacking it down with a shovel

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Looking at the state of that speed hump I would pursue it mate! take both those pics along with you and kick a***!

From someone who now works in Local Government (Not roads tho ;) )


(ps the money from Road tax NEVER makes it to your council anyway :o )

Edited by Gus the Bus
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Looking at the state of that speed hump I would pursue it mate! take both those pics along with you and kick a***!

From someone who now works in Local Government (Not roads tho ;) )


(ps the money from Road tax NEVER makes it to your council anyway :o )

Thanks for the advice and support folks, I'll get onto them this week see what happens. Thanks again!


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  • 2 weeks later...

As told to a few other fellas on sidc, Im waiting on word back from the fella that car underseals. guys losing out he's takin ages to get back to me!

neary 10 peoples asked me


think ill start learning and do it my self before you all start callin me a lier :thumbup:

Edited by Carson
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