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Glasgow/strathclyde Santa Cruise '07 Report

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Yeah, even Alvin and the Chipmonks were at Yorkhill sick kids, it was on the TV it must be true!

Reporting scotland no less...

which made me a litttle miffed... why can our efforts be recognized like that... :thumbup:

... why can our efforts be recognized like that... :)

agreed :thumbup:

Yorkhill has a very specific Public Relations process - they write a press release and issue it to all the papers.

Whether anyone decides to pitch up and get some footage is down to the individual publication.

Going by the last couple of years, we only get minimal coverage in the national press.

I emailed some pictures and brief article to the Metro freepaper and also the BBC's In Pictures on Sunday night but not heard anything back yet.

Dont know what else to do to increase awareness of Santa Cruise


The gay overpaid footballers donated 2, yes 2 table football and several bags of goodies.

Also read an article where some poncy gays that like to kick a ba aboot fae up north donated £400 worth of presents to the local hospital. The article did point out that the players paid for these presents out of thier own pocket, well whopp de doo.

Sent an email to the clubs mentioned in both articles stating, in essence, that a bunch of people that drive fast cars have consistently donated more at this time of year.


Guys I seriously applaud everything you have done but em do we not do this for the kids? I am stunned that you are having the attitude of we are not mentioned in this paper or that.

I had tears in my eyes on Sunday and need NOTHING to remember that, a story in any media outlet would not have made it better.

Lets remember its for the kids and not for patting our backs or an ego boost.

Guys I seriously applaud everything you have done but em do we not do this for the kids? I am stunned that you are having the attitude of we are not mentioned in this paper or that.

I had tears in my eyes on Sunday and need NOTHING to remember that, a story in any media outlet would not have made it better.

Lets remember its for the kids and not for patting our backs or an ego boost.

Think we/they are coming from the angle of better publicity for the marque, to slightly counter the negative image of our glorious brand that is ever more present in the media. I personally do not think the media approach was to do with some kind of ego boosting session but merely to show the general public that not all Subaru drivers are tosspots.

Only my £1.93 worth

God bless dem kiddies this Christmas


And the £1.91 of that didn't go into the Santa Cruise fund why?...

I would think with the cruise the first priority is the kinds and raising them the money is the hard part.

Would it be nice if we could improve the image of the club / car at the same time with a little good PR yeah it would be so thats why we try and get some coverage.

Plus it might just help get more people involved in any charity to raise money for those who need it.


the publicity is for us, yeah, but its not like we are selling anything, everyone likes to hear a happy ending, and these kinds of happy endings are the ones that you really want the public to be a part of, Imho, the more people know abuot the work that we do, it does make life a little easier for trying to get the cash out of them!

so it all has a knock on effect, it also goes a little to reassure the parents that when thier kids go into hospital, that little things like this are being taken care of, you know, that there are people there that want to make things as easy for them as it possibly can be... thats why I think, that we need the PR, trying to offset the really bad PR that we are getting, and the Chavvy image that really does seem to grow on us, is only a small thing, and is to my mind just a bonus to what the kids and the familys that use the hospital gets out of it...

all 50p of this comment went to the Santa cruise fund.... :thumbup:

The gay overpaid footballers donated 2, yes 2 table football and several bags of goodies.

Also read an article where some poncy gays that like to kick a ba aboot fae up north donated £400 worth of presents to the local hospital. The article did point out that the players paid for these presents out of thier own pocket, well whopp de doo.

Sent an email to the clubs mentioned in both articles stating, in essence, that a bunch of people that drive fast cars have consistently donated more at this time of year.


Same stuff with Sir Terry Wogan POCKETING 9 grand last year for doing children in need.Those with pockets of cash very rarely part with it. :)


I never knew that! Cheeky *******! registerd charitys I have little faith in these days, they are not really charity, they are just buisinesses, with a cheek to pull heartstrings.... :thumbup:

Posted (edited)


4AM, Nippy sweety


Quick pic in the light before the meet


Found some team players


Avoiding gettin shot in the clyde tunnel by a fellow tunner


Arrived at the hospital with the santa gang



Parked and waiting on the santas


A felt the need to splash these up as I froze my wee fingers dressing mics car, at may I add 4am

new to the club, and a nice crowd of chaps n gals, great thoughtfull day.


p.s if the gun shot cars want there videos uploaded via PM then ask

Edited by Carson
Posted (edited)


Go on FIRE them up so i can see it on the big screen Carson.

Carson...can you upload the video up m8?

Edited by fai 17


See the the text at the top of the images there in the back boarder... "Reduced: 93% of original size [ 768 x 1024 ] - Click to view full image"

Click on that.... :D

Posted (edited)

Go on FIRE them up so i can see it on the big screen Carson.

Carson...can you upload the video up m8?

Sorry pedro, been bizy with my PS3 ;)

1st time on in a while. errm ill upload em asap once when i find some web space:)

Edited by Carson

Merry Christmas Everyone.

On behalf of Subaru UK and myself I would like to thank each and everyone of you for the efforts at the Santa Cruise.

I was prould to be invited along and it was an honour to be in the company of such nice people.

Ok you are all total petrolheads and some of those cars should not be allowed!!!!!!!! one that spits fire springs to mind!!!

This all goes to show that Subaru drivers are not as people think, we are just a group of folk who take pride in their cars and the kiddies.

Immense effort by everyone, im a bit dissapointed that we didnt get the coverage that we deserved but if anyone can send me some pics i will be running an article in the Subaru magazine that goes to every dealer in the UK. You can email me at dpaterson@subaru.co.uk

If there is anything that Subaru UK can help you guys with just drop me a line and we will sort something out without a problem.

Finally i will let you lot of this time for setting about my 2 day old GB270 with the tinsle!!!!!!!!! had to admit though all the cars looked great

All the best for the New Year and remember............stay on the black stuff

Well done to everyone!

Best wishes


Subaru UK


thank davy for showing support from subaru uk. It was a pleasure to see you there and the 2 kids bikes will go great with the xmas gifts. Thanks. Peter.

Posted (edited)

Davy ,

On behalf of SIDC Glasgow , I'd like to thank you , and Subaru UK ,for supporting our 'Santa Cruise'

It means a lot to us to know that you guys at Subaru UK are taking an active interest in your marques buyers and owners .

We hope you'll be able to attend and support any of our future events - you are more than welcome ;) .

Thanks !


Edited by ally-b

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