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Lothian Santa Cruise

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Scott and Rosie, you guys did a fantastic job this year in the organisation once again, great work guys! Good turnout today, and luckily the kids ward at St John's was pretty quiet (only 9 kids in the ward). The kids had a great time though, and that's what it's all about!

Here's a few snaps from the day :)












Great day folks and good to meet a couple of new faces too!

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Great day guys, and i was going to be Santa, I promise!! However I think Scott really wanted to wear the kit, it was just the perfect size for him.

Nice to support the local hospital as well, i think it was appreciated by all involved.

Plus, quick note to those that grabbed some food afterwards, on the way home i saw the pink convertible we were talking about, there was a bloke driving it!!! I think i would rather walk.

Hopefully see you all soon


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Great day today!!!!

Huge thanks to Rosie and Santa Spooks :) for all there continuous efforts!

Must apologise about the state of the RB, hoped to wash it this morning but took too long to defrost and the hose was frozen solid!

Would have loved to have gone for some food, but me daughter was coming back from a sleepover at 12.

Well done to all who took part, today and over the last year, it certainly makes a difference!!


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What can I say but thanks to all the members that helped out on collecting the money and helping make this a success.

We raised a lower total than previous years at around £700 or so but with money that is still to come this would have been nearer the £1000 mark, a good start for next year?

After Steve found out that he couldnt fit himself into the suit, no matter how hard he tried, we (!!!!!!) decided that I should give it a whirl. As some of ya know Im not known for a sunny disposition so I was a bit worried about being a Santa.

Something happens when you put on that suit, you enjoy wearing it and you enjoy the smiles you give the people. I was proud to be the person to give the kids a bit of a smile whilst in the hospital, and I think the kids parents appreciated the respite. I dont think too many people have seen Santa playing around in a soft play area.

The staff were tremendous, these people deserve a medal, I couldnt work there I reckon my heart would be breaking.

Guys an gals as always Im proud of you all.


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As stated above special thanks goes to Spooks and Rosie for all the organising of a great event for us Lothian members and also to Dale for travelling all the way down.

Also thanks to Derek as usual for taking me on this fanastic event today!!!!

Was great to see the kids faces when Santa walked in and the nurses werent too bad looking either :) think one of them at the hots for Santa :brickwall:

I took a few photos but will get them up tomorrow.

Well Done Lothian members

Dougie C

PS Neil surprised I didnt break your camera ;) cause I dont want the repair bill :)

Edited by Dougie C
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Well thats me home now, and just got into bed... I'm knackered, but its been a really good day, well worth seeing the looks on the kiddies faces!

As for me being there, thats nothing, I only drove down and back, you guys did all the work! Hats off to Scott and Rosie, for the organisation, and for loads of tea! and to everyone else that was involved in whatever way they could!!!

Ye's done well!!! :brickwall::)

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