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Glasgow Newbie (Barrhead)

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Been floating about on ScoobyNet since I bought the car back in March, been meaning to join here for ages but just got round to sit down to join properly now. Stay in Barrhead and own a 98 UK Turbo Wagon in silver. Started off completely standard, ive managed to get my hands on an STi front bumper and had the wing mirrors and sideskirts sprayed. Also had my Turbo alloys dipped in Anthracite. If you stay near or see me passing by, give me a shout.




hi and welcome mate,very nice wagon indeed[Y]silver suits the anth. alloys......that reminds me i really need to get my sideskirts and rear spats colour coded[:D]


[:D]Hi and welcome.....watch out for The Rex Rocket as he stays in Barrhead too[:D]

Naw , thats 'Borr-heed' your thinking about [:o]

'Barrhead' is a nice quiet place [:P]

Welcome aboard mate - Hope you can manage along to the Glasgow area meets

They are 1st Thursday of the month (you're only 5mins from Hillington) See events section for more details .



Thanks for the warm welcome guys, its my first turbo car so I'll be asking lots of questions and as soon as the rest of the bodywork has been sorted I'll definately be meeting up down at Hillington to bend a few of you guys ears as to what you think I should do next.


Ive also seen a few Imprezas down at my work (Glasgow Audi), so if anyones in be sure to stop by my car and say Hi!

Colzo - Yeah it was you that pointed me this way, hopefully meet up at somepoint and you can see the car in the flesh. Cheers!


 Another Pic



Hi stewart, nice scoob, really suits the wheels that colour.

Me and GaryD are friends with mark that works in the audi bodyshop.


Hello and Welcome. Good looking Wagon you got there.

A previous Glasgow Audi customer here as the Bodyshop straightened out my Bugeye earlier in the year.


welcome mate im from paisley think i saw ur car a few times looking nice im in red classic white alloys enjoy!

I think I might have seen yours as well. Next time you see me give us a flash!


As far as Audi goes I know Seano quite well, he was the one who sorta got me interested in the Scoobs. He seems devestated that he's now sold his white UK300.


Hello and welcome mate!! i also have classic wagon sti in blue!!! used to work in boorheed!!! enjoy the forum and have fun when you start modding!!!

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