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Everything posted by Woodcote

  1. We'll keep our eyes open for the layby on A420 and see you there as near to 7 as possible
  2. yeah we had a really good day more pictures and results in East Anglia region forum
  3. Grey STi at the top was a lad called Philldodd06 .... i think he posts on here Did the engine rebuild himself and by all accounts was very please with result
  4. great pictures Ben .... i am liking the lighting of the indoor shots Is that down to the lens or the flash?
  5. had a really good day today Great to meet up with some new faces and the usual suspects ....and great to get out in the sun again Well done babe for organising this, you can relax now
  6. ... and bacon rolls courtesy of Zen
  7. oh bugger ..... been there, done that.....
  8. 1976 1.7l Hillman Hunter Estate - £350 from mum and dad ..... .... oh and it was the delux as it had an electric arial ..... ...rear wheel drive and no weight at the back ... great for drifting out of round a bouts.... what happened to it .... .... no one told me you had check the oil on a regular basis
  9. Hi Ian Rach asked me to pass on your request to Paul I mailed Paul and asked for model and anticipated BHP of the cars he was intending to invite but as yet we have had no reply. Ill try again next week to get hold of him. Nige
  10. 1.Big 'D' + co. 2. Stu & tribe 3. Andy & Co. 4. Andysti78 5. james04 & keeley. 6. Edmondo, S.p, SIDC Mum and Jess 7. Steve t 8. Kylie & Co 9. Andy C and V 10. Garry 11. Woodcote 12. Little Green Goblin 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. We'd like to come to this as it was a good little show last year Iain, if you have a space spare nearer the time we can bring both cars but for now do not want to be 'piggy' and 'hog' the spaces cheers Rach and Nige PS Rach says she'll try and drum up some interest from our neck of the woods
  11. ok, we'll keep and eye on this
  12. Hi guys, where are you thinking of starting from?
  13. Hi Ian Not much point Rach and me coming all the way over to meet you guys and then driving back. Not sure which way you will come but there is a BP garage at Warrington roundabout on A509/A428 (MK46 4JQ‎ ) Can we meet you here? cheers Nige
  14. Hey thats great news, congratulations ... glad to hear Mum and the little'un are all doing well Hows Dad coping?
  15. as my good lady says thank you Stu
  16. They look really good Stu .... big thank you for making this happen and taking the time to edit the pictures
  17. well i have to say it would be the Honda integra ....
  18. see you all at Tescos can i have someones mobile just in case - thanks Nige
  19. well done got round to starting this project, good man ... see you did not want to sell that engine after all looking forward to seeing the end results
  20. Having spent the day at Zen performance on Tuesday i can confirm my car will not be ready for this one Really sorry to let you guys down - if i can blag a lift i will and still come along. Sorry to let anyone down Nige
  21. ... and me Craigy ... i'll get a cheque or Paypal to you, just let me know fingers crossed my poorly car will back by then
  22. yes Daz, i am sure that can be arranged
  23. I am sure you would get some of the Bucks crew to fill places if there are any left nearer the time.
  24. . Big 'D' and co 2. Stum450n et al 3.Garry / wife 4.Andy and Broody Half 5.scoobyboo and winnie 6.Bailey73 & Family 7.Woodcote 8.HairyDJ 9. SP & Ed 10. Little Green Goblin
  25. I went to this last year and it was a great show - really enjoyed the day If you have any spaces left will you advertise/post in the Bucks and/or Southern sections?
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