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Everything posted by SergeantScooby

  1. Dougster, i did check it and it looked ok, i will have another look though just to be sure , would low fluid cause the squeal do you think ? should it need fluid, is there anything specific i need to know about type of fluid ? particular brand ? thanks
  2. Gumball for Prime Minister
  3. I got the rear chavvy lexus lights changed out for sti ones last night first time its been light enough after work to do anything and it looks mint , anyway the guy who helped me commented on the the squeal, which i asked about before, i thought it was belts but he seems to think its the power steeing pump. This could be right as i notice it more when cold and when in full lock when cold. Where the heck is the power steering pump located (MY00 classic RA) it was to late to start looking last night, if i can isolate it to that then i will be happy, depending on the cost of a new one, I think this could be right area cause in my opinion steering is a little heaver than what i have experienced previously on other cars any ideas on cost and difficulty ? help appreciated mal
  4. heard on the radio today that a renault espace comes higher in emissions than a jaguar, quite a boost for 2 jags prescott,
  5. yes you can pay monthly with Keith Micheals, as always though you pay a little extra for the priviledge, he is sometimes tricky to get hold off but be persistant he could save you the pennies i got 180 of nearest quote so was worth it for me
  6. kloon, i was just about to post on here asking for a recommendation on a new back box as mine is way too loud, was on when i got the type RA.. I see your in aberdeen also, if possible sometime i would like to hear the note on your subaru with the vortex any chance i can have a look at it
  7. hope you dont mind me hi jacking thread but will save posting again broony, i was wondering same thing about guages but in Aberdeen / shire, anyone got any recommendations ?
  8. cheers russell i will give you a call in afternoon
  9. Afternoon all come on scotland get some tries in am looking for a little help, someone in aberdeen / shire to have a quick check over my my00 scoobie, i am mechanically challenged and would like a little piece of mind that everything is in order. I have had it just about 3 weeks and had look at what i know, but would like someone with the knowledge to give it the once over. nothing too in depth. It has developed a minor belt squeal while cold, i dont quite know why this happens with every car i buy. strange. Any volunteers ? Pm or post on here please thanks ss
  10. was that you again clut on roundabout at abbotshall and west tullos ?
  11. just dial company direct and ask to speak to him http://www.keithmichaels.co.uk/ 0870 845 3333 or 020 8643 6006
  12. Fai i tried about 15 different companies and gary moulsen @ keith michaels gave me the best quote knocked 180 of nearest quote, he is the scoobie specialist in company and best to speak to him directly, worth a punt, i found a massive difference between companies from 800 all the way to some companies not will to quote which is bizzare. check out the insurance section on scoobynet lots of very useful information and keith micheals contact details
  13. Grant i have done a similar thing many years ago and have been back to oz with work many times but on the west, i have to say you must get to perth at some point you would be missing out otherwise even if it just a quick trip over, internal flights are quite cheap especially with virgin. I spent a xmas and hogmanay in sydney and have to say it was one of the best i have had, i take it you will probably be using some of the travellers hostels, best to stick with the known named ones, otherwise you can end up in some right dumps. Get yourself on a jet boat ride in sydney harbour, do the walk over the sydney bridge and get yourself to taronga zoo across the bay at sydney harbour. For new year i would recommend you get yourself there real early in the day for a good spot, and try and stash some "refreshments" on your body as when i was there they didnt allow you to take your own alcohol in.They had tents supplying booze but once it got busy it was a nightmare waiting to get your drinks. all the best and i am sure you will enjoy yourself and have a safe trip oh yes and get yourself to scruffy murphys bar, its open 23 hours a day shut an hour for staff change and clean up, its a bit of dump but its where the travellers go cause its cheap and cheerfull, also xmas day bondai beach is a must but get there early, i was there hungover, we got there at 10 am beach was almost deserted, i feel asleep due to the previous nights entertainment and gave myself the brightess tan you ever seen, thanks to my mates for not waking me up, there was a few others did the same. Sorry keep remember things to add also on xmas eve we booked a boat trip round sydney harbour which was amazing boat food, booze and dancing great night. And one more point if you get a taxi from airport and driver asks if its your first time in town say no and tell him you have been to sydney a few times other wise they take the p***
  14. Anyone over last few days i have been noticing a slight judder coming through clutch pedel when releasing the clutch after changing gear, i dont think its there all the time. Could this be the start of the clutch on its way out, i would rather catch it before it goes completely and leaves me stranded somewhere clutchless. any ideas / suggestions ? ss
  15. sent pm on scoobynet to ya
  16. acid i concur with col, you cant be done 6 months after the incident
  17. could have been me out bod, would have been on way back from dyce probably
  18. awww kloon no one playing with ya ? am in sonic blue classic ra so if i see ya i will flash, if i remember which side the lights are on, still getting used to controls and keep hitting the wipers as they opposite to my previous car. I did hear a story, but i think it might be a urban myth about gangs down south which drive around at night with lights off, this is an iniciation to the gang, what happens supposedly is the first person to flash the gangs car gets followed and stopped and given a kicking by the new gang members, i do hope it is a myth nasty if not.
  19. yeah that looks like the one RS Grant
  20. sorry i wouldn't know pff7 wheels if you smacked me across the head with them
  21. down garthdee aberdeen, gave me a flash @ about 5 you were in a crystal grey new age, i was in classic sonic blue cheers
  22. dont get me started vicki, because of snow today there was a few spaces knocked out at my work, so i parked somewhere thinking there is no way somone is going to go in next to me, how wrong was i someone went in there with a banged up polo leaving exactly 10 inches between my car and theirs and the one otherside i had to wait an hour for them to get back from lunch so i could get into my car i asked them how did they get out and they said through passenger side which my car was on, i said i hope you were careful and didnt hit my car, they started panicing and stuttering, how on earth they managed to get out with out touching mine is a mystery to me off course they hit my car no one couuld have got out with out doing that. I didnt see any marks but the car is so manky with salt and slush i wouldnt have been able to see much. some people have no regard for others and go through life in their own little world, i see it all the time with supermarket car parks puts the fear into me, i park as far away from door now cant trust many folks nowadays (god i sound old) rant over
  23. sorry to hear that mate, have only been a scoobie owner for 2 weeks and the car is parked in an outside carpark which should be relavitvely safe however a neighbour came knocking the other day to ask if i had seen anyone near his car, deep scratch the whole length of bonnet, complete deliberate act of vandalism, they got no hope of finding out who did it. I am now sh!£ing myself, i know my time is soon to come and currently the car is mint, am thinking i should have stuck with my banged up golf it was more rust than metal.
  24. gotta be second gold wheels set always
  25. thats a mint looking motor and love the flaps, thinking of getting some for my own, however starting think i should have gone for new age rather than classic but hey live and learn
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