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Everything posted by SergeantScooby

  1. Bandit, i am a complete goon when it comes to car mechanics and electrics, i gave it a go with fantastic results, however i really should have done the side lights at same time because they look orange in comparison to the new blue light from main headlights.
  2. i have used them a couple of times, great service
  3. trying to show me up were ya !!!!!!!! I hung around for a while but i look way to sketchy to be loitering around a couple of scoobies without intent. nice motor
  4. craig did you also park next to a w reg blue classic type ra a number of weeks back at homebase, thought i was seeing double when i came out of shop
  5. T&C enough said, I personally wouldn't go near them as they happily told me when i mentioned i got myself an import, sales guy said with a big smile on his face that they wouldnt go near an import for repairs or service. Disclaimer : This is my own opinion and others may well have had a great service from them
  6. Defo a good idea, i have trawled the net since i got the scooby looking for how to's there is some out there but i have bookmark after bookmark and never know which is best to look at for specific info. I No haynes and little info my car is very annoying, i want to get my hands dirty and do some of the regular maint stuff but i dare not touch anything incase i screw it up. A Picture how to section would be good, could be split up into MY groups then split down to sections of the car engone, interior, trans, etc...... there is defo enough knowledge on this forum, plenty experienced people to get things started, i guess its just a little time consuming for the person that would be doing the guide hopefully see one up soon
  7. Hi all Forgive my ignorance or stupidity but where is this RR located, is it a place in aberdeen ? SS
  8. Aye been a bit quiet on the posting front, no excuses to be fair, think that spoiler is the one i have but around that style they are all similar looking so not sure , will it be colour coded or will you have to get it painted up ? was thinking of maybe joining in with you lot down to stoney but depending on when i drag myself out of pit in morn and do some bits and pieces not sure if i will make it
  9. what spoiler did you go for ?
  10. Does anyone know if the glasgow comedian Frankie Boyle has any material out on cd dvd or books, i had a wee look but couldn't see any, i seen him on that playground rules program on channel 4 and thought he was the funniest of them all so dead pan. Anyone know of any material available ? I read he does stand up in glasgow quite regular.
  11. i dont claim to be a petrol station expert but i looked into it closely before heading up and could find anything, there may well be some small garage somewhere which does high octane but i never found it, good luck anyway, worst comes to worst just boost with millers you should be ok, someone from up that way will be able to confirm, there is quite a few from up that way on here
  12. Steve There isn't any, i was just up in stornoway you cant get any past inverness, i couldn't even find the shell garage in inv had to use ultimate, then slumbed it with normal unleaded and millers cvl got a wee supply of millers now in boot just in case.
  13. Rab Am no expert but i just put some TOYO - PROXES T1-R, 215/35R18W Reinforced on to my RA, got them at etyres online and got mobile fitting, tyres were 98 each. I did quite a bit of research and seems the toyo is a popular choice, and having used them for a few weeks they feel good. Rims well i like my technomagnesia rims, its down to personal choice i guess, i like the spoked look. Picture shows with old tyres but am sure it will give you an idea hope this helps SS
  14. 1. Gumball (South Side) member 2. Dougster (Old Kilpatrick) SIDC MEMBER 3. Fai17 4. G6RAY 5. Marc29 6. Chris_C201 7. Karps 8.TheWelsho (Southside) 9. Oz *sti* 10. coulty 11. micra_wrc 12. ChromEDomE 13. st3ph3n 14. Vicki 15. RabMcD member 16. Billyboy 17. Ally-b Ayrshire- 1. mur69 (Troon)SIDC MEMBER 2. G.T. (north ayrshire) sidc member 3. oddwriter (patna) thinking about it! 4. Oletam (Prestwick) SIDC Member Central- 1. rallye6 sidc member 2. Weeb 3. PaulC555 sidc member 4. Digital 5. Seafar99 sidc member 6. Fraz. A sidc member Edinburgh and Lothians- 1. WRXMANIA SIDC Member 2. Gordyq SIDC member 3. Gus the Bus SIDC Member 4. 4hero (SIDC Member) 5. Ormiboy 6. Scoobyandy (Member) 7. oobster SIDC Member 8. bigbadboab SIDC Member 9. STi_Bandit (SIDC Member) 10. Neofox Borders and Dumfrieshire- 1. Gordyq SIDC member 2. Road Warrior 3. Neofox Fife- 1. sheep ( kincardine) 2. andy wrx 3. Higgy ( Glenrothes ) 4. FastScooby (Dunfermline) SIDC Member 5. RS Grant 6. Coulster 7. Shugo(Glenrothes) Tayside- 1. scoobykev 2. Col666 3. scoobylav 4. RS Grant 5. Mako 6. Arbroath Smokie Aberdeen and North- 1. Craig Mac Member 2. hammy 3. Ac!D SIDC Member 4. WUZ - MEMBER 5. scientific steve - Member 6. rocky1722 7. Kloon - Member 8. sarahbee 9. Dean - Member 10. whitelaw 11. 360ste 12. Aberscoob 13. Theblacksheep - member 14. Ken555 - Member and R.O 15. mslorach - member 16. RA95 - member 17. Gogsie - member 18. Cal~~~ member 19. SergeantScooby
  15. got my new white light front bulbs from autobulbs fitted them in 10 mins and what difference to the candles that were on my my00 gonna do the sides and front fogs now i think. well worth it.
  16. Has anyone else noticed the huge increase in scoobs in aberdeen area, if i was to do a WIY for every one i see driving to and from work i'd be here all day posting, but have to say i saw a cracking wr blue newage the other day going round kingswell roundabout towards westhill, with an obscenely large scoop, looked mint nice car whoever you are. i would say i pass between 5 - 10 a day each way to and from work.
  17. they seem to be out in force in aberdeen at the moment, must be short on cash for overtime payments, its quite worrying at the varity of cars they have available to them, hope they dont get that red micra or jans tigra that have been mentioned on here
  18. i so want a mkII rs2000 been a car i have wanted to own since a kid, i doubt there is many minters left though, i would have to seriously consider leaving the scooby world if one was offered my way.
  19. PHILIPS VISION PLUS H4 BULBS (PAIR) - PSVH4 Philips H4 upgrade bulbs that give 50% more light than a standard H4 bulb without increasing the wattage. Supplied in pairs. E-marked and 100% road legal. Suitable for all Classic shape Imprezas (1993-2000 with original headlights) and all other cars with H4 bulbs. IN STOCK <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ACTINIC /> Price: £15.70 £18.45 (Including: VAT at 17.5%) on scoobyparts.com just wondering about the improvement and ease of fit, the classic lights are woefull any other recommendations welcomed thanks
  20. how do you know did you get pulled ?
  21. filled up and geezer said he had heard nothing and they have enough optimax for at least a week
  22. was thinking of going out to fill up then decided not to but after that post gogsie am of to shell loirston is the station i use so gonna check out the other one
  23. sounds like they were out for vandalism more than theft , pure jealously. SCUM what we should do is get of the politically correct brigade then start locking the scum up for min 5 years that would soon stop it
  24. didnt have skirts when i got it, dont think type ra's come with them as standard
  25. they have small silver cap in middle with technomagnesio on it, dont know anything about them though
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