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Everything posted by SergeantScooby

  1. gotta be number 1 for me love the gold rims
  2. dougster did you get my pm re: rear lights
  3. dont get me wrong i love the snow great fun, what disgusts me is the council had at least a weeks warning for this weather and what happens on the day the snow first fell, nothing they couldn't drag their sorry a*** out with the ploughs and gritters
  4. good idea best get on to them lol
  5. there is 4 cars outside completely snowed in, mine should be in there somewhere , very bad in aberdeen at moment, i saw a rx8 going down a hill sideways yesterday and i dont think the driver ment it due to the expression on their face when they finally stopped, definatly not risking getting pranged by an over enthusiastic driver dying to get to work.the fools
  6. absolutely agree re: lights not my cuppa tea either, they need to come off
  7. thats the one dougster, front seats and console match would rather that steering wheel too, i am guessing previous owner changed it out at some point. is there a a4 size of the at brochure graphic at all ? where did you get it ?
  8. model code is GC8G47D and according to faq is wrx ra
  9. dougster, it is a WRX RA not STi i have a note of the model code somewhere will look it out, the model code confirmed model type, but doesnt give me an idea which version, not important just curious, how do the version number work, are they just for classic or do that go right through wrx range to present
  10. cheers drb, maybe you can advise on something else for me or anyone else for that matter, i notice a lot of references to version number when people talk about classic scoobies how do i determine what version mine is or can someone tell from picture ?
  11. Folks here is my motor http://photobucket.com/albums/e267/WRXRA/?sc=6 i take it the current rear spoiler was an after market addition, can someone tell me and point me to a picture of what should have originally be on there. also question about bonnet vents, they have covers on the underside of them, is there any benifits in removing the covers obviously extra cooling, but i am concerned that if i did remove them water getting onto engine components cant be good over time. any ideas s
  12. rob, you got a point there, am afraid since i got the scoobie things a little tight right now moneywise so wont be going for the winter tyre, but out of interest what differs them from others is it just thread depth or pattern ?
  13. wuz, i put it down to been new in the scoobie and having come from driving a golf tdi perviously rather than driving skills, well that my excuse anyway and i am sticking to it lol is it not a bit dodge playing up at kingswells cameras and cops ?
  14. well having had the scoobie for a week and loving it, i slide today trying to exit my cark park which is on a serious hill and dam it slide, too much throttle me thinks, it did kiss the curb slightly and put a little scrape on the rear offiside alloy NOT HAPPY that will teach me, i shall be driving like a granny from now on
  15. sweet looking motor carl, trip was successful then
  16. ah thank you its paying off already getting the scoobie, normally nobody would be letting you across that way, lots of chelsea tractors, only had the car a few days and just getting used to it, came from driving a golf tdi, its going to take a little time, you got yourself a nice motor too, did you replace the engine or did you get it like that
  17. cheers kloon, i was taking a run round coast road and fancied taking some pictures at nigg, no much use for anything else really
  18. was it you that let me turn right of cults road @ around 5:10 today, think it was a white classic i was in the blue classic
  19. 1488 afraid i didnt fit the steering wheel, i have not touched the car since i got it last week, i know nothing about about that wheel but am guessing its defo not standard
  20. i reckon the back box has been added, steering wheel i dont think is standard one and stickers on back and possibly pink badge on front only cosmetic stuff which i really want to put back to original, i dont plan on doing anything performance wise, well not yet as i will need to get used to costs of running it and see where i stand from there i need to try and confirm the back box isnt standard it is very loud and not my cup of tea to be honest
  21. i agree on the comment about lights not keen myself, but could not turn it down cause of them, i may change them out for standard ones, also not keen on wrc and blitz stickers that look has if they have been added aftermarket going to investigate removing them as well
  22. hope you like
  23. Hi all Well its happened at last, I got my hands on a classic 2000 type RA sonic blue. It’s been a while coming and I feel part of the family now. I have wanted an Impreza for many years but insurance and crappy paid jobs put pay to that but now things are looking up and the RA is mine. I thought before, that I would stick with a bog standard WRX but somehow I ended up with the type RA, no complaints there. I am located in Aberdeen and am going to be relying on all your generous natures for help and information on this car; I want to get to know the car properly inside, outside and under the bonnet in particular. Couple of things I want to ask straight away, I was wondering if anyone could spare some time to have look over the car, someone with a good knowledge of Subaru and mechanics, who will know what to look out for on a used Scooby. Secondly the dealer has put a generic cd player in there which I want to replace with my own mp3 player but I am concerned about the speakers, sounds to me as if it’s a headphone speakers they have put in the car. I wonder if this is the case with this type that they didn’t bother with decent speakers, they sound really bad and "tinny". I am going to have a look soon so I can change out the head unit, but to save re inventing the wheel if anyone out there in Aberdeen is a dab hand then any information / help muchos appreciated. Thanks all for reading, I will post some pictures as soon as it stops raining, need to get some good ones first. S
  24. i am all excited just want this week over and done so i can get hold of it next week, i to was on 3 years ncb and 1 sp30, but i suppose depending on other half's history you could be looking at high price, maybe try some of these performance car mags they always got adverts for insurers who cover people with " history". other than that get him a ford ka and keep the scooby yourself
  25. i will formally introduce myself when i pick up my first scooby next week, i aint sleeping so good in anticipation, however having spent a week searching and phoning for insurance i have tried a at least 15 different companys and keith micheals was the best by far, knocked about 200 of nearest quote, ask for gary moulsen he is the scooby specialist and enthusist. tell him sergeantscooby with the new ra recommended you and i might get some of mine too http://www.keithmichaels.co.uk/ honestly i dont work for them. I will post about myself and new motor hopefully next week, and i will be requiring all you scooby experts help as i plan to get to know the car and do work on it and i know you all would love to pass on the advice (i hope) new car is a my00 wrx type ra
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