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Everything posted by karps

  1. No no remap thankfuly otherwise warranty would have been void
  2. erm excuse me but if the three of us are there then IM THE YOUNGEST LOL
  3. Well not exactly sure what happened, but got a phonecall from the paintshop after it being there for over a fortnight saying they jump started it cos the battery was flat and i started to smoke badly after being left idling, so a quick phonecall to Grieves (with a week left on my warranty) got it up to them, discovered a scored piston etc. Cant thank them enough for getting the claim and the work done quickly otherwise i would have been up s##t creek without a paddle. Noel
  4. At long last i have my car back . Its not been the best start to the year but the cars all shiney with a new paint job AND its got a rebuilt engine (HUGE thanks to charlie and the team at Ian Greive for that). Now all i have to do is decide whether to keep what is ultimately a new car, or sell it and get my sensible head on. decisions decisions Noel
  5. as far as i can recall theres only 1 (havent seen my car in ages though )
  6. good price for a spec d, i might be looking to sell mine shortly 07 plate with 40k but would hope to get a couple of k more than that for it Noel
  7. McLarens in Kirkintilloch doing the work, good reputation for repair work. Still havent got a clue as to who dunnit but i will hear eventually
  8. havent touched the car since it happened, its never looked sooooo dirty before but the dirt kinda hid the paintwork lol. Question now is whither to sell or not when i get it back Noel
  9. Dropped my car off at the garage to get repaired. Insurance company dragged their feet a bit but hey ho its getting done now. Noel
  10. rubbers form part of the windcreen iv been told, cos i have to get new winscreen due to rubbers being subjected to paintstripper Noel
  11. your having a laugh aint ya. they told me the night it happened they would have no chance finding out who did it, all the contact iv had with them is for them to phone me 2 days later with a crime ref No. Still waiting for insurance to authorise the repair as they have been "inundated with claims and been short staffed due to the weather" Noel
  12. mines the same, think their frozen
  13. i think il try that one
  14. still dont have a clue as to why or who, as anyone who knows me would agree that i get on with everyone and avoid confict (unless i catch the wee scroats that did this) and no Wilky there is no scorned woman or husband (i should be so lucky) so it still remains a mystery to me
  15. Went out to take the pup for a walk late last night/this morning to find that some had poured paintstripper all over my car. I have done nothing to my knowledge that has upset anyone but obviously someone either does'nt like me or jelousy has got the better of them as mine was the only one targeted in the street, all i know is that if i find out who it was i will tear the apart with my bare hands. took it for a repair estimate today and was told it will be the best part of £3k and 3 weeks off the road Im absolutely gutted, will post pics later
  16. It's things like that that make everything worthwile, even my heartstrings were pulled when the mum started crying, but the look on his face was brilliant Noel
  17. http://www.sevencrystal.com/the-shop/seven...ct_currency=USD
  18. and some more prezzies appeared in my boot
  19. Added me to list for tonight x 4 since there are spaces left (if thats ok at this late stage?) McTwist Mrs McTwist Greersport Mrs Greersport Meercat Exhaust Mrs Meercat Grant Imy Terzo neil Badbaz Mrs Badbaz STI Pretender Mrs STI Pretender Ally-b wrx kenny wrx kenny + nic jimser caitlin gary d leslie yellow craig louise Ed-209 kennyuk300 Mrs kennyuk300 JamesM MrsM Des Maz empty heed empty heeds friend big bob mrs big bob Ace_tingtong Ms Tong Midnight21 Burgy_51_ brother Burgy_51_ Sister inlaw Kebab Nemesis Mrs. Kebab jongleurs Burgy_51 Mrs Burgy_51_ marky.t.s JohnnyR6 The BossR6 Playsafely Mrs Playsatan lostboy mrs lost Karps mrs karps chrissy mrs chrissy
  20. heres an old thread of mine showing my prosport gauges. I actually spoke with the owner of prosport when i was in Vegas a few years ago and got mine through him with the plates and t piece for the temp sensor (so much easier). Bought the pod from ebay and drilled the hole for the LED alarm. Noel http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=110398&hl=
  21. goat replied to
  22. I wont even try and imagine what you meant there auld yin lol
  23. just renewed mine from A plan, mind you im paying more in excess than i am for insurance so i need to be carefull out there
  24. Cheers for that. a goat is winging its way to her now
  25. As i have an event organised on 30th Aug it would be good to have the Marquee at it again. Anyone know who has it? Noel
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