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Everything posted by CAZ1562

  1. Right, the shouting for these stickers has went a tad quiet, alot of effort was put into this by a few guys to design it, then have a sample or two printed and now the order forms out awaiting the 34 named people below to send off the money. HOWEVER there appears to be a lack of response in doing so. The morale of the story is unless we get a minimum order of 15 then we can't get these printed. According to the old thread these named below have either sent a form & payment off to Phil or spoke with him at Knockhill and paid them. 1 - Devlin 2 - Stiks 3 - Scoobykev 4 - Spooks 5 - Ken 275 6 - Big Daz 7 - Bladerider 8 - Grasshopper 9 - Stevo-STI 10 - Scoobylav 11 - Sarahbee 12 - Skunk If you are named below and still interested please print off the order form and send it to Phil ASAP. Also add your name to the above list so we know who's ordered them. Scottish Scoobies sticker - Order Form Thanks Derek 1. TheSquirrel555 .......................... Both .............................. Silver/Chrome 2. SCOOBAY....................................Both................................???????????? 3.Billyboy........................................Both.................................???????????? 4.Sti-zlv(matt).................................Both..................................??????????? 5. wrxmania (Brian).........................Both.............................................. 6. Zeolite (Ian).................................Not fussed TBH 7. JAC..............................................Both....................................Silver 8. kart_man.....................................Both...................................However the come ! 9. karps...........................................Both................................do they come in burberry 10 StevoWRX ..................................Both...........................Need something to replace those S/Net stickers ! 11 Spooks ..................................Both...........................??????????? 12 higgy.......................................both..............................black or silver 13 stiks....................................Both........STi pink or gold please 14 grasshopper..... yup. 15. Trance.............................Both.................In silver please/chrome even!! 16. Dougster.............................(you know me, I'll have anything going!!!! ) 17.WRC No 1..................................Both..................................??????????????? 18. Sti-04!! ....................................Both...................................?????????????? 19. Devlin ......................................Both....................................?????????????? 20. andyjdmsti..................................both..............................?????????????? 21. Hybridturbo..................................Both.................................. 22. sKunk..........................................both................................?????????????? 23. Spince.........................................Both.................................????????????? 24. Gordon Shek...............................Both.................................Whatever so long as it doesn't have anything to do with Scummynet! 25. corsa..........................................both..................................whatever. 26. Paul_wrx_sti...............................both..................................????????????? 27. Wilky(The artist formally known as Thunderlips)...........both.......................Happy with whatevers decided!! 28. CAZ1562.....................................rear window only.....................................name in white 29. robinh20mrv...............................both............................and see ya "stazinet" 30 Tino.............................................Rear window Only...............Name in White(are we doing the side window ones?) 31 PaulC555..........both in silver......pleeasseeeeee >> 32 Sarahbee........rear side window...........Whatever sticker style is decided....................One sticker with the name John and the other sticker with the name Sarah 33. Scoobylav ...............................Rear Window and the funky side ones too 34. Ken 275.............Whatever, pref. black background with white lettering for the sides. Rear # = Disnae matter too much. Original Design thread Original Group Buy thread Another sticker thread
  2. back 2 u
  3. YHM Chris
  4. So has mine
  5. I replied with 3 PM's but it looks like you've not activated your PM's to allow them to work properly. (bummer too cause my reply was a big'un) I'll be at Knockhill on Saturday and can chat then if you want
  6. Thought so You're right, thats one of the reasons we're selling too, the boot space is crap.
  7. was that u I was behind yesterday m8 ?
  8. Click on the link under the saltire to download the order form
  9. It varies around my work TBH Stefan. I try to get around 20-30 miles a week on the road, sometime I combine running & cycling going to/from work as well.
  10. Well Guys I'm home and in one piece too. I managed to go 40km without stopping (except for the drinks stations) was on for a marathon PB of 4h 10m but with only 2km to go my right thigh tightened and I ended up hobbling home in 4h 26m. However taking the time to one side, it was a damn good effort and I'm well chuffed. Thanks for your support to all who sponsored me over the past 6 months since I entered this race. There's still a few more marathons left in me so I'm gonna continue and see what 2005 brings me. Hotel, flights and time in Amsterdam was superb, only thing wrong is I'm well sore and away to soak in a nice hot bath. Will be back online tomorrow. Thanks again...... Official Results available here - My bib number was 150
  11. Cheers guys - Thx for your sponsors I've had trouble with blisters in recent weeks, just hoping the new socks and trainers i got a few weeks ago will cure when i go the longer distance. Anyway off to bed now..... nite nite
  12. Cheers Neil, Well thats my gear all packed and ready to get off to bed. Will let you's know how I get on when I return. BTW - You're still not too late to sponsor me
  13. Cheers Guys, much appreciated. Unfortunately my flight is at 2135 on Sunday night so not much time to sample the goods However plenty window shopping to conduct
  14. Thx Ewan
  15. WRXMANIA Senior Member Posts: 555 Joined: Nov 2003 Ah memories
  16. Cheers Brian - Thanks m8
  17. Please sponsor me here Some of you may or may not be aware, but this Sunday 17th October I'm running the Amsterdam Marathon in Holland. I'm doing this on behalf of the British Heart Foundation. Sponsorship has been very good and I'm hoping to raise a 4 figure sum for the BHF. To round it all off, my employers, BP Oil, shall double the first £610 raised. Every little helps, so if can spare a pound or two then please take 5 minutes to pledge online using this link to help a worth-while cause. Thanks for looking.
  18. 1 - Vauxhall Chevette 2 - Toyota Corolla 3 - Vauxhall Astra SR 4 - Vauxhall Calibra 4x4 superchipped (lost licence with this) 5 - Rover 216 Si (lasted 4 months engine problems) 6 - Rover 216 Si (lasted 3 weeks - same faulty engine) 7 - Rover 420i (given as straight replacement for the 2 dud 216's) 8 - Renault Megane Sport 9 - Honda Accord LS VTEC with sport pack 10 - Honda Accord Type R 11 - Subaru Impreza WRX (current car) Also had 2 bikes - Honda CBR 600 FX and then a Honda CBR FS-1 Sport
  19. Enjoy m8, our friends are over their just now, got a call from her this morning, not as much destruction following those hurricanes as they'd imagined. Have fun
  20. Translate away m8
  21. Hi m8 - Dyno-Flo's link was on my site, here it is. you would have found it on the Subaru Links - Parts - Engine and on the Engine rebuild - Diary section too I found them good to deal with and wouldn't hesitate to use them again.
  22. You'll need to turn on your PM facility within your forum profile How much for the STi rear clusters ?
  23. Wise move Barry
  24. The 12th Dec is out for me I'm afraid Thats my daughters birthday and we're having a party for her so no can do.
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