Right, the shouting for these stickers has went a tad quiet, alot of effort was put into this by a few guys to design it, then have a sample or two printed and now the order forms out awaiting the 34 named people below to send off the money. HOWEVER there appears to be a lack of response in doing so. The morale of the story is unless we get a minimum order of 15 then we can't get these printed.
According to the old thread these named below have either sent a form & payment off to Phil or spoke with him at Knockhill and paid them.
1 - Devlin
2 - Stiks
3 - Scoobykev
4 - Spooks
5 - Ken 275
6 - Big Daz
7 - Bladerider
8 - Grasshopper
9 - Stevo-STI
10 - Scoobylav
11 - Sarahbee
12 - Skunk
If you are named below and still interested please print off the order form and send it to Phil ASAP. Also add your name to the above list so we know who's ordered them.
Scottish Scoobies sticker - Order Form
1. TheSquirrel555 .......................... Both .............................. Silver/Chrome
2. SCOOBAY....................................Both................................????????????
5. wrxmania (Brian).........................Both..............................................
6. Zeolite (Ian).................................Not fussed TBH
7. JAC..............................................Both....................................Silver
8. kart_man.....................................Both...................................However the come !
9. karps...........................................Both................................do they come in burberry
10 StevoWRX ..................................Both...........................Need something to replace those S/Net stickers !
11 Spooks ..................................Both...........................???????????
12 higgy.......................................both..............................black or silver
13 stiks....................................Both........STi pink or gold please
14 grasshopper..... yup.
15. Trance.............................Both.................In silver please/chrome even!!
16. Dougster.............................(you know me, I'll have anything going!!!! )
17.WRC No 1..................................Both..................................???????????????
18. Sti-04!! ....................................Both...................................??????????????
19. Devlin ......................................Both....................................??????????????
20. andyjdmsti..................................both..............................??????????????
21. Hybridturbo..................................Both..................................
22. sKunk..........................................both................................??????????????
23. Spince.........................................Both.................................?????????????
24. Gordon Shek...............................Both.................................Whatever so long as it doesn't have anything to do with Scummynet!
25. corsa..........................................both..................................whatever.
26. Paul_wrx_sti...............................both..................................?????????????
27. Wilky(The artist formally known as Thunderlips)...........both.......................Happy with whatevers decided!!
28. CAZ1562.....................................rear window only.....................................name in white
29. robinh20mrv...............................both............................and see ya "stazinet"
30 Tino.............................................Rear window Only...............Name in White(are we doing the side window ones?)
31 PaulC555..........both in silver......pleeasseeeeee >>
32 Sarahbee........rear side window...........Whatever sticker style is decided....................One sticker with the name John and the other sticker with the name Sarah
33. Scoobylav ...............................Rear Window and the funky side ones too
34. Ken 275.............Whatever, pref. black background with white lettering for the sides. Rear # = Disnae matter too much.
Original Design thread
Original Group Buy thread
Another sticker thread