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Everything posted by CAZ1562

  1. Here's the window stickers I have on the car
  2. Should this not be in General Section ???
  3. << me being a numptie >> LMAO - U and IT don't go
  4. Keith, Why don't you join online - quicker and its safe too Online shop
  5. afraid not m8 - just part with £30 though
  6. Can I suggest we might consider using the side window stickers that some of the SIDC members had made a few months ago ?? My rear windows have the SIDC logo with my forum username & scottish saltire next to it. Just a suggestion.
  7. << When was the record high number? Was i on at the time?, Law of averages say yes ..... Grant >> Unfortunately you were not online at that time See here
  8. the record of forum users online - u are one too
  9. Yes - Fully paid up SIDC Members will receive info soon, so if you are a club member, use the forum but do not yet have access to the Members only area then get yer username, e-mail addy & membership number sent to willie@sidc.co.uk then he'll grant you access
  10. << 1. Sti-zlv (Matt) 2. CAZ1562 (Derek - Silver WRX) 3. TheSquirrel555 4. wrxmania (I think) 5. Sorry guys. Forgot the small matter of being in the Carribean for two weeks when this meet is on >> How the hell can you forget that m8
  11. All will be revealed soon
  12. Phew - Jools, I need to go for a lie down now after reading War & Peace extended edition Thats good to hear they you are willing to assist with Mr Stewart and I'm sure he'll be more than happy for you to help. You are bang on the button, the club is only what we, the members, make it. Hence me being a Lifetime member , I intend on owning Subaru's for the foreseeable future and wish to participate in as much as possible. I've been a token RO for Central Scotland for 2 years now and found it very difficult to kickstart events solely for the benefit of SIDC members and since SN was a busier regional area I just used to tag along to some of the meets. I'm sure the SIDC will blossom in Scotland now and whats even better is that the 2004 SIDC AGM will take place on our shores so there is an avenue for us to have a say in certain club issues.
  13. 1. Sti-zlv (Matt) 2. CAZ1562 (Derek - Silver WRX) 3. TheSquirrel555 4. wrxmania (I think) 5. HI SOOB (jamie) (pulled over from 'the other side list '
  14. here here - You've got to remember that most dealers offer 5-10% discount on parts & labour etc etc so a £30 annual membership can reap big savings in servicing costs (if u've got a UK car )
  15. Unfortunately n/s weekend John
  16. 1. Sti-zlv (Matt) 2. CAZ1562 (Derek - Silver WRX) should be OK
  17. I arranged a meet at the Pirnhall a few years ago (only 6 or 7 turned up) Its easy to find from Perth M9, Glasgow M80 & Edinburgh M9. Exit motorway for Bannockburn Services (MOTO) then head for signs to Bannockburn/Stirling and its on the left hand side approx 100 yards from main roundabout
  18. << Ok, let's see if Dereks tutorial works... EDIT: Ok, i guess posting images direct is turned off in Scottish Scoobies then? >> Yip Carl it will be - You can still attach a pic by uploading but you can't directly access the picture using the >img< code at the bottom of my "How to"
  19. 1. Smiddy - Phil (ex SN SCOSaltire) - elise... soon 2. wrxmania - Brian - 2003 WRX Silver 4 door 3. karps - stickered up 03 sti 4. CAZ1562 - Derek - 1995 WRX silver 4 door 5. JAC - Prodrive MY02 "333" Sti with 1 or 2 mods (inc. sti pink wheels for show & track use ) 6. Evojkp - Evo7 although still a member on a technicality (ie paid membership for a year!) 7. sti-zlv (matt) 03sti PPP 8. Sti-04!! (will find out next week what i have got) 9. kart_man (Std P1) 10. Carl (MY98 UKT aka The Fridge) 11. Coulster(MY99 ecutek 2 decat) 12. Willie - Prodrive STI7 MY02 PPP 13. MikeABZ - Accord Type R 14. Zeolite - (MY99 wagon) with towbar! 15. Grasshopper 16. Dougster (MY97 white wagon) 17. Paul_wrx_sti - (my03sti) 18. Ev(my96ukturbo wagon,aka Evski) 19. WRC No 1 (wullie) - my97 silver wagon 20. ormiboy JDM 95 21. Stiks ( just got off the last plane from Planet Snet! )- Sti my02 custom exhaust and some carbon bits >> 22. weeb my93 silver wrx 23. Lightning101 (MY03 Silver WRX with Pimp Tints and Weight Penalty) 24. Bladerider (black WRX, and Honda Fireblade) 25. SCOOBAY (white STi03) 26. sKunk (WRBlue STi8 PPP) 27. Corsa formerly opelcorsa ( STI 04 firestorm exhaust centre decat,free sti matts,free WRC mud flaps,Pink "I" badge) 28. Subarstar (white MY98) 29. Era 30. TheSquirrel555,{P*SS}Artist formerly known as STI-SPEC-A,JDM red WRX sti with a loudish exh 31. Billyboy
  20. << not a member of SIDC but joined the forum yesterday. Does that count? Hepy (Graham) P1 >> Aye and na Only £30 a year
  21. 1. Smiddy - Phil (ex SN SCOSaltire) - elise... soon 2. wrxmania - Brian - 2003 WRX Silver 4 door 3. karps - stickered up 03 sti 4. CAZ1562 - Derek - 1995 WRX silver 4 door 5. JAC - Prodrive MY02 "333" Sti with 1 or 2 mods (inc. sti pink wheels for show & track use ) 6. Evojkp - Evo7 although still a member on a technicality (ie paid membership for a year!) 7. sti-zlv (matt) 03sti PPP 8. Sti-04!! (will find out next week what i have got) 9. kart_man (Std P1) 10. Carl (MY98 UKT aka The Fridge) 11. Coulster(MY99 ecutek 2 decat) 12. Willie - Prodrive STI7 MY02 PPP 13. MikeABZ - Accord Type R 14. Zeolite - (MY99 wagon) with towbar! 15. Grasshopper 16. Dougster (MY97 white wagon) 17. Paul_wrx_sti - (my03sti) 18. Ev(my96ukturbo wagon,aka Evski)
  22. If we use the "quote" button from the most up to date post then delete the brackets & q at the start & finish, add the new number etc then it saves cut n paste
  23. Lets try & cut n paste so the list isn't missing anyone
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