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Everything posted by colinj

  1. Who?????????????? Good luck to ya......Mod is 1 job im certainly not interested in, imagine having to keep this lot under control!!
  2. Jeeeeesus this post still going on!!! lol its full of old goats
  3. << All is well this afternoon after the trauma last night >> Chance would be a fine thing......couple people still seem to have a bee in their bonnet!! Glad some folks managed to grab themselfs a bargain
  4. << well just found the graphs again were at the girlfriends so correct figures are 193.5bhp which is 19.5 up on standard 183.1 lb/ft torque which is 13.1 up on standard so not to bad at all in my eyes wee bit off my target of 210bhp and 200 lb/ft torque maybe i better go visit Star performance >> What engine mods have you done for an expected 25% bhp gain???
  5. Dastek was pretty much bang on with what my car should have been running!!
  6. Morning fellow scooby owners.......i've untwisted my knickers now I just saw it as biting off the hand that feeds you I guess!! Political correctness gone mad!! Those of you will remember what happened when S/net started arguing about what could be posted & where & when & who was allowed to ect, it turned into a farce. If Gav is having a winter clearout then whats wrong with telling people about it!? No one wants to use a forum with a stick inserted in there ass (Few of you may enjoy that!) and restricted to what goes on & end up arguing about everything. Yes of course if it wasn't Subaru but Joe Mc**** trying to flog his business I would have saw it the other way!!
  7. << I am a paid up member of SIDC, my membership pays for this forum. If he wants to flog off all the bits he cannot sell over the counter then let him pay to advertise, and help get a better forum. You seriously dont think that is the main dealer doing you a good deal do you? >> You wont have a better forum soon if this is the reaction to someone offering good cheap parts! Yes I do actually - a certain sales man from a certain garage in Falkirk....where the hell else would it be from?? This place is slowly getting as bad as that other scooby forum!!!
  8. << Yes my heating is on. Thanks for the concern! >> Uh this is okay then...I was going to offer you some of my heat aswell lol
  9. << Wot a load of pi$$.................. >> Did you get your heating working????
  10. << << just doing us a favour really , cant see the problem myself after all its us lot thats scoring >> Scenario - You run a website and have paying advertisers who help pay towards the running costs of that website either reducing the costs to members or keeping it free altogether for them. Joe Bloggs comes along who doesn't contribute a penny towards the site, but wants to tout his wares. Seems like a good deal, but your advertisers get p***ed off because Joe is suddenly competing with their offerings, but is not making the contribution they are. They pull out, the site has no alternative but to either impose subscription or to up rates if already subscription-based. I've been there, done that and it's not nice. It might look like a good deal, but if you want to support the site, click on the banners and see what they have to offer before you take up an offer from somebody who is offering zero in return to the SIDC. Here endeth the sermon >> Yes....fine for your usual max power accessory online shop trying there luck, but & its a big 1 - Subaru is hardly Joe Bloggs!! They have already contributed enough by building us these marvellous cars, now its apparent they are selling off old stock at ridiculously discounted prices - how else are we to know unless someone on the inside posts about it on here!!
  11. << Personally if you ask me we could do with a few more salesmen, storemen, mechanics online. All the inside info doesnt do anyone any harm. >> Exactly Andy - If someone can get a scorching deal on scooby parts ffs dont attempt to silence them!!! The more good deals the better!!!
  12. Dont see the problem, if you dont like discount...sling yer hook!!
  13. Does it come with chips????
  14. FPMSL - Very nicely put, especially the last bit!!
  15. I used big sisters hairdrier & my credit card
  16. There is this bunch of guys Who think they're all so wise They each own a Scottish Scooby And they take the pi$$ out of Ruby It says shes a regular so she should handle the joke oh f@ck i can't rhyme am beginning to choke Ruby drives a green scooby It really gives me the boke It doesnt have a turbo I hope she can take the joke ps - mines green aswell just couldn't think of anything else to rhyme with joke!
  17. Im a dab hand with the old tip-ex
  18. Yip sure im always the guy to buy something then be told a day later where to buy cheaper or its on special offer/sale!! Your making the right choice...spoiler really makes the car complete, theres that huge wine rack one aswell - lmao - bit ott but there?s a members car on here all stickered up with that one & it looks fantastic!!
  19. Oooops just noticed the painting bit....i'll have a swatch on the net for you Maybe try PM'ing DannyD on here....he got me my classic STi spoiler!!!
  20. Bearing in mind that price comes painted I dont think you will get one cheaper unless you know someone in the know or find a 2nd hand/ebay one!! DRM have a good reputation on here aswell so Just hide the receipt from the Mrs & go for it
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