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Everything posted by colinj

  1. hahaha nah im not a chancer, well okay maybe for £6k I would have been I just sold mine for the exact reason your worried about buying. Im about 40 miles to work & back every day then trip to girlfriends a few times a week, shes about 15 miles away then just going random drives was leaving me skint, so sodly for now at least I need a 40-50mpg 12k a service car!! I will be back though I was 21 when I got mine so there may be hope for you yet My advice - try to get the newest lowest mileage standard (cosmetic mods ok) UK car you can with full dealer service!! Keep it that way cos when you mod them they cost even more!! Theres loads available so choose wisly
  2. Damn Ive just sold mine....would have let you have it for £6k aswell
  3. must resist temptation......must resist temptation......must resist hehe Free bump.....I can only dream for now
  4. Well scooby got drove away tonight....feel abit sad but its only gone to a mate 5mins away!! Im sure i'll get a go whenever I ask Search is on now for a new motor
  5. << << ooooft dont tempt me!!!! >> Go on....you know you want to and the price is not bad either for a P1. Nice pics....where was it taken????? >> Yes I really do but then i'd need to borrow the extra money then id be proper fooked LOL Its a nice motor...will sell fast I expect!!
  6. Nice cars the leon I must admit....& the saab, but not for me!! Another option was a Mk4 Golf GT TDi! I like the looks of the BMW more so seeing this isnt going to be a performance buy the bmw leads the way just now!!
  7. << a leon cuprs r colin thats what i had before the scoob kinda wish i still did sometimes >> turbo charged again though, i'll want to fettle it & make it better & end up where I am now!!
  8. noooo no mods!! Standard slow beemer coupe with some nice 18's
  9. << Colin forget the bmw.... Get yourself a stunning Saab 95 >> They only some in 4/5 door dont they....kinda fancy a coupe this time!
  10. I could get a bugeye WRX for my budget no probs, but then id have the high insurance, petrol consumption to go with it, & the temptation would always be there to mod it & then break it. Having looked at the stats for the range there doesnt seem to be much between the 318 & 320 at all really. 323 looks good, still a little poke 171bhp & 0-60 in 7.6 for when its required! 325, 328, 330 etc all going to drink the petrol!!
  11. << << I had an E30 325iS a few months ago, it was a hoot but not so good on the petrol either! >> Thats because it's a old car..I had an E36 325i and that was not that bad on fuel.. >> I'll take a look at the figures mpg-meter in those cars were very entertaining lol
  12. << ........but the downside is landslide depreciation surely?? Cheers, Grant >> Mmmm any 2nd hand car I buy will be subject to depreciation! Id like to think a 3-4 year old bmw wont be as bad as most!!?
  13. I had an E30 325iS a few months ago, it was a hoot but not so good on the petrol either!
  14. As much as i'd like another scooby I need to be sensible, I sat & added up the receipts for the current one last night.......very unpleasant! Roughly works out if spread over the 18 months of ownership, broken down equates to £700 EVERY MONTH on insurance/petrol/maintenance/mods!! I understand thats the territory with such a car but circumstances change, racking up more miles now, house purchase last year etc etc (I wont bore you with all the details) I just cant aford to run one, not at the moment anyway!! Nice big comfy lane hogger with leather & air con better suits my requirements atm
  15. I'll keep that in mind when im looking Grant......off to look at some stats right now Cheers
  16. Theres a white speedline close up, you can get them in 18" & they only weigh in at something like 7kg.................just incase anyone's interested
  17. I get an error message now & then....refresh & all is well, I didnt generally think the site ran slow compared to some I use!
  18. Yip I reasured them by text that was all it was!! His step son James is buying my UK 2000 tomorrow lol
  19. Work Emotion if your going for rally look, Buddy Club for a more softer approach, that chrome rim will take a hell of a lot of tlc to keep shining....believe me ive been there before!!
  20. You sold a P1 to my mates step dad last week gav Hes well happy with it except the immobiliser not operating at Tesco & being stuck for a while lol I told him its the mobile antenna dont worry LOL
  21. Shlurp.......some lovely wheels there Ilike those last ones, buddy club. Depends what look your going for really!!
  22. LOL just a forum joke mate, rubythescooby is one of the female members on here. She would actually be very good competitor
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