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Everything posted by colinj

  1. Theres nothing mentioned on either here, scoobynet or knockhill websites....................welcome anyway, keep an eye on the forum for any future events and pop along
  2. Very nice guys Ive always been more into the classic shape but have to say the new age especially the blob eye is really starting to grow on me Try to post as an image if you can rather than a link
  3. Its not me anyway!!! 1) HI SOOB 318bhp/309lbf 2) ANDYJDMSTI 300-310bhp/ 295lbf 3) Carl 277 and not happy 4) Colin - a Pathetically standard 246BHP/240ftlb
  4. Dont know if this has been done before but recently we posted up our mugs, now lets see our motors Heres mine, clean for once
  5. << One of my workmates managed to get eight tickets. He plans to resell six of them on Ebay for a tidy wee profit. I would have liked to go, but there is no way I'll pay that kinda price. >> I HATE people who do that - Denys the true fan a ticket! £60 to £80 a ticket wernt they? I could have got some a few days ago but im not a huge U2 fan.
  6. Great - Im based Grangemouth myself. HI SCOOB - you really are a gent, I owe you a pint.......both of ya
  7. Hi where abouts are you? Mines pretty gubbed with respect to bent fins if its free id have it
  8. The OZ's would be my choice out of those Or Speedline Turino like mine
  9. What time we meeting at MacDees then? I'll need to allow plenty time for Breakfast etc before heading over, although theres also a snack van just along from dastek aswell.......i'll probably visit both As I said if needed for numbers i'll stick my car on but id rather allow others have a go as I had mine on the rollers at Dastek not so long ago and nothings changed since then <-----Theres me on Dastek rollers - I have to say its the best set up ive been to:D
  10. I would like to come down to watch (had my car on dastek rollers a few months back and its still just as standard) and also meet some of you guys - If you need to make up numbers i'll stick it on again why not
  11. Damn, agree with they should be on more dangerous roads! Think we need a group buy on road angels
  12. If you switch on your PM's i'll reply to you also
  13. I have the standard tape deck and multichanger that came with mine you can have cheap if you want!?
  14. Yep got it, Ive replied and sent directions hope they help
  15. Hi, yes I was going to email you last night but was late n all. I'll do so now 1 thing you will have to pick up from my home as my cars rad burst yesterday and I cant drive it so couldnt meet you or that. I will do my best to provide directions
  16. Bidding finished..............sold for 82 beer tokens Quality
  17. << Here's me and the better half. >> Nice pic Ur better halfs lovely
  18. << Oh aye, at Loch Eil? Yup, forgot Mechie and O'Dea. That was the most hotly anticipated McDonalds ever... and tasted absolutely atrocious by the time it arrived. >> Yup, great week wasnt it Yeah and they wernt too pleased at us either.....what a laugh! Think I master minded that plan
  19. << Hey Colin, stay in Aberdeenshire now. Which is home and has been since the day dot really. Local apprentices in my year off the top of my head were Craig Brown, David Main, Chris Harte, Craig Horne, Chris Sutherland, Paul Monteith etc... >> Good stuff, home sounds better than Gmouth which for me sadly is Craig Brown, David Main, Chris Harte, Craig Horne + Mechie, O'Dea Yup I know all them and go about with them also I think I may have spent a week aside you at team building........I was in the naughty lot that hijacked the mini bus and went to McDonalds
  20. Quick quick only 10 hrs-ish to go
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