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Everything posted by colinj

  1. £210 no bad, was that including all that fresh salmon and caviar you had frozen?
  2. Thanks Devlin Ive got a set of 17" OZ Super T's in white lying in the Garage.........they could do a refurd tho might get them onto it
  3. Anywhere refurb wheels in Central Scotland, Falkirk area? Also what kinda money would you think for a set of 17's to get done.....in white?
  4. I probably know some of your fellow app's. Where abouts do you live now?
  5. I have a mate thats a refrigeration and air conditioning engineer.....from Fife area.
  6. Yeah future doesnt look good for it what with selling off to some mid eastern company......we will see. They sold off Demins cooling towers and ETP to my old company and from what ive heard theve made a right mess of things and all there staff are walking!! Oh well
  7. << Hehe, i was at KG most of the time. Did a bit on CDU3, PEx and G4 too. Glad i was always offshore bound now though. >> Yeah ive worked on all those all the CODS cracker kinneil G4 whole complex really!!!, my sis worked at pex PP3 aswell for a bit in office. How long ago were you a Apprentice? Couple of my mates are off shore aswell.
  8. And yeah hope someone will bid on the wheels and take them away.......I need my garage back to park in, not store junk Edit - Not saying wheels are junk.....there only thing in there worth selling rest of its going in a skip!!!
  9. Yeah born and bread I done my time in the refinary Labs then spent a year and a bit providing support with Ondeo around the whole complex......dont work there any more got bored with it and got a nice job in an office out the way!
  10. Just got your PM Bri.....no probs thanks for getting back to me. You need to turn your PM's on btw......its rude to give and not receive ya know Thats why I cant return when you send me!
  11. Couldnt have picked a better time of the year for a jont in the car.......think i'll miss this one thanks for invite tho lol
  12. A right bunch of good looking fookers we are I must say
  13. I get 2 weeks at Xmas, 2 weeks Summer(can be taken whenever tho) + 2 days + Stat holidays think thats about 26 or 27? Oh and im an assistant QS been with company a year, seniors and Directors get more. Im going to chance my luck this year and try for 3weeks / month in Summer to visit sis in New Zealand & Aus......will be unpaid of course.
  14. No probs If I were you id start by getting some insurance quotes, Im with Admiral - best price for me but they dont seem to like mods very much Watch what your buying is insurable as some companies are funny with imports and modifications.
  15. Right ive had it with PM's......wasted another 5mins on a reply that hasnt sent Ok Brian, I have no idea about the bolts, I have used the original ones with my new speedline turins and thought nothing of it....whats the difference? As for price ive had a little interest off ebay but would require sending them etc hassle! if you want them then hmmm there going to need two new tyres to make then road legal 2 rear yokohamas are about 4 or 5 mm tread.........how about £80 if you collect them? Let me know cheers
  16. Oh and as for costs, I run a UK MR2 before this and find it no more expensive on parts/servicing and ive went through replacing a few worn bits n bobs coil packs minor service, quite surprised actually thought it would have been more!. Drinks the petrol like but hey....its worth it
  17. You will be lucky to get a car with under 30k within your budget imo UK or import! Import will always be a gamble, but there is money to be saved, cheaper cars, better spec/equipped. I went for a UK with PPP in the end after being in the same position as yourself, made sure it had stuff like FSH and loads of reciepts. I would have loved an STi or type R but end of the day im only 21 and insurance was going to be double! Im happy with the performance of mine just now, made 245.6 BHP standard recently on the rr clocked up 85k so far and still going strong
  18. I touch goats Brian Did ya get it? Computers playing up....not sure if it sent?
  19. I have a set on ebay right now, no bids yet but a few people watching couple days left on them. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...me=STRK:MESE:IT Im not after much for them, not sure if there good for 4pots maybe someone can confirm........or your welcome to try them against your car.
  20. << Colin...Late on the scene but get back to me if they don't go. >> Your in 2nd place if John doesnt pick up...looks like there gone thou!
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