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Everything posted by Dalthegooner

  1. Thats sad news Markie [N] Are you getting another one?
  2. Here we go then the list of interested parties: Baser999 T123VOR Markie Pornodan Daniel
  3. Happy Birthday Barry [Y] Hope you have a good one [^]
  4. Quality video [H] Gutted I missed it [] Hopefully I'll be at the next one [Y]
  5. Thats bollox mate. Hope you get it sorted soon.
  6. Sorry mate never heard of it.
  7. Happy Birthday Rich. Hope you have a good one [<)][^]
  8. Hello mate and welcome to the madhouse that we call Kent Scoobies []
  9. They will if you start driving round Dartford []
  10. PMSL [] Some people are such nobs
  11. Hmmmm.....never tried w***king one of them [] [][][][]
  12. Its totally devastated mate. I'm still hoping that the cu*t in the hospital has serious complications and fuc*ing dies!!!
  13. PMSL []
  14. Foxes are offering us discounts. Keep refreshing the page and you'll see their banner come up under the last post.
  15. Hello mate and welcome to the forums []
  16. FPMSL [] I've got to get some now to see if that works [H]
  17. It says a Shrek says on the banner. Call 01959 534218 and speak to either John Allman or Stuart Minty [Y]
  18. I've sent you my number Ian. For when I have a car []
  19. The Mrs has been on the phone to the old bill and after much trying we've found out that the car was used in a burglary in West Kent and then driven to Birmingham where it was involved in a serious traffic accident. Two men were arrested in the car at the scene. One has been bailed to report to Tonbridge Police Station in August and the good news is that the other is still in hospital [Y][] unser constant supervision until he's fit enough to be brought down to be questioned by Kent police. We've told the old bill that we want to press charges for the theft so with a bit of luck they will get some sort of punishment although probably not a strong enough one!
  20. Yep. As j-k said give foxes a ring. They're advertising on here now and offer discount to SIDC members [Y]
  21. On the right hand side of the steering wheel about knee height when your sitting in the car theres a little pocket that opens (At least there was on my MY98[]) remove this and the fuses are behind.
  22. Glad you all had a good night [Y] gutted I couldn't join you but as you know I'm carless [] still I've got the money for a new one together now so I'm in the market for an MY98 type R preferably in white [] This is good news Dean, it would be such a shame to see your motor go. Fingers crossed for you [Y][H]
  23. Me too [Y]
  24. Top, middle or bottom []
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