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Everything posted by MS S6CUB

  1. I've been trained to park at the very back of the car park... it's a bugger in high heels i tell you No matter where you park though, even in the most remote part of car park someone will park beside you - its inevitable..
  2. << otherwise they may give u a wave and point you in the right direction if you went the wrong way >> wrong way - pah! - just a little detour - my excuse - an R O stole my map lol
  3. this site just gets better and better - fast cars and underwear - oh yes
  4. drool drool....
  5. Wilky saw your ring U military boys, eh PSML
  6. Think these are ANDYJDMSTI's defi's "ah want that one" in a little britain styleeee
  7. I'm defo there - even just for the £15 helicopter ride!!
  8. Ban top gear??? No no no !!!!!!!!
  9. Who has done this yet as ive just got the game and want ma scooby now!!!! But canny get the cash. Can anyone help?????ie copy the data over or summin lol
  10. << Why is there a bulge is my groin area >> Tut tut - boys and their toys
  11. << So ugly women could have sex too >> thank the lord for beer goggles
  12. chris - how did u get my pic?
  13. Chris if you have a problem with me or my ball i suggest you pm me and stop hijacking my serious clothing thread
  14. dont u like my funky spinning ball - i bet ur dancing john travolta stylee now just looking at it - "ah ah ah ah stayin alive stayin alive" roflmfao
  15. << stick a pair of red pants in the wash with the white polo shirts and hey presto >> is this what happens to all your red pants? lol
  16. Be carefull where you park - there are always traffic wardens about that area!!
  17. Fraser has the jacket to match
  18. << And you finally got one too >> My name is Gayle and I am a chav lover
  19. I spent my youth chasing boys dressed like that
  20. It had better be flowers he was swatching - wait till he gets home - he's a dead boy
  21. Dopey mentioned a party at the RO's house..
  22. We're looking at all options and obviously the final decision will be made with quality of product and cost efficiency for you guys I should have a sample pack by friday so I'll post up pics and see what you think. But all suggestions are still welcome - you're making us work hard G
  23. Welcome to the mad house Yumen Gayle
  24. ROFPSML Thanks for the contribution Ally!! I will have these run up especially for you The official SIDC / Scottish Scoobies clothes will be far more reserved! SERIOUS CONTRIBUTION NEEDED
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