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Posts posted by iainc

  1. Aye it is a rip-off for a couple of bits of mesh, I got S&S to fit the blobeye version onto mine before I got the car and I think they charged me something like £220.

    I think the one on Revolution is the black plastic-looking grille, and it sits quite far inside the gap - not flush with the bumper like the prodrive ones. They are £109.99 John, although they do them in silver for an extra £20 (and they are an extra 2-3 weeks)




    Yup, that's the one I have. I prefer the look of it sitting further back, the ones flush with the front of the bumper look odd to me.

    Funny thing is that the Spec D's come with a grill (as the revolution one) as std whereas the std STi doesn't have anything.

  2. Bollox, I'd convinced myself that tints weren't worth the hassle... but this 'changing' film has thrown a large spanner in the works... another mod added to the 'to do' list, just as I was reducing it as well!!

    Haha, looks brilliant mate.



    Yeah, was never really bothered about tints before but changing film like that (and at that price too) seems pretty damn good... damn... :kerstsmiley:

  3. The Pleiades (pronounced /ˈpliːədiːz/ or /ˈplaɪədiːz/), also known as M45, the Seven Sisters, SED, or Subaru (in Japan), are an open cluster in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest to the Earth of all open clusters, probably the best known and certainly the most obvious to the naked eye. This asterism is sometimes referred to as the Maia Nebula, perhaps erroneously considering that the reflection nebulosity surrounding Maia is extrinsic (see below).

    The cluster is dominated by hot blue stars, which have formed within the last 100 million years. Dust that forms faint reflection nebulosity around the brightest stars was thought at first to be left over from the formation of the cluster but is now known to be an unrelated dust cloud that the stars are currently passing through. Astronomers estimate that the cluster will survive for about another 250 million years, when it will have dispersed due to gravitational interactions with the spiral arms of the galaxy and giant molecular clouds.

    :PAll from memory of course :D

    Thank goodness the wife made the final descision on our second daughters name... if it had been me who decided to call her Maia and then the wife read this bit about Subaru and Maia being somewhat linked I think I'd be getting beaten up :(

  4. What is this mag ? - tell us more :D


    It's come direct from Subaru, I'm guessing that people who've bought a new car in the last year or two will get it, not sure if they will send it out to everyone who's bought subarus before that or not?

  5. I got 2 - one for each mis-spelling of my name

    It's not bad for a freebie with a pretty obvious sales / promotion style.

    10/10 for getting a full page tribute to Colin, plus a full page photo.

    Shame the article about the Wales rally came after the actual event though.

    Best keep the invitation to join their test drive panel a secret though :D

    Cheers, David

    Yeah, I got mine thru' the other day as well. Thought it was okay, bit light on content maybe but then it's the first issue. Not sure how often it's likely to come out as I only read thru' it quickly?

  6. BTW a fyll Decat Meercat exhaust costs about £550 ish and can be made to as loud or as quiet as you would like.

    AndyF remap under £600

    so what are you waiting for.??!! :P

    Would want it with a sports cat though, which always seems to bump the price up a bit.

    Meercat build the system the way you want though don't they, so if you wanted a sports cat you could have it "installed" wherever you wanted in the system couldn't you?

    I had been looking more at the Miltek systems originally but the Meercat ones sound like they are pretty damn good as well.

    Oh, and waiting 'cos atm with xmas there isn't enough for the remap on it's own let alone an exhaust as well :D Next year possibly though :(

  7. Got this one off another forum

    worth a look...........

    Boy racers catch dumb blonde fraudster

    A BOARD devoted to boy racers has done a sterling job outing a woman who tried to con one of its number out of cash for a Wii.

    One of the regulars of the Scoobynet.com board paid £180+£30 for a Wii from eBay and when it didn't turn up he contacted the seller, Miss Hightee H. Butzlaff.

    She told him that he could call the cops if he wanted too, but she didn't live in the UK so ner.

    While many people would have thought that Hightee H. Butzlaff was a joke name, the buyer had managed to get some of her personal details including her phone number, and address.

    He handed over the details to the group who promply had a field day with it.

    The denizens of Scoobynet did as much searching as they could on the woman. They found pictures of her in her underwear, hobbies, religion.

    Apparently, Hightee started to feel a bit less cocky and offered to remove the pictures if she refunded the money.

    But it is starting to look like the horse has well and truly bolted and the boy racers cannot be stopped.

    They have even built her a website where the story is told.

    The message seems to be if you are an attractive Dutch blonde with an interest in earning some cash on the side through ebay scamming, it pays not to use your real name and addressother forums certainly worth a look

    ebay scumbag

    Superb... that's why I love all these forums :D

    <heads off to read a 38 page thread>

  8. Cheers for the replies guys - is really useful.

    Like fivetide I use my car almost everyday for a 60 odd mile commute so don't want anything too loud or with mental power just a bit of an increase in performance.

    Suppose I just need to think about what I can afford and whether to go for brand new or second hand parts (not sure I can sell a £1k full exhaust system to the missus that easily).

    I'm like yourself, the car is a daily driver and while I don't want anything too OTT noise wise (last scoob was quite loud and it got to be a bit of a PITA TBH on long runs... droned a bit too much). As to whether I wouldn't want anything with mental power... hmmm... not too sure I'm with you on that one :D

    What I would want, if I was able to have a mental power one, would be a switchable map, so I could have it std in the winter when the extra power is likely to be more of a hassle and then full power in the summer time :(

    Oh, and like yourself, trying to get a £1k exhaust and then a £600+ remap past the wife in a single go is going to be tough, if not damn near impossible :P

  9. Its the Government in this country thats to blame for the steep fuel prices, and I doubt they are going to change. If they didn`t spend millions on pointless wars then maybe they would be more money available and less tax on everything.


    The duty increase was probably a good idea at the time, the only issue is that now that the price of oil is going up so high, the duty on top of it makes a much bigger rise than we're all comfortable with.

  10. Caterham looks cool.

    As to wheelspin, I've only ever done it once, few months after I got the first scoob. Had been used to Pug GTi's before so was used to cars that rev'd quite freely.

    What I hadn't worked out (first turbo'd car), was that when you buzzed the engine the revs didn't drop back down as quick as they did on the Pug, so as I sat at a junction buzzing the engine I hadn't really noticed that the revs were now sitting at ~4500rpm or so, when I saw a gap and went for it I spun all the wheels (was turning tight to the right as well), which threw me sideways onto the dual carrigeway, luckily I managed to catch it, lift slightly to let the wheels get grip and go for it. Gave me a HUGE smile and I wanted to go back to the junction to try it again :D

  11. Hi,

    As you can probably see from my post count I am fairly new to this site but have owned my Subaru for over a year. It is an 05 WRX SL and is completely standard at the moment which was fine but now fancy a bit more power. As it will be coming up for its third birthday early next year I fancy treating it to some modifications and a remap (hopefully by Andy F).

    Unfortunately I haven't a clue if there are any other modifications I should do before I arrange to get it remapped (I heard re-mapping a standard car is a waste of time)?

    Can anyone advise what sort of modifications I should be considering before a re-map? I presume I should be getting rid of the standard exhaust and replacing it with S/S one and possible getting a new air filter - does anyone have any advice on what mods work well with my car?

    Sorry for all the questions but I am completely clueless to say the least.



    When I spoke to Andy about remapping my std 06 STi, he said that the downpipe in them (not sure if yours is the same) is really restrictive, so I'd say that the best option would be to do the full exhaust at the same time as the remap at the very least.

  12. I suppose i am quite lucky tho as my LOUD pops and bangs followed by a 3foot flame are on a switch and that very switch is linked to my Anti Lag...oh boy is it good fun at night seeing the scenery behind lite up in your rear veiw mirror. :o

    Do yous want to see it as i have a video of it on my phone(N95)?

    Dredging up an old post as I was looking for the link to the Meercat site and came across this again.

    Did you ever post up your vid from your phone? If not, fancy doing it now? :P

  13. Iain to get the full story mate, theres a thread about it in here, under "anyone here from yoker - dodgy dealings"

    all will be explained... :)

    I dont know if I am shocked about it like, I think that it was going to be on autotrader anyways, but the guy was going to have had his money back off Dez, AND the money from the sale of the car...

    Its just that this time, he is not getting the extra money...

    Read that other thread just now... :D

    Glad it seems to all be over now, can't believe some people. Maybe the guy bought it and then tried to insure it and only then realised how expensive it was gonna be and figured he'd try and get some of that back from the seller... scam artist anyway by the looks of it. Good to see a few members from here were available to help out though B)

  14. I see where you are coming from.. WHy are we all whinging about the cost of fuel... If I wanted a budget car I would not have bought an impreza.. I agree.

    .. tHe probem I have is not so much the cost of running the car (which naturally is inccreasing along with the price of fuel) but rather the last time the fuel prices went up to over 90p/liter the UK practically came to s standstill until something was done.. Yet for some reason which I really can't figure out we are seeing fuel prices over £1/liter and no one is doing anything!!!! Why!!!!

    That's more annoying than the general cost of fuel for the car, the fact that this time it's costing more than ever and the public dont seem to care as much...

    Besides I think at this time it's useful to let others in your area know where the cheapest source of V-power is.. With prices changing at least weekly we want hte best value for money!

    Yup, the thing that annoys more than anything is the fact the something like 70-80% of the cost of fuel is duty/tax... the actual cost of the fuel itself is FA.

    Think someone mentioned that the current cost of fuel (around a fiver a gallon), just over four quid goes to the chancellor for every gallon (possibly more). THAT IMO is what's so f***** up. Wouldn't mind if it was actually spent on the roads or public transport but I'll bet it's not. That goes for all the money we spend in new car tax, insurance tax, VAT, Fuel duty, road tax, etc...

  15. Got to say I'm not a huge fan of the white wheels either. They do work on certain cars (white ones for example) but generally don't add anything IMO.

    I do like the anthracite coloured wheels, etc due to the brake dust hiding qualities... I mean I couldn't keep the gold/bronze wheels looking clean so I'd have no chance in hell of ever keeping white wheels looking white.

  16. i know what u mean mate but its just a straight line thing with me , i aint daft i refuse to be sucked in and risk myself and others,

    idiotic driving don't work wi me


    Yup... as daft as it sounds someone in a crap car can make a fool of you if it's a road you don't know well. The 94 wagon I had was pretty damn quick when the TD05 was on boost, but on a back road I'd not been on before, I was pretty humiliated by a Mk11 Fiesta (non XR model as well). I have no idea what he had under the bonnet but the fact he knew what speed he could go round the bends at helped a lot, I was going into bends that looked quick only to find them tightening up massively (thanks to the AP brakes not an issue), but it left me well off boost so in the end I can expect that he went back to his mates claiming that scoobs weren't as quick as everyone thought.

    I know I've done the same to other cars both in and out of the scoob on roads I know well as well.

    I'm nowhere near as bad as I used to be... was almost always set on the "headbutt the horizon" mode when I was younger, didn't matter what car it was I had, the redline was hit in virtually all gears regardless. Am a lot more laid back these days, don't drive the STi as hard on a daily basis as I used to drive that old wagon, mind you the torque that the 2.5 has compared to the 2.0 I had makes a lot of difference as well, don't need to rev it as hard.

    I do know what you mean with other cars trying it on, have found a few cars pushing on that I've followed and they try all manner of dangerous overtakes to "leave me in their dust", only for me to get past safely on the next straight and be right behind them again. I've found the best thing is to try and not be sucked in at all... if someone blasts past and you aren't in the mood or think they're acting like a tit then let them go and relax.

    TBH, I think it was driving an old Disco V8 that helped me a lot, it's not a quick motor at all and I found it quite relaxing driving it and didn't bother at all if someone overtook, some of that has rubbed off while driving the STi now.

  17. I can now announce that thefastone is taking over as joint RO for the SIDC with myself

    May I be the first to say congratulations Dale, I look forward to working with you

    I'm sure that 2 heads will be better that (my) one


    Like I said, if you (either of you) need any extra help then I'm sure there'll be plenty of others in the area ready and willing to lend a hand.

  18. doubt it m8 this motor was mint it's just the soap dodging pr1ck that bought it from Dez a is knob jockey that needs a good slap :)

    Don't recall posts about it at the time, but did someone buy the car after it had been rolled/damaged then?

    Surely if it had been repaired properly then it's almost as good as new (although I doubt I'd ever trust a motor if I knew it had been seriously damaged in the past).

  19. hey guys, is it me or do stupid little neds in pugget 306 16 valve buckets or golf mk2 gti's, in fact anythin with a bloody lawnmower engine try to prove themselves against a scooby?????

    i drive my car every day to work and not ONE day goes by without some t**t trying to push me to race then boot the tits out of their car to try and pass me.

    I have resisted the temptation many times but i'm gettin a bit pissed off with it and end up being as stupid as them and leaving them for dead, which proves nothing!!!

    Bar running the ****s off the road which is insane, what the hell they trying to prove?

    i'm beginning to have issues with these little ass holes and i feel that these guys think they have rocket ships and need a boot up the botty!!

    i've had performance cars all my driving days and never had this kinda bull! :)

    what's your thoughts?


    IMO, you'll always get people like this in any performance car, maybe you've just been lucky up until now with them not plaguing you before the scoob?

    I know that while I may partake in the odd "acceleration challenge", I rarely push myself or the car further than I feel is safe, hell, an Astramax van can do about 120mph IIRC so speed means FA, even round twisties. While the scoob can handle being pushed well round corners, etc if it's not clear I still like to leave enough room to be able to brake if there is an immoveable object in the road, plus I've always driven with the state of mind that I should expect to meet myself coming the other way, in other words, whatever speed you are willing to take a corner at, cutting corners or whatever, expect someone coming the other way to be doing the same (or worse).

    Honestly don't care if someone in another car is quicker along a road than I am, as long as I'm not being held up by them I'm not overly bothered B)

  20. Jesus and i considered getting an impreza a couple of years ago and decided not to cos of insurance mainly but also the fuel cost.

    I ended up buying a VR6 golf and a full tank is about 50 quid and the most i have ever got is about 220 to the tank :D so going to go buy a scoob for the economy B) My car indicates an average of about 25-26 with an average speed of 30mph.

    I drove to the manchester and back last year about 600 miles round trip and it cost about 150 quid although i did do the 600 miles in 8 hours still though i never realised imprezas were that economical. Anybody want to buy a VR6 golf :)

    That was my reason for trading in an S6 Avant for the scoob, the scoob was going to be better fuel economy... best I ever got in the Audi (4.2 V8) was about 30mpg, but I had to drive it so slowly/lightfooted to get that... generally it was 20mpg or less on the normal daily drive... added to which I got 250-odd miles out of a tank that cost £60+ to fill (84 litre tank :D )

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