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Posts posted by HOL

  1. Good idea, but my front mount took me 3 days to fit so are you offering B&B??   Lol.

    Only if we have to let you near the sharp spanners! [:S]

    This is an APS kit, so it should fit first time. the only issues will be with the bumper cutting. And I have a cunning plan for that.


  2. I thought the national Kent flag was a picture of a railway line with a big cross going through, a Giro and loads of Caravans with the latin words:.

    Non Crapido Dom Dominion.



    Literally translated:  Never piss on your own doorstep [:D]




    Ill get me coat!

  3. I have decided on a Mini Endurance race:

    Mini Enduro  10 minute Practice/Qualifying, 30 minute Race 

    For 6-16 competitors 

    Approximate duration of event 1hr 40 mins

    Cost:  £50pp Single Engine karts  £60pp Twin Engine karts

    We can either have a two 15min sprints or one 30minute race.

    If we go for the single engined Karts they we can only have a maximum of 10 people. Other wise 16.

    Bayford have two dates availabe on a saturday.

    10th June

    1st July

    Please let me have your preferences.


    Also, I think Dean may have been moonlighting, under an assumed name. Anyone know who ScoobyTWO is???





  4. Some of you may know that I have recently acquired an APS Front Mount for my newage car.

    I aim to fit this soon and the normal thing to do in such case is to produce a photographic fitting guide of what was done, for the next person to attempt.

    Being the immature thirty something that I am, I intend to make a slight joke of the whole affair and intend to include a number of humurous photographs in with the good stuff.

    I will therefore be holding an intercooler fitting party/bbq at the end of May, weather permitting. If you would like to be immortalised on SN or the SIDC forums please let me know by PM or email.

    I have all the tools and space need to fit the intercooler and I reckon on no more than 4 hours elapsed spanner time to fit. The hardests thing will be cutting the bumper.


  5. Please bear in mind, that the more writing on a shirt, the more the cost of printing/stitching words on them.Cost was obviously a factor last time. Also, a printed T Shirt will be a lot cheaper than a Polo shirt. In my mind a sacrifice that should be taken, to get more people wearing them.

    White would actually be a very bad colour for people who go to dusty car shows over a long distance in the summer months and lean on dirty cars. Especially as at some time we will be opening bonnets and touching a dirty engine (except Dean!). Please do bear that in mind. (You can tell im a Business Analyst! [:D] )

    Whatever design is chosen, should remain the consistent shirt. There is no real need to have a new shirt every year or for every occasion. Unless expressly asked.

    Separate website is good idea for a history of events etc and pictures of cars etc...  But a forum is huge undertaking and hence best placed here, where it can be monitored.

    'Keep it simple and it wont break! make it complicated and you end up having to go back and fix it!'





  6. I have contacted the company making the offer.

    They have a website.www.deltaforcedirect.co.uk

    The Kent site is actually in Sevenoaks and may be harder to get to than the Essex one, which is in Upminstrer.

    The company has free spaces on all weekend dates.

    The following KS events may conflict:

    Sat 6th - Richard Burns Memorial Relay

    Sun 14th - Redline Rumble @ Santa Pod

    Sat 20th - Japfest @ Castle Combe

    Sun 28th - Rotorstock 3 @ Shakespeare County Raceway

    The best dates therefore look like

    Sat 13th

    Sun 21st.

    Any preferences?



    Any preferences???

  7. I have contacted the company making the offer.

    They have a website.www.deltaforcedirect.co.uk

    The Kent site is actually in Sevenoaks and may be harder to get to than the Essex one, which is in Upminstrer.

    The company has free spaces on all weekend dates.

    The following KS events may conflict:

    Sat 6th - Richard Burns Memorial Relay

    Sun 14th - Redline Rumble @ Santa Pod

    Sat 20th - Japfest @ Castle Combe

    Sun 28th - Rotorstock 3 @ Shakespeare County Raceway

    The best dates therefore look like

    Sat 13th

    Sun 21st.

    Any preferences?

  8. I think mine is T'd off in the pipe that runs to the dump valve.

    Its simply a matter of running that pipe through the bulkhead to the gauge and then wiring it ithat in to the lighting circult to illuminate it.

    You can take a light feed from any of the switches. Just follow the connections to see which ones feed the bulbs.

    When It comes to routing cables I always use a bit of curtain rail wire to find the rooute and then tape my wire/pipe to the end, and pull it through into the car.

    You can also use a meter or so of the thinner coax type cable.



    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


    A friend at work, has been offered 8 free tickets to a Paintball day with sites near Maidstone or <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Basildon.


    I have convinced him to donate 7 of them to Kent Scoobies at a cost of £5.00 per ticket payable to the RBMR. The tickets have to be used by the END OF MAY, He is going to confirm some free dates at the Maidstone venue (Which is nice for us as HE lives in Essex [:)]


    The only additional cost for the day should be paint balls, for which you have to buy a minimum £10.00 worth.


    So minimum cost of £15.00 for the day, to a maximum of how much you like shooting people. I will be updating if there is any free food etc…



    Who is up for it?








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