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Posts posted by HOL

  1. IMHO! You cant change the voting half way through, the rules should have been stipulated  b4 you voted![:$] So you either scrap the vote and start again, the new rules specified so everyone is aware of whats goin on or you suck it and see! [:D]


    Stopping the vote does not work for me, but adding some obvious common sense does.

    this vote is a continuation of the first poll that was started on the 9th May. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/679038/ShowPost.aspx

    If you were registered before that date on the SIDC site in your current name and have a post count of more that '10' at that time, then I think you can vote. Otherwise your only contribution to the KS IS the vote which officially started on the 9th.

    If this excludes you I am sorry, but it is the only fair way to cut out all the problems associated with inactive members returning after a number of months and family friends. My family unit qualifies for 4 votes! - That just aint right.

    The only losers in this logic are those whose. old user names were lost when the BBS was upgraded. However, if you were really that interested, you would have been back before now.

    Sorry, but the 9th May, was the qualification date. And if we don't know you, ..........

  2. MMMMmmmmmm......Interesting day in Andy's garage today.....

    Luckily we took some of our own tools...Andy's 3rd generation hand me downs...[;)]

    Just cos my tool box shows that I have been a spannerman for years. dont mean all the tools are the same age.

    Cheek sod![:D]

    The intercooler is in and the car is running, but I have nor brakes [:'(]

    I do no need to refit the intercooler, but cant drive the car until I get a set of inlet manifold gaskets as I need to remove a broken breather. The law of sod.

    Day off tomorrow and bumper on Monday.


  3. I had a text from Bob today. The car started aqua-planing at over 125mph, when lost traction completely.

    There has obviously been some knocks and I think Bob is a bit stiff from the jolt.But otherwise I am glad to say that he is Ok, if a little bit upset at having put a few dents in the body.

    I would be surprised if it is not back on the road very soon, as he likes that car. [au]


  4. Two Girls talking the Morning after a party at Granby's house.







    Eerr! The inside of my mouth feels like the bottom of a Birdcage.

    To which her friend replies:







    Not surprising,..............................


    You had a [sp] Coqu-or-two in your mouth last night!


    Such are Granby's parties [;)]


    Allegedly [:$]

  5. OK, This has taken a slight back seat with recent events, as has the KS Cup. [;)]

    Im gonna do this over the whole of the Bank Holiday WE.

    I'll start on the Saturday, to fit the IC and pipework if anyone is free

    and then probably finish on the Sunday Morning with the bumper trimming.

    Monday, I might just have a BBQ. [:D]  Although the landscapers will not have finished me patio. [:o]

    Ill PM all those who expressed an interest.


  6. You would have to park in the public carpark, you have to have a car pass to get into the SIDC area

    unless you have a car pass then they would come in your car to get onto the SIDC stand


    Seems a bit excessive! Having someone do that in your car, just to get on the stand??  [^o)]


  7. You could eat off that! -

    Its amazing how much of the bodywork has been removed and how simplified all the pipework has been made.

    It bet you could remove it in under an hour for maintenance.

    You have to admit though, for a 'home grown/ try it and see' tuner, he knows what he is doing. [;)]



  8. 1.Primrose yellow/blue writing

    2. White/ blue writing

    3. Red / White writing

    4. Mica Blue / White writing

    5. Charcoal Grey/ Orange writing

    6. Black / silver writing

    7..Green / ??? writing

    8. Lime green / dark blue writing

    9. Black / silver writing

    10.  White/Red writing

    11. Charcol/Orange Logo/White Writing

     <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  9. I did look into the comitte and membership, and asked Phil for advice and I think as Ian has said things are complicated enough without adding lawsuits etc. to the mix....

    What I was thinking is perhaps a 'donation' towards stickers etc?  what do you all think about that?

    What I was also thinking is perhaps the newsletter Dean produces could perhaps be e-mailed so everyone gets a chance to see it, and it will also be cutting the cost of paper & ink etc...

    Perhaps if everyone bought an airfreshener for £10.00, from a small 'shop' then there might be some profit. And no committee. It works for the CIA - $1000 for a paperclip.

    I have said before that I think the TShirt issue comes down to 2 things.

    1. If you want Fox's to sponsor/subsidise the cost, then you have to respect their choice of colour.

    2. If want a different colour (and believe me when I say that everyone will not agree on one), then plan to pay the full cost.and don't even think about insulting Fox's by asking them to pay anything. That is NOT how it should work.

    You have a choice, use it correctly.


  10. The 28th is a Sunday [*-)]

    Thanks guys. I must have been using Deans Smash Hits callendar from 1989. [:D]

    Saturday 27th.!

    Ill have some beers, soft drinks and burgers in, but if you want anything 'exotic' you may need to supply it.


    I've got a plan so cunning, you could put a tail on it & call it a weasel  - NOT!

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