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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. It looks like the RWD cars had a bit of a nightmare stay'n straght !! Kh @ its best ....... wet looks like a great day was had by all, kinda sad i missed it
  2. HOW ??? how do you do that ? does it just work of a wireless router type thing can you post, or is it just for looking ? Im gona have to stop reading this thread, it just make's me want to find the little begger lol ..
  3. No chance m8, she's well stubborn !! but at least it's there ...... somewhere ???
  4. Great idea cal, im sure there was some one on here that used to do the cupra-r calander maybe he is the man, or we need someone in graphics. sould check the "wot do you do for a living thread" just to see if there any graphics guys on here !!
  5. GOT ONE !!! But mrs Jc has got it for my B/day ( yes i am spoiled ... lol ) but it's not till the 4th of december so it has been put in an undisclosed place till the 4th. Cant wait
  6. It will be me and a 6/7 month pregnant mrs Jc, so it is middle of the road pace for us !! Realy lookin forward to this event it will be $hit hot, just picture it, a day out in peacefull braemar then " wots that noise" 50 + train off scoobarus arrive !!! lol GROUP 1- usual pace- WILKY 1. Wilky 2. WUZ (looking to play with Wilky!) GROUP 2- middle of the road pace- THE SQUIRREL 1. The Squirrel 2. scoobykev 3. RubyTheScooby 4. Paddy247 5. Jc scoob GROUP 3- Family Group, relaxed pace- CORSA (TBC) OR GUMBALL 1. Gumball or Davie Corsa 2. Ed-209 3. WRXMANIA 4. PaulC555 + Wife and Little un.... GROUP 4 - See you there, Close to the Lecht than Perth 1. Catherine and Ken Ross
  7. Man down not good !! good luck willky Its all a bit much for me
  8. Well done mate !! how was the car on the way home ?? You must of $hat a brick !!
  9. WR blue sti8 type uk going down kellas road .... woo hoo Mr sti man, if you read this bet you thought you were just going to rip away, but not the case !!! lol
  10. And they pesky agents £95 for nothing, there favourite line is, "we have three buyer's waiting for you car right now" !! "bull$h|t"
  11. Thats wot yea get for buyin a skoda, lol
  12. Ah drop links m8 they feel great and dont break the bank !!
  13. Iv got a cold air feed (fillter in the iner wing job) and i will be fitting the third sensor tomorow morniing !!
  14. whooo, im an ejjit !!! lol Im not even lookin @ it and i can still see it
  15. Sorry m8 im @ work Its a shame to coz i like whiteline goodies !!!
  16. << I waved @ two Scoobs today and got no respone Mind you I wasn't in mine >> Hahaha
  17. << This thread is upseating me now lol, i have the slowest car here >> No paddy, its just that they are shy'ing away from there own time's !! lol
  18. Yea mate, and if i remember ....... MMMMmmmm
  19. BLAH !!! Ps, you will have to stay away from the golden arches ... lol
  20. simmie, are you the guy thats got green wagon with NOS and purge valve sticking out the front somewhere ??
  21. 11.9 Simmie 12.6 Rs Grant .. (GT4) 12.8 Jc scoob 12.9 Col 666 12.9 Playsatan2 13.3 Hi Scoob 13.3 FAI17 13.4 Iqy 13.7 Paddy
  22. Simmie, thats rapindo m8, Is it a uk car ? last time i was there i got 12.8
  23. << Proton courtesy car. What a weapon that car is!! >> Hahahaha Iv had it to its quality, lol , big induction kit on it it sounds mad And yea the boys fairly know there stuff
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