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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Ho does what ?? I let my car warm up a wee bit before i drive it, then an easy cruz for a few a mile . Then a cool down for the last mile or so, then when i park the timer sits running for about 40 seconds/ish deppending how i have been driving. It would be good to see what everyone else does !!
  2. why dont you put the fillter down inside the inner wing. garanted cold air !!!
  3. Cal, you gat a congrats to, welldone m8
  4. Help with photo's ...... Here it is again .. << this a copy of a pm i sent someone to help with the same thing !! << Ok when your in photobucket get the pik you want to put up, and right click on the tag option then sellect all then right click on it again then sellect copy , then got to your post (in posting mode) then right click where you want it to go and paste and the computer will do the rest, if it is to big then resize till your happy ! >> hope this helps >>
  5. I was round @ jasons earler and found a pik of him and the dog from years ago when he was a baby .........
  6. << Where does the dog end and the rug begin? >> hahahaha
  7. this a copy of a pm i sent someone to help with the same thing !! << Ok when your in photobucket get the pik you want to put up, and right click on the tag option then sellect all then right click on it again then sellect copy , then got to your post (in posting mode) then right click where you want it to go and paste and the computer will do the rest, if it is to big then resize till your happy ! >> hope this helps
  8. The first sgin of an addict is denial ..... Try here mate !!!!
  9. Dont know feck all about karts but ....... wot about a sidc kart off ??? 1. jc scoob
  10. ollie is now a old wise man he must be almost 11 he still thinks hes 2 your boxers are cool, boxer pups are the cutest pups ever !!
  11. just thought this would make a good thread . Iv got two dogs the first is ollie and the second is beau .. ollie beau
  12. Looks like a great day, im pi$$ed i wasn't there but never mind there is always the next time Good piks BTW
  13. Chris needs SIDC and fags ! Im an addict to i like the whole sidc thing, its full of real good gay's and gal's all off us have one thing in common, and thats a love for our scoob's, and not just our own. Things like the vid that andy done last week makes you realise how much you like the other car's to, there all fantastic !! So in a word chris loves his car and sidc he will be back and if he is'nt i sure he be missed by all ... Ps, put me down for a tenner before monday. money going to the santa cruse Pps, jimmy-sti ---- this is a great place, enjoy
  14. Singed That kinda image makes me mad Im an animal lover and always have been !!
  15. did you get that pik from my mum, i told her to ,bin it unless ....... you have been up to your old tricks again !!
  16. TextAt least we dont go about with our............ trousers tucked in our sox
  17. Luckliy he had his babygrow on under that suit, and used it as parachoute !! and made a safe landing .
  18. Ally you have done well, im inpresed !! lol and 400mm fits just fine the inside size off the scoop is about 525mm so dont worry
  19. I think i would melt it ..... No serious, chav my pipe good find group bye !! (not)
  20. << Wow 2559B, you look really tall. (About 6ft 3"?) Or is it just the angle. >> They are just small mountains !!! lol
  21. Right sharon its time to stop f#(kin about with this zorst, get your magnex B/box take it to one off the custum zorst palces like powerflow and get them to join it all together and thats it done for not much extra cash !! Here is a place . powerflow Ps, you know it would make ruby happy
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