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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. << The boot is laden:- clothes, shoes, plates, cups, covers, make-up etc etc. >> Typical woman eh !!
  2. I like it , but it is more for a young fella ! Here is another ..
  3. << belt fed right hander >> lol
  4. OK ok ok ok, the lecht with used scoobs is cool !!!
  5. << Just a quickie... Are there facilitys near by to get the cars cleaned ?? As after a run up those roads, they may not be the cleanest, for a photoshoot. >> johnny, your dead right mate the cars will be black... And i think the tomintoull road is getting works done on it and may be closed !! (glamis castle) just a thought .
  6. Just thought i would get this back up coz its to good just to let slip away ..
  7. Thats only £2 per day !! you would be lucky if you can get a hot roll for that... Just my veiw on it
  8. Twit !! with massive nuts and no brains ... lol
  9. Ok chris, all kidin aside wots the story with the contraband ??
  10. 1. FAI17 2. Scoobyandy 3. st3ph3n 4. RubyTheScooby 5. Cal 6. WEEB 7. Jc scoob Cant get enough quite sad, or is it ? The place, the people, the cars its all good
  11. Very nice marc I agree with cal once a mod always a mod !! mon the mods A bit more pony's !
  12. black new age sport ...... wave blue new age wagon in the ferry ...... wave a few others ..... no wave there loss .. lol << lol well JC Scoob dont disapoint there the very first time i saw him i was sitting at the bank in crail waiting for some one when i hears this huge growl from the back side of me i turns round to see JC revving it up as he past >> I like to play my music when i pass, if they dont see, a wee blip/growl of the throtle soon gets there attention !! lol
  13. Great stuff chris, its feckin great when you get to take the pi$$ out of a so called super car !!! hahahahaha jokes on you Mr ferrari man . lol
  14. Gordon, i think i seen it too @ scott fyfe privte plate on it ! Ps, your in FM this month !!
  15. Holy cow mako, thats the stuff .. very neat
  16. Thats why scoobs need to take up two spaces !
  17. Paddy do you have a link to them ??
  18. Thats wot im on about, quality !!
  19. << not for long though eh Jon!??!! >> No doug, she has a secret wepon pending Paddy the handling is now Vgood there is a little sway when turning right, maybe a shocker but never mind i might give her my struts with the ebach springs ! But that just meens i will need new ones (coilovers) bugger eh.... lol
  20. << jc is that you at 2 hkpa >> Na paddy its the missus car, you no the car you were scootin about perth in most of the morning and she is only gettin 1 hkpa !! Cheers for the replys guys...
  21. HELP !! Does any one know how to convert boost pressure...... from hk,pa to bar or psi ??
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