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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Yea, the wee people are more than welcome it's a family freindly place !! Ps, cya on sunday
  2. Crail this sunday there are a couple o loon's coming from abz, check here !
  3. Wellycom mate, enjoy, fancy a day out at crail and a chance to meet some of the names from this fine spot !?!
  4. hats of to any one brave enough to put 220bhp in a 31 year old mini, cant wait to see it
  5. << << 220bhp/705kg would be 460/1400kg anyone got 460 in their scooby??? >> Classic are only about 1250ks so thst'd work out to roughly 385bhp. Add 4wd and you've got a race on your hands >> Im sure we will find out on sunday, should be fun !! lol
  6. Johnny, thats not good m8, i would say they deffo new what they were after !! Fuel pumps dont realy look all that desirable It makes me sick, to$$ers stealing wot you've worked hard for !!
  7. If it any easer, i can meet at the shell/dundee bottom of the A90.
  8. HOLY COW !! found this little beauty on page 5 Top !!! anyone else want to come ??? Tayside/Angus Meet 1. JC Scoob 2. Scoobykev 3. Shep (Work Permitting) 4. RS Grant 5. P1ggm 6. Jasonb (work permitting, even if it meens plunking) 7. Coulster 8. Montey (coulsters mate) maybe depends on agreed date 9. Slimjim 10. paddy
  9. Shell garage/little tealeaf cumbernauld- 0915-0930hrs 1. 2559B 2. Rice Rocket 3. Dougster 4. Gumball 5. FAI 17 6. G6RAY 7. Marc29 8. CHAN18T 9. WRC No 1 Dundee / Aberdeen direction @ city quay - 9:45-10:00hrs 1. Cal - spectating and smoking chavs after i buckle and sign up. 2. Jc scoob 3. Ac!d McDonalds car park @ Forth Road Bridge - 9:45-10:00hrs 1. Andy.F 2. darryll 3. Playsatan & coulty 4. TheSquirrel555 5. Iqy 6. Fee Lone Ranger-will cach on to a convoy on the way. 1.paddy247
  10. Thats a fine mess u made I was working with some real nice stuff today, larch and lead. I linned the cheeks of a dormer in larch then done all the flashings in lead, finished about 4ish a happy joiner !!
  11. Ahhh, thats nice im sure rubster will love it
  12. Good issue full of scoobs, so if you dont already have it go get it !
  13. welcome mate, im sure you will like it here !!
  14. Asda Bishopbriggs/Junction 2 (M80)- 0845-0900hrs 1. Gumball 2. FAI 17 3. G6RAY 4. Marc29 5. CHAN18T 6. WRC No 1 Shell garage/little tealeaf cumbernauld- 0915-0930hrs 1. 2559B 2. Rice Rocket 3. Dougster Dundee / Aberdeen direction @ city quay - 9:45-10:00hrs 1. Cal - spectating and smoking chavs after i buckle and sign up. 2. Jc scoob McDonalds car park @ Forth Road Bridge - 9:45-10:00hrs 1. Andy.F 2. darryll ???????????????????????? 1. Iqy 2. Playsatan 3. Weeb 4. paddy247 5. Fee 6. Frank c (spectating) 7. Gogsie 8. NightOwl Im confused there is 21 names on this list, but only 17 on the main list, have i f#(ked up ??
  15. Bad news ed, who needs it ! As ally said just get steamin drunk And the triplets, not happy bunnys, the one in the middle looks like she's gona kill some c##t !!
  16. Asda Bishopbriggs/Junction 2 (M80)- 0845-0900hrs 1. Gumball 2. FAI 17 3. G6RAY 4. Marc29 5. CHAN18T 6. WRC No 1 Shell garage/little tealeaf cumbernauld- 0915-0930hrs 1. 2559B 2. Rice Rocket Dundee / Aberdeen direction @ city quay 9:45-10:00 1. Cal ( maybies ) - spectating and smoking chavs after i buckle and sign up. 2. Jc scoob
  17. Flamer kit ( the best £60 spent for smiles per £, lol ) drop links ( very good mod for the money ) Fit these and you will be laughing all the way to the opti station !!
  18. SCUM There takking over !!! RAAAAAA
  19. I'v had mine for over a year and still cant get to sleep for thinking about it !!! lol
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