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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Ok wot about ping pong bat's with every one's name on them, and you can just go about holding it up!
  2. << even if this nasty cold doesnt leave me im still going >> No the fish flu i hope !! lol
  3. Ok steve, the shell at the bottom of the abz/dundee road where it meets the kingsway ! I will pm you on saturday at some point .
  4. Car looks great in all the photo's, it realy suits the low spoiler.
  5. Steve, if your going past dungdee about 8:45ish maybe wee can hook up !
  6. Cya there, things like this dont come along often, so it will be well worth getting out off your bed and being part of this event
  7. MINE , lol na, i think its the p1 and next to that it would have to be an RB5 Both realy do it for me !
  8. Good plan, and as kev said its a better car park !
  9. Dont worrie mate im not easy offended, its all fun and games
  10. Good, i dont want you to think im in the huff, lol
  11. << as i seem to remember jc it was you who jestured too me in the first place when in the que >> wasnt a gesture, i was only asking if i could nip in, in front of you ! << no need to take offence because i dont drive a scooby mate. >> To be honest i couldn't care less wot you drive ! << been there done that >> Good for you ! << i did actually think this place was welcome to all car owners >> It is ! << but obviously no place for "mitsupishi" owners >> Rubbish ! every one is welcome << we'l see how things turn out against the clock! >> Thats the spirit, im sure we will !
  12. LOL For cars we should go here ! For boxing we should go here ! Ps, Its all about the cars for me
  13. Na not to nite mate but may go soon, iv got fresh fish and bread crums for tonite wich im cooking !!! lol Ps, bet i set the kitchin on fire !!
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