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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Great news higgy that is rapiedo in a new age, hats off If you keep the number 3 spot for as long as i did (with the std engine ), it will be up there for ages/years/to long, get yersell in to the tens my man. :D
  2. Quality Paddy looks like a great day, but looks like one thing missing ..... burgervan ? Andy's car is looking very very nice, MAD !!
  3. Just noticed this thread, very interesting its all looking the business, and now its all the clean work,enjoy and good luck
  4. If your going down the DC(sk8ordie) route the orange wheels are a must.
  5. Guess who likes it, lol ........... Sorry couldn't resist
  6. Yay Im in to simple design you know nothing to sore on the eye every morning, and thats just sound !
  7. Fraser glad to here you are enjoying the car, its a realy good car that drives just right I think nik was without a car for about 4 hours, so there wasn't an empty space for long !! Here is the last pik i took of the car ..... And this is the replacement. I think someone might miss booooost, lol Ps, congrats to Fraser for sparking a good old ....... ....... mon the classics
  8. GREAT NEWS PETER We are all very happy for ya, good luck with the sleepless nights, hahaha, my heart bleads
  9. He shall be shamed I will bee oot there like James freakin Bond till i get the number. Its a shame coz ALL the roads around this area are fantastic you just need to use the heed'a'wee'bit coz where there are houses there is usually kids !!
  10. The last few nights at about 18:10 there has been a silver classic (phase 1) with afterburner tail lights on it, speeding through the little sleepy village of wellbank (ie right outside my house) its the back road from Dundee to Forfar, and the 30 zone is only about half a mile long so there is no need for it not when its national speed limit either side of the village. If you read this please stop driving through the village like a total't**t, because all you are doing is giving the rest of us owners a bad name !! Tomorrow night i will get the reg number and name and shame .... Shame on you ! ... Shame on you ! ... Shame on you ! ...
  11. The best thread for ages ... class !
  12. HaHa, Chuffin excellent Cant teach an old dog new tricks eh !!
  13. Frank i have just noticed this tread, it looks and sounds class mate ! Ps, nice color
  14. lol, im not sure if it will fit in the post, look out for the UPS van
  15. Cheers lads. Nik says twice and i was saying once/the same as Stephen ! Cars eh
  16. Hi i am having a wee ecutek dispute with the missus ! Now to change from low boost to high boost, do you press the rear demister button (on full throttle) once or twice ?
  17. Steve that is so cool mate, i love it ! Peace out dude
  18. Hahaha, iv had a tussel with one also, great noise ........... ........ of my car while smoking yellow gaylardos for a lafff
  19. Both the "star cars" look totaly stunning !! Nice one Andy
  20. Yeah i think i will go for it, if the prodrive run is on.
  21. Ok as some of you may know im not realy in to styling, BUT ...... I was thinking if we are going down to prodrive (as Grant said on sunday), i might get the P1 stickerd up with full decals. so not realy being in to the styling side of things and dont have a clue about the following questions. 1- Where in scotland can this be done ? 2- How much does it cost ? 3- Does it harm the paint ? And it must be these graphics ......
  22. Hahaha " alright granda " !! Congratulations Billy you'll be as proud as a proud man in proud land, :beer: Enjoy
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