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Everything posted by Boyakasha

  1. rossyboy1 I hear what your saying. I guess you have a point re the children crossing etc and like IainG I am always alert when approaching the leisure centre especially around the zebra crossing. Marc
  2. Yeah, I guess he could have had a knife etc. My argument to the misses was that at least if I got out the car and had a civilised chat it would make him think twice about doing it to the next person who may feel intimidated by his actions. Iain I know what you mean about the beach, I guess because it is so wide it feels very slow to travel at 30-35mph and as you have said there are always traffic cops down there as it's an easy target for speeding motorists. I don't see the harm in making it a 40mph limit untill you reach the Beach Leisure Center, then make it 30mph. The 15mph limit is just a joke
  3. Why is it that some people feel like they must act like d1cks. I came across 2 examples at the weekend, unfortunately one was a scoob driver. Incident 1. Driving along the beach front (30mph) and I had seen a white classic wrx in my rearview mirror a couple of car lengths back. Long line of traffic traveling about 33-34mph, so this guypulls out and proceeds to overtake doing about 60mph then cut some guy up trying to get back in. Is there any reasoning for this, he must have made up a whole 6 car lengths So I guess everyone in the que must have thought he was a knobber Incident 2. I'm driving home with the misses last night and this guys comes screaming up behind us on a dual carriage way which was merging into one lane, he didn't have enough speed to get ahead of me or the car in front so he decides to drive up my chuff fo about 2 miles. I take my selt belt off ready to stop the car at a point where he can't drive off so I can have a friendly word with him, but the misses starts giving me sh1t and saying don't waste your time. So I put my belt on and try to stay calm, get to a roundabout and said pr1ck in his BMW 318 goes the other way, knobber. I still wish I had got out but not sure if it would have been worth the grief from the misses Anyway rant over, thanks for listening. This is just like going to therapy but cheaper Marc
  4. << i think boyakasha has one for when Wuzzy bear comes round and tells stories? >> I had to get the Violin out last night
  5. << Its not in the box anymore though...I think that's the problem Funnily enough.....Russ is the only one that hasnt looked at it lol >> DOH!
  6. << They seem to think my 'box' is faulty though.....and they can't find the sensitivity switch on it >> Fee, that has to take the biscuit, the switch is located on the side of the box. It is a little hole which has a black knob with an arrow on it. Turn it clockwise to increase the sensitivity. Who is the monkey that said they couldn't find the sensitivity switch as I wouldn't let him near your car again. Speak to Russ, he is the only one there who knows what he's doing.
  7. << I wasn't the one with the hard-on! Anyhow, if it's OK for Kentucky Fried Chicken, it's OK for me Russell >> Aye, you know all about sucking greasy bones Marc
  8. You boyz Glad you're loving the Knocklink Iain, I'll give you a buzz about the Lost DVDs. Hopefully meet up with you over the weekend. PS Russell and I kissed and made up after you had left, and I'm still trying to forget the finger sucking incident Marc
  9. I don't think it is anything to worry about. My other half had the car for 2 years then we modded it and it was fine. Mind you after we stuck the STi Turbo full decat etc on the car and had it remapped it never over reved The easiest way to get 312bhp out of a WRX
  10. oobster had this on the other halfs 03 WRX as well. I found that when I was nailing it I would lift off to change gear and it would continue reving as though the pedal was stuck. Never got to the bottom of it and the car is gone now. Marc
  11. 2.5 STI Type UK Power 280PS - 276BHP Torque 392 Nm - 289 lb/ft
  12. Craig forget gold, it has to be custom powder coated anthracite PFFs Marc
  13. This way of testing BHP is actually alot more accurate than your standard rolling road. This is due to the fact that there are no variants suchs as tyre size, tyre pressure, slippage on the rollers etc. and as for 250bhp on the 2.5 STi, that sucks. I thought it might have been 250bhp at the wheels but I don't think you would get that on a standard STi unless it was a JDM. Marc
  14. Fee WUZ is on a training course all this week so you won't get a reply till this evening. Drop him a PM and he'll sort you out Marc
  15. Hi Gimps, oops I mean guys. THINGAMEBOB here Sounds good for the 20th, don't think I'll take that Audi as I don't want to show you ricers up PS I'm not going to even mention the game last night
  16. << << 8. Audi A3 2.0 TDi S-Line >> lol >> Watch it 'Bird Man'
  17. 1. VW Sciroco 1.6 2. Citroen AX GT 3. Vaxhaul Nova 1.1 GL 4. Corsa GSi 16V 5. Mitsubishi Evo VI GSR 6. Honda Civic Type R 7. Subaru WRX STi 8. Audi A3 2.0 TDi S-Line 3 years to go till lift off...........
  18. John, next trip (if there is one) I'll make sure you get to see the other side of the island. Did you try any of the local food, Roti, Doubles, etc, it rocks. There are the usal American chains, TGI etc and the Hagen Daz place is so expensive you would have to remortgage to get an ice cream When you talk about old cars it makes me laugh, my grandfather still has an old Datsun, must be about 25 years old by now but he keeps it in perfect nick and it's his only transports. I would have gone to the meet but I'm working late tonight. Marc
  19. << Marc, didn't know you knew people out there, otherwise I would have been in touch. Back home safely now There have been about 320 murders this year according to the local newspapers, and monthly bombings in the past few months. Earthquakes were "interesting". It seems like the place has a lot of potential, but has lots of issues with politics, religion etc. They could also do with investing some of their income from Oil and Gas into better things such as roads etc. John >> Roads, you're having a laugh. All they do is tarmac on top of the holes, none of this stripping and retaring malarky we do in the UK. Then there's the driving, give someone some attitude or road rage and you're likely to be shot
  20. Jesus John, didn't know you were off to Trinidad. Could have phoned the folks and they would have kept you out of trouble. Trinidad is great but you need to know someone local, my mum called me the other week and said that so far this year there have been about 350 murders Drop me a PM and let me know if your still out there. Marc
  21. Chris a similar thing happened to me when I was about 21/22 with a full head of hair. I was at a Aberdeen Vs Rangers match and Joanne's old man is in the exec club at Aberdeen so at the end of the game I came out of the main entrance fully kitted up in my designer suit looking like Enrique Iglesias There was a crowd of fans outside and they all start asking for my autograph, must have thought I was a player. So I did the honourable thing and scribbled on a couple then made a dash to the car park, after that I stopped going to the matches Mind you that was when Aberdeen were hitting relegation every year It does catch you out the first time someone asks for your autograph, it's actually quite embarrassing
  22. Tear to the eye stuff there, as my car has now gone But I'm in Pole position on the slide show Cheers Andy
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