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Posts posted by oobster

  1. I remember seeing some very graphic pictures of an 'SUV' in the states that skelped a deer - wasn't a pretty site.

    Welcome to the forum by the way [Y]

    Someone on here had a link to http://www.blowmedeer.co.uk/  in their signature panel and curiosity got the better of me - I thought i might be some interesting 'adult site' and it was a site that sells these deer whistles!

  2. Thought it was you, just just a fleeting glimpse of a black scoob as we were at the bottom of the slip road.

    I also spotted a J-plate (private plate) silver hawkeye with the mesh grilles on it heading past Polkemmet park on Saturday - wasn't hanging about either! 

  3. I don't/haven't used a guage. Very possible you could take the paint off and that's why the guage exists, but I've not met any issues by not yet. No expert on this kind of thing, just what I've read/told and limited experience so far. Suppose you could say personal choice and if you wanted to be completely sure should use one. With the PC best advise I found was to practice, perhaps on a scrap piece or even a company car (obviously not me that did that!), and start off at slow speed and work up using minimal amount required to correct. On my car i only plan on using the PC twice at most a year, exception, as I found recently, after someone put 4 small scratches in my rear bumper - PC near but completely removed it, unless I pointed it out never know was there.

    Fair enough. Not brave enough to have a go at this myself - would rather pay someone that knew what they were doing (and possibly had some sort of insurance should they buff an edge down to the primer or something!) 

  4. Spotted a VERY nice white classic STi down at Stevie Walkers tonight - it was a K plate & I think the last 3 digits were CHR.

    I think it's the guy who posts on here from Livi that works abroad sometimes - canny mind his user name though.

    Very nice car anyway [Y] 

  5. Na I quite like the Prodrive spoiler - Ally (2559B who used to post on here last year when he had his red blobeye) had one on his and it was [Y] - got for it spooks.

    Oh - apologies for the thread hijack - but Ally & Jodi just had a wee baby boy about 2 weeks ago that they've named Charlie [Y] 

  6. As for the de-tango of the front headlights - quite a popular mod.

    I'd recommend trying it yourself - I actually paid another member to do mine but after seeing how easy it was I wished i'd done it myself.

    There are probably many guides both on here & over on SNet telling you how to do it - just be patient & methodical + don't leave the lights in the oven for too long!

    You will also either need to get W21W Silvatec bulbs (from the likes of Scoobyworld or Revolution) or get some matt silver spray paint from halfords and give some orange W21W's a quick light spray over with the silver.

    While your at it i'd buy a 2nd pair of the same bulbs for your rear lights - a 30 second job to change them over and also makes a nice difference.  

  7. Perhaps a bit of calmness & understanding are what is required here.

    Scotland has had it's first terrorist attack since Lockerbie in '88 (i.e 19 years ago) - and even then Lockerbie could easily have happened south of the border or out over the sea if it had happened 10 minutes later or earlier.

    I think it's quite understandable for the majority of people to wish these people (i.e. ALL the people behind the London & Glasgow acts) some amount of harm. You will notice that the posts trying to tar all 'asian' people with the same brush have either been removed or roundly condemned by other posters.

    I also think it's part of the british way to make light of things like this - especially since there have been no serious injuries. My first memory of 'sick' jokes goes back to the Challenger disaster in '86 and the jokes have continued on (Herald of Free Enterprise etc) - it is I think used as one of the ways British people cope with disasters etc. You would have seen from the many interviews of the people at Glasgow on Saturday & Sunday that they weren't about to let the terrorists win & neither should we - by condeming a race or a nationality for the actions of a few of it's people we are the losers too.  

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