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Everything posted by oobster

  1. << Funnily enough looking for a place for the next lothians meet Spooks >> Think his place might be Paisley way Spooks - according to his profile anyway BUT Anywhere that's offering discounted chinese food gets my vote!
  2. Welcome.... Aye, that's a braw looking motor you got there, looking forward to some pics with the PFF7's fitted. Trust me - the modding bug won't lie dormant for long once you've got that stuff fitted!
  3. Nice motor..... when does the modding start?
  4. mmm.... chicken with bamboo shoots and water chestnuts..... Oops, slevered all over the keyboard
  5. New BBC News story The fud now says he made the story up.......... aye, right then!
  6. A-reggy Chocolate Brown 1.0 mini Managed to forward-roll it into a ditch 2 months after i got it, walked away without a scratch but the roof was caved in so was written off. Think i was paying about £900 insurance fully-comp at the time but was paying it in installments - once the settlement cheque arrived i cancelled the DD, and never heard anything back from the insurance co. - was quite surprised! Also managed to half the speed limit sign in two on the way to the ditch - i got a bill in from West Lothian Council for "replacement of street furniture"
  7. Link to BBC News Web-site Let's hope the boys in blue get off their behinds and get this nutter and punish him severely.
  8. lol....... that's okay Ally...... i'll give you first removal on the bits if the worst happens
  9. nope you just canny beat them! sma01 - new back-box is braw, but got a nervous week - our boss is up from head office this week and there could be redundancies - if i'm for the chop then the car will need to be sold (no chance of finding a similarly-paid position elsewhere) so it could be that the Subaru ownership will be short-lived! Ah well...... fingers crossed n all that
  10. BBC News Web-site Sorry to hear about it, even he isn't a SIDC viewer.
  11. forecast is for it to be pourin doon the morra
  12. Spotted an 02-plate Black STI today in princes street, edinburgh - anyone on here? I think the reg. ended SUA Also, a WR blue wagon (new-age - didnt see the reg.) that was behind me on the A70 then followed me on the road to West Calder - nice.
  13. I used Farmers in Livingston - only changed the back-box but they only charged me a fiver!
  14. BBC News If that was any of us, even with no previous driving convictions, i bet we'd get AT LEAST a six month ban. Disgraceful
  15. I always used Steve Walker - was always more than happy with his work until he did the front door on a metallic silver Audi A4 and didn't feather-in the paint onto the back door, you could see the difference in shade a mile off. To give Steve his due, he did re-do the repair to my complete satisfaction (but he was a wee bit grumpy about it). Got to admit that my maker did not bless me with ANY patience though, which can get on some people's t*ts. He does all the repairs for Lomond Audi in Glasgow i believe, so he can't be that bad & he's always busy! Dawn took her 206 down there today, Stevie reckons it doesn't need a new quarter but he's booked up for the next 2 weeks, so that shows how popular he is. His number is 01506 633471
  16. fortunately it wasn't the scoob, but her 206 is only just over a year old. Getting quotes for it this afternoon, hope it doesn't need a new rear quarter. I've "politely asked" her to park well away from other cars in future (having pointed this out to her numerous times in the past - but women always know best!!!) so perhaps this "incident" will prove that i was right (just for a wee change).
  17. Yup.... that's braw. Very very jealous
  18. I did email her a while back, offered to pay the cost of the scrapy-yard coming to uplift her car & crash it.... i must admit her reply was very polite & grown up - was a little disappointed, as i expected a rant!
  19. www.janstigra.com What a disgusting waste of space (IMHO)
  20. i do, on reflection, think that it would be preferable than pee'ing urself and sitting in it
  21. u should have stopped & pee'd over the side then! Or kept the bottle in the van till you got to a bin - think of the poor young lads that are going to have to go pick all them bottles up! Yeuch!
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