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Everything posted by oobster

  1. Mrs. oobster is insured with elephant and they were cheap, i'm going to give them a shout when mine's is due for renewal. I'm almost positive Tesco require a tracker to be fitted though, hence why i'm getting one on mine in the next two weeks
  2. Anyone give me feedback, advice etc on getting a tracker fitted? I know absolutely nothing about them, apart from the little i've picked up from watching they police traffic car documentaries on the TV. How much can I expect to pay to have one fitted? What's the best one to get? Who should I try in central Scotland area? Insurance is due for renewal soon and i'd like to get the premium down a bit. Thanks in advance for any help given.
  3. I worry about you chris....... no really, i do.
  4. 1. Billyboy 2. grasshopper 3. WRC No 1 4. WRXMANIA 5. Fai17 6. Marc29 7. Stringy 8. Swiggi & Mrs S6CUB 9. micra_wrc & Squirrel 10. keap clan 11. Bing 12. Playsatan2 13. Gumball 14. Rice Rocket 15. Karps (but very late) 16. SMA01 17. P1 SUB 18. Scott P1 19. Irish Al 20. SCOOBAY 21. McGoo 22. DOPEY 23. Mr & Mrs. Oobster (someone remind me nearer the time - memory aint what it used to be )
  5. car is fine now, well it will be after i've washed & polished it Think we'll keep a hold of it for now, but if anyhting else happens to it Mrs Oobster is getting the bus to work
  6. Thanks claire..... they do indeed make a difference. We also painted the rear orange bulbs silver, and i was surprised how much difference that wee change made too. Hopefully get the grille from Revolution tomorrow & get it painted some time in the next week, then all that's left between now and Ingliston on the 17th is loads of coats of polish!! I Haven't washed the car for about 3 weeks so it's looking a bit mockit.
  7. Just got home from Jamie's and the car is now successfully De-Tango'd Thanks for your help Jamie - my patience would have ran out long before your's did !! Pics to follow.....
  8. A wee update.... Car got repaired while we were away, had to pay another £160 insurance excess and i'm not hopeful about getting the money back from the young lad who leaped onto the car Premier Vauxhall (Sighthill, Edinburgh) fixed the damaged side + done the remedial work on the other side (Tesco dent side) and all appeared ok. Unfortunately, a couple of days later, we noticed a dent on the bonnet. It appeared to be dented out the way, so i popped the bonnet open and the battery cover was lying right in the middle of the engine bay - Premier engineers must have unclipped it to get into the battery terminals when they were welding the new quarter on, then closed the bonnet with the lid lying there - hence the dent. Dawn contacted Premier and the guy was very rude, by this time I was so sick of the situation I asked Dawn to call a dent-wizard guy we've used before. He came out the same day and totally fixed the dent for £50.00. I'd rather any future dents stayed damamged rather than using Premier Vauxhall's bodyshop department - they really are hopeless. They also broke the fuse-box cover under the steering wheel when it was in for the first rear-quarter, totally denied ever touching it even though it had white dusty (cataloy) fingerprints on it. Also told us they would get a replacement rubbing-strip for the back door (which they broke trying to remove) - car went in to have this replaced and when we got it back it was the same strip (colour-coded) which they had glued to the door!!! So......... my advise is NEVER USE PREMIER VAUXHALL EDINBURGH if your insurance company recommends them
  9. Cheers James, i'll bear that in mind. I am a right impatient git, so getting bits back the same day sounds appealing. Nice car by the way - could do with a set of flaps on it though to finish it off.
  10. Where u based aaron? Steve Walkers in Bathgate - very good but might be a tad expensive - would certainly be my 1st choice though. Otherwise, have a word with Derek @ Nobles in Penicuik, he is also an ace spray-painter. £105 does sound slightly on the cheap side though.
  11. Karl I'd appreciate it greatly if you let me know how you get on with the whiteline droplinks (are you getting the front AND back done?) as this is on my list of mods awaiting budget approval! I also have a 2003 WRX. Cheers Andy
  12. My mum's side of the family all live in & around Johnstone, with my aunty actually living in Howwood..... i'll ask them to keep their eyes open.
  13. Maybe me being a sad git, but i'd quite like a wee garment to wear @ the Fast n Furious thingy @ Ingliston on the 17th July if poss? Who should I PM - Gayle, Imy (or both) Oobster
  14. Anyone know where I can buy Silvatec bulbs to replace the clear ones? The bulbs say W21W on them.... can't seem to find much info on the net. Edited: Phoned revolution, got them in stock - £14.99.... should get them tomorrow ready for Jamie to do his magic tomorrow night sometime. Also ordered myself a nice wee new WRC front grille, hopefully get it painted & fitted before Ingliston on the 17th
  15. Sorry to hear this, i hope Daz gets his car back in one piece. If not, i hope his insurance pay him out quickly and this doesn't put him off scooby ownership!!
  16. Thanks p1ggm, i'll speak to Jamie first and if he can help me out fairly quickly without the car needing to be laid up for a day then smashing, if not then i'll give you a shout
  17. As above, i'd like to get my front head-lamps de-tango'd but there is NO WAYft> i'm doing this myself (please do not reply telling me how easy it is etc, as i'm 150% sure about not attempting this myself). Anyone around central scotland done this before (successfully) and would like to offer me a price for carrying out this task on my car?
  18. Hey chris, i'm a married man now Airdrie/Coatbridge would be a lot handier (is that a word?) for me...... i fyou can get the details it would be appreciated.
  19. As above, kerbed one of my alloys. Got it taken off this morning & replaced with a new one, but i'd like to get the damaged one fixed and leave it as a spare (plus i'll probably end up kerbing another one at some point !!!)
  20. As above, big shout to Mark Spiers of www.carstoragescotland.co.uk Stored the Subaru @ their facility on the outskirts of Edinburgh while I was away on honeymoon. Got it back this morning and they washed it while i was away, and it's still in perfect condition (well, the same condition it was when i left it there). Mark also put my mind at rest by showing me round their warehouse, which was impressive. If anyone needs a car stored, give them a shout - cost me £86.00 for nearly 3 weeks. Email info@carstoragescotland.co.uk Web www.carstoragescotland.co.uk Tel 0131 663 9020
  21. Could have been me, if you live in Bathgate. Was it a Thursday night? Me and the Mrs took a run down to Bathgate, don't know the name of the estate though. We were having a look at a few housing estates in Bathgate as we might move there later in the year. We're from just up the road in Blackburn. Seen some nice-looking houses on a hill away at the back of Bathgate, but if we move the WRX would need to go
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