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Everything posted by sma01

  1. had exact same problem as chris, problem now solved though, with the sti8s rear struts were a common problem, but a modified version was brought out, and when the warranty repair is done they use the new struts. I have had no problems with mine since fixed.... chris went to Halleys willie..... if you are finding yours still a prob, could have a solution for u mate - Tein coilovers - its the way forward....
  2. P1 Sub has sold these tyres, he aint on forums much so just to let any interested parties know they are now gone
  3. thats whats good about the forums, you get various opinions, some have good reports on places while others have not so good reports. At the end of the day, the only way you can really judge how good a place is, is by trying them for yourself. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and altho some are classed as subaru specialists, it does not necessarily mean they are the best, as Ive said before, my opinion is that Duncan @ Hypertech is the man to go to, i trust him 110% with my car, and no work is carried out without taking his advice first. He knows his stuff, and service and workmanship is first class. I only recommend people who i would use myself, which is why i have no hesitation in giving Duncan's business card to anyone who asks about mods or general work. I have sent quite a few people his way, and have yet to hear anyone have a bad word to say about him. He has also gained some loyal customers after i have sent them in his direction, and i'm sure they would all back up my views..... at the end of the day, its each to their own, and good luck whoever you decide to use mate Scott
  4. makes a change for u del....................... just hitting bugs
  5. welcome to the forums mate
  6. lol mine was doin not bad considerin its not been mapped yet think most other cars on the road were the same - SMOKED
  7. Link doesnt work mate, i aint got a clue how to fix the clicky for you but am sure someone will soon enough...... you win a title then? lookin forward to thursday Scott
  8. 1. Hi Soob 2. SMA01 3. the g unit 4. Swiggi + Mrs S6CUB and the troops ( gotta have one of those chocolate death puddings!!!!!!!!) 5. WRC No 1 + Scoobymadburd 6. Matt 7. Higgy + Nikki 8. Billyboy + Ally 9. P1 Sub 10. Scott P1 11. Uncle dunc CTR(if its back on the road)
  9. on way from camelon down to Kincardine bridge to get optimax, wee blast for myself, swiggi, seevers and the g unit......some good driving, espec coming onto dual carriageway off the roundabout, sti 8s were going well...... shame the feds had to show up when we were fuelling and tailed us for a bit when we came out
  10. think that was me mate, car was off boost and being taken v gently, had a brand new turbo on it and no map had a few more mods since then also, sounds a completely different car altogether, espec since last thu
  11. welcome to the forums which area are you from?what version of STI have u bought?(i know, 20 questions) Scott
  12. Andy, i get where you are coming from mate, just p*ssed off that everytime i drive my car into my street, no matter what time it is, the same people from 2 different houses in the next street feel the need to either shout abuse from their window or come into my street and shout abuse and make accusations which are absolute $hite..... end of the day, car aint goin to get any quieter, i aint sellin it, so these muppets will just have to deal with it
  13. i have it on good authority that we may be getting a special guest appearance from the legend that is............ . . . . . . . . . . .. uncle dunc
  14. TBH, folk seem to be quick to point out that I am going to annoy people, but its ok for folk to annoy me??i take a great deal of pride in my car, and dont see why i should hide and only drive my car at times other folk think i should......i take my time in the street, keep the noise down as much as is possible with a scooby, yet still there are hot heads who want to shout abuse at me just cos of the car i drive....... I do admit that the post heading may be a bit harsh, but most of the guys who are coming round are mates(sorry Johnny 50 - you are the only 1 i aint met yet from the list), and have had 4 or 5 of them at my house on a couple of occassions with their cars..... I was not trying to arrange an unauthorised meet and certainly was not looking to tarnish the name of the club, but i dont see why it seems to cause offence to people that i ask some of the guys round with their cars, would you all have the same response if i invited folk round who were driving a vw golf for example.....??i think not.... anyone who wants to come round is more than welcome, we will do what we normally do anyway, talk scoobies and mods....... Scott
  15. hypertech is for mods, and of course the chuppa chupps lollies
  16. and also cos u will be required for some noising up of neighbours on sunday night too chris
  17. it certainly was an original, werthers didnt have a look in with the old rabbit tho
  18. thanks Gayle, and remember, if u need any more of the toys just give me a shout
  19. list could be written on the back of the WW2 rations books...just like when i was a lad.....lol
  20. silver sparklies eh?.....thats gettin a bit personal....do Ann Summers employees not have a confidentiality clause in their contract
  21. we'll get the re-run if swiggis been recordin on the gauges
  22. PMSL got the ideal place for the meet...Gala bingo, loads of parkin space, then we can have a few games and a cup of tea.....
  23. although i'm no sure if i fancy a run half way to forth road bridge this time Del del's next mod = map of central scotland or sat nav
  24. good man Del...... better get some supplies in for the troops Scott
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