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Everything posted by tino

  1. F**k the football, check out the 'five reasons to visit Norway'
  2. << Unbelievable! Scary actually. >> I totally agree, very scary indeed. In command of the worlds biggest nuclear arsenal too! I don't think it should have been the Soviets we should have been scared of all this time! I've played a lot of yanks on x box live and its unreal how little many of them know of the world outside the states. Many when asked don't even know where Scotland is, or what it is for that matter! To put things into context though, they did once elect Ronald Regan as President, and as for Arnold Schwarzenegger, lets not even go there << Bet those aussies are getting nervous now ! >> PMSL
  3. << what are you all getting for xmas >> Very pi$$ed.... and a 42" Toshiba LCD TV (present to myself what a sad b@stard )
  4. I'll get me coat
  5. Keep it for MOT time mate.
  6. If your into Halo at all give us a shout. Tag 'Tino Ecosse'
  7. << so why moan and chumf about me wanting to drive fast? >> 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone' I say. I certainly didn't buy an Impreza for its safety and economy
  8. << There was a tub of polish for £1500, hope santa brings me that one >> He'll want more than a mince pie and a glass of sherry for that one Good old Turtle Wax for me, made from real turtles don't you know
  9. It was -1 this morning, Sparco gay karting gloves ordred Flame suit on I'm not listening La la la la la la la la (fingers in ears style)
  10. Yes, old 5 speed in the bin, 6 speed now installed However its taking a while to get the hang of it. The gate is a lot closer on the 6 and I'm finding 2nd to 3rd at high revs a little tricky. Also had my mate in the car. Hopefully with a bit of practice and less 'ballast' (sorry Scott)may get into the mid 12's Might need a paddle clutch too, managed to get a brand new AP organic to slip like mad in 1st,2nd and 3rd on one of my runs. It was smoking like the car was on fire, it stank to high heaven too
  11. << apologies to the people i have moaned at this week, i dont know whats up wi me just now >> perhaps the young lady in the fetching scarf ensemble could 'ease' your tensions
  12. Gotta love the wee Mini Bless
  13. I touch goats mate
  14. Oi! Cal think you missed one there Your 17th
  15. Good to put some faces to avatars. Enjoyed the day emensely. Hope to see you next time
  16. Ive got a spare topmount from a 2001WRX (Bugeye) but not sure if its the samethough.
  17. Need to chuck out the 110kgs of ballast in the passanger seat next time GARAGE CARS 1. 9.81 ---- AndyF @ AFP 2. 12.35 ---- WOOSH @ AWD 3. ???? ---- Hypertech 4. ???? ---- Wallace 5. ????---- Star Performance PRIVATE CARS 1. 11.9 ---- Simmie 2. 12.02 ---- WUZ 3. 12.36---- dave, AWD 4. 12.4 ----- Jc scoob 5. 12.6 ----- RS Grant (GT4) 6. 12.7 ----- JASONB 7. 12.9 ----- Col 666 8. 12.9 ----- Playsatan 9. 13.07 --- JohnSt 9. 13.07-----Tino(111mph 2L 2bar) 11. 13.1 ----- coulty 12. 13.2 ----- P1 GGM 13. 13.3 ----- Hi Scoob 14. 13.3 ----- FAI17 15. 13.3 ----- JohnnyR6 16. 13.37 ---- Kenny McGee
  18. Pic 7 me Fame at last
  19. Had to cover someones on call this weekend so wasn't sure if i'd make it. On call finishes at 6 am....whooppee Do you need a helmet at Crail?
  20. Still trying to get used to the new six speed, 2nd to 3rd tricky, but will give it a go << Shell garage/little tealeaf cumbernauld- 0915-0930hrs 1. Rice Rocket 2. WRC No 1 Dundee / Aberdeen direction @ city quay - 9:45-10:00hrs 1. Cal - spectating and smoking chavs after i buckle and sign up. 2. Jc scoob 3. Ac!d 4. Coolhandcran 5. Bainsey - 1974 VTEC Mini Cooper 6. Duncan - Accord Type R McDonalds car park @ Forth Road Bridge - 9:45-10:00hrs 1. Andy.F 2. darryll 3. Playsatan & coulty 4. TheSquirrel555 5. Iqy 6. Fee 7. Irish Al & Baby No2 8. FastScooby (Escort Kev _ Maybe) 9. 2559B 10. Gumball 11. Dougster (but don't wait for me as I am in the SIDC support vehicle!!!) 12.MY94 13. Fai17 14. Marc29 15. Tino
  21. Godspeed brakes seem to be a popular. They are one of the cheaper options as they use the origional calipersGodspeed
  22. Oh bugger, forgot it was halloween! Must remember to fit blackout curtains and turn telly volume low
  23. Edited due to pants internet conection out here causing double post!
  24. I am currently sitting in the middle of the Forth estuary on Hound Point Oil terminal awaiting the arrival of the workboat with some spares.This morning was spent in the company of some inch and sixteenth spanners and two pairs of stilsons using words like c### , f### and b@st@rd. I too am wondering what happened to the weekend, also if the workboat will take me for a smoke,I'm gasping. Hopefully will have a few games of Halo online with friends tonight. The point? MONEY!!!
  25. Nice
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