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Everything posted by tino

  1. That would be a 'windy gun' Derek
  2. Timetable: 07:45 ? 08:00 Arrival, signing in and handing in of indemnity forms. For those renting slicks, please arrive as early as possible. 08:20 ? 08:35 Mandatory Drivers briefing. All drivers must attend this briefing, or they will not be permitted on the track. 08:35 ? 08:50 Move cars into pit lane, and obtain crash helmet if required from the building on pit lane. Passenger sign on opens. 09:00 ? 09:25 Three 5 minute warm-up/familiarisation sessions with roughly 15 cars in each group. 09:25 ? 13:00 Open pit session
  3. On call permits. Ticket booked for 26th
  4. I'm up for Knockhill on call permitting
  5. Yea, actually didn't mind getting up this morning for a change!!!
  6. Decat done!!!! Holy smokin' turbos Batman EEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!! Help me mammy I'm scared!!!!
  7. Not seen that one yet.Is it a dull management game?
  8. Not payin' us enough.Down to two fitters now! I've been savin' up for a while now so might not have to use bonus (like to use this for council tax if poss. One less bill to worry about!)
  9. Up pipe and down pipe.Down pipe includes centre cat. All made by Hayward and Scott I think. Allready got a cat back fromHKS.Looked at the magnex down pipe but didn't like the lack of waste gate exit. Apparently they do one with a small waste gate pipe but have had problems with this rubbing on the steering column. The down pipe I'm getting is similar to the Scoobysport one with the large flanged connector to turbo.This eliminates the need for the extra wastegate pipe and the problems with it.(phase 1) Also have inquired about front mounted intercooler and better turbo plus all the electronic widgets that go with it.This stage may take a bit longer as it costs a bomb!(phase 2) Grant will be e mailing me a quote for both 'phases' with various options on the 'second phase' I'll keep you posted on progress. TTFN Tino
  10. Took a trip to AWD Perth yesterday to inquire about a decat (and a few other goodies) for my 2001WRX. Great bunch of chaps,very helpful and informative. Can't wait to get the decat done after what I've read about them on various threads! I,'m just waiting on parts to arrive and a date to be set for install! WHOOOPPPPEEE!
  11. I read on Scoobynet (yes I was feeling brave!) that its set up for 29th March.an anyone confirm this?
  12. Sat March 1st or Sat Mar 22nd suits me too! Tino
  13. Took car to Drive Falkirk (Morrisons) for service and to have a dent in my bonnet repaired. Very pleased with the result! Got 10% SIDC discount on labour and parts for service! Discount not applicable to body shop as this is not specifically a Subaru workshop.However the repairs to bonnet came in as per quote (no hidden surprises!) and the quality of repair/paint finish is excellent! A courtesay car was supplied as requested (recommend you book in advance for this) and the staff were all very friendly and helpful. When I collected the car it was cleaned inside and out. (Quite a feat as, when I handed it in, it was honkin'!) I'd recommend their workshop to anyone. Regards Tino
  14. Sounds good.I will have to check my oncall rota.Will be in touch TTFN Tino
  15. <NXT S.I.D.C OPENDAT IN MARCH@A W D > 'scuse my ignorance- What is it/where is it? Might like to go! TTFN Tino
  16. I'm really glad to hear you are getting good service from T&C.Probably buying it ther helps a lot!I have to admit my previous experience with them was not so good,(maybe people with Euro imports are not welcome.I was made to feel rather like a turd in a swimming pool!) A short while after a T&C service I changed my oil as I was going to a Track Day (always a good idea!) It was then I found that they had left two of my 'sump guard' bolts loose.They were literally hanging on by 2 threads.Next to my horror I discovered that the underside of my engine was liberally coated with oil.This was due to the fact that the 'mechanic' had not bothered to remove the old sump plug seal and just put the new one on top.Normally with the flat copper washer type seal this would not have been a problem.However the Subaru uses a compressable 'copper o ring' Not removing the old one results in it deforming the new one on top of it when tightening the plug.Hence leakage! Hope you continue to recieve good service! Regards
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