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Everything posted by Bluebotle

  1. Morning Off work today for the rest of the week [H]
  2. I think in order for any club to move forward, the club needs to make small amounts of money allowing the club to organise better events. I think we should add a pound or two on to the sale of the teamshirts as well as bringing back the club fee. Please order me one when they are finished. I'm an ordinary member and don't mind paying the annual £10 club fee.
  3. I'll arrange a run out but first before I do I need to know how far people are willing to travel in one day. I'm not talking about driving to London and back but what sort of distance is reasonable? trip in to Yorkshire, Cumbria or Wales? or are we talking Northwest only i.e. Lancashire/Cheshire? Talking about the name CADS it does imply it's the Cheshire section of SIDC, when CADS was born did you envisage SIDC to have many different sections in the Northwest? What's the history behind the name? It may help us understand why it is what it is. To add to the catchment area of the section (as the name CADS suggests it's the Cheshire catchment area) maybe we could include Northwest on the end of the name CADS i.e. CADS Northwest. I am speaking from a new person's point of view, when I joined SIDC I didn't think there was a Lancashire section (Well not an official one anyway) and knew I would always need to travel to Cheshire for any meets. It never occured to me even until this thread that CADS was in fact a Northwest section of the SIDC Club. When you look at the SIDC Forum each of the other sections in the Forum refer to a county i.e Southwest Scoobies, Scottish Scoobies etc. Maybe we name the forum link to CADS in SIDC as Northwest but CADS remains the same name within it. Cheers Lee
  4. It seems the video on my site had been over written, I'll get it back on again for you [] You don't need to do anything it will just start working again once its on. I'll try to do it tonight, I may need to ask Rick to put it on for me though, I don't have it on my PC anymore. Cheers Lee
  5. I think in order to get new members we first need to identify why, then agree on what we are going to do and who is going to do it. Why? Why has the numbers dropped and why don't people join CADS? My personal feeling is we are restricted from the outset, CADS is a section of a wider club SIDC and unless people join SIDC the name CADS means nothing on its own right. CADS is not advertised anywhere outside the SIDC magazine so in effect no one knows about us unless they join SIDC. It would be good to have yahoo or google bring up our CADS name when you search for Subaru or club. When I first pruchased my car in Sept 05 I knew I wanted to join a club but didn't know which one. After browsing the internet I eventually concluded SIDC was the best club to join (which it undoubtably is). I then had to decide on which division of the club I was going to join SMACS, CADS, LADS etc... and obvoisuly decided on CADS and to be honest at the time the decision was purley based on the number of people or involvement the section had, what made my decision for me was the CADS section in the SIDC forum. It seemed and is a proper section of the parent club. It would be good if SIDC automatically divided it's members out to the correct section to which section is nearest your house (although in my case I would then be under LADS being a Bolton lad) Maybe the catchment area for each section is agreed at the AGM. It could just be because this time of year is quiet, the more experiecned members will know if this is true or not. What could we do to increase our numbers? (my ideas and welcome any constructive feedback) Advertise on the Web i.e through Yahoo etc. Hold raffles, competitions? Have a photo gallery of its cars and members Have incentives for attending the meets i.e. Maybe we could give each attendance a credit and after you have accumilated enough credits you earn the right to choose where ever we all go or what we do at the next meet (within reason i.e. no John O Groat trips!). It sounds a little corney but at least people are sort of responsible for what the club does and allows people to lead each other. Sense of acheievment too? Bring back the Membership Fee! We need it to ensure the club survives however we could give each new member a 6 month grace. A CADS website that offers good advice with recent storylines within our club on the main page. The forum link will bring you to the SIDC CADS Link. The website could hold the photo gallery and hold video clips etc. event descriptions and a calendar for each event. You have any Ideas?????
  6. I liked what Little H was wearing on Sunday, looks good quality!
  7. [Y] I really enjoyed taking them. Can't wait for the summer months and the events.
  8. Hi Andy, What's your website address? Cheers Lee
  9. Great meet today! Following today's meet, I have uploaded a small selection of Pics on my Website www.motorvids.co.uk/CADS/ TGTBTU-JC video I was talking about is in my videos folder on the same site i.e. www.motorvids.co.uk/videos/ Pics have been resized to just 640x 480 res if you require the full res, please let me know. Cheers Lee
  10. Bob, I don't think I ever received the PM
  11. Does anyone know how I join the SWRT Fan Club? When I visit their site, the shop has many items for sale with discounts for the fan club member but it doesn't offer any fan club memberships? Also, when your a member, do you get good video coverage of the rally? and what is the quality like? Cheers Lee
  12. In general, is it the car or is it him that's the problem?
  13. Nice plate that, bet that one sells for a lot though.
  14. Good point, I did look for R41 LYC but found it was sold 3 years ago for £3.5k This is only £188 but if you include the VAT and Transfer fee it's actually close to £300.
  15. What do you think of this plate? R4LY C I am thinking of buying it what do you reckon? I am thinking it looks like it's saying RALLY Car
  16. Looking forward to seeing this band [] Will I need ear defenders lol []
  17. Yeah Ok. Sounds good, just what I need actually, the Camera didn't come with any case at all! I am using the box for now []
  18. Andy, Your in good luck, I have a device that allows me to convert VHS to MPEG format with ease. I can then compress it and put it on DVD or the Web. My Website www.motorvids.co.uk has a bit of space and can hold limited video files. Do you want it on DVD or on the web? DVD quality will be far superior as it will be almost uncompressed. Web will be highly compressed but still good quality like the videos we have produced for CADS. Give me a call, I'll PM you my phone number. Cheers Lee
  19. Yeah ok, I could do a photo shoot around Rivington. 5 mins drive from my house but take it forgranted. Some stunning views from the pike with good roads up to it. Either that or I wait until I go somewhere away from home.
  20. Take a look at these pics, the original shots:- Zoom in on these and you can see the orange peel effect on my paint work:- http://www.motorvids.co.uk/videos/DSCF0028.jpg http://www.motorvids.co.uk/videos/DSCF0035.jpg Zoom in on the mast and you can see the dishes:- http://www.motorvids.co.uk/videos/DSCF0038.jpg This one shows the cloud that was sat on my house, my house was misty and when I went up to Rivington I was above the clouds!! The camera has darkened the pic. It was very bright. http://www.motorvids.co.uk/videos/DSCF0017.jpg
  21. It is very easy to use if it's on Auto. If you turn off the auto modes (more than one auto mode i.e. for Exposure, Aprature, focus, etc..) then it becomes a nightmare to be honest. I can imagine once I've got used to it, it will produce far better quality pics than the auto mode. At the moment it produces out of focus pics in user mode because I don't understand it all yet [] One of the many good features is it recognizes faces. In the display, a box latches on to a face if you take a pic of a person and it does some wizardry to make the photo perfect. It also has may programmable modes i.e for taking pics of fast moving objects (bet it can't keep up with the scoobies though!)[] and it automatically changes the settings. I love the zoom on it, so quick to zoom in or out with it being a mechanical zoom. The focus is great too, if you decide to manually focus the camera on to an object, the screen guides you in getting it right. If I take a photo of my car, the camera display shows the car and within the display a small box with a magnified view of the centre of the pic shows up and a dial that shows you which way to turn the focus ring to focus it in. Once its focused the dial turns yellow. It has video capture too with sound, that is a good feature. Another thing it has is it allows you to take a photo of an object, and it instantly takes 3 photos. The 3 photos each have different settings applied so when you view the 3 photos you can choose the best one and delete the other 2. This feature can be turned off if you have a small mem card. Well pleased with it.
  22. Images resized very small so images look fuzzy. Best viewed at the 2848 x 2136 resolution Polished car just before I took them []
  23. Just bought a Digital Fujifilm S6500fd. 10.5x Optical Zoom 6.3 Mega Pixels Should be good at the events. http://www.fujifilm.co.uk/digital/cameras/...meras/range.php
  24. Looks in Very Good Condition Mate [Y] Nice Pics
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