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Everything posted by tazman

  1. On and off Ed, been spending alot of time on the Hants web site PLus we had a little one arrive at the end of August so time doesn't seem to exist for much other than work, eat, look after wee man and sleep myself
  2. Shame your everyday mechanics don't move that fast
  3. Next get a body right off STI and put the mechanicals in the Justy
  4. Cheers pezze, will have a butchers on fleabay Hope it all goes back in ok
  5. Hopefully get our Recaro travel system next week Oh my only 3-4 weeks and our bump arrives (AH)
  6. Nice looking motor Sorry to hear you are having loads of hassle Can i ask were did you get your wing mirrors from (or did they come with the car when you got it )
  7. Nice pictures
  8. We've got one on order ready for the end of August. The thing is I now want recaro seats in the front it's not fair
  9. Do you hire out Ed? I need my garage clearing
  10. Have you had a look at Recaro? They do one for 9months to 12 years Recaro baby seats
  11. Really feel for you We have a Staffie and cause of his breeds suposed reputation we don't let him off the lead at all but the number of other dogs that come and pester us and take no notice of their owners pathetic recalls (if they have one) when we're out on walks is unbeleivable
  12. Thats in the main meets section on the forum or on the hants web site
  13. Oh that old chestnut Its not what you know but who you know
  14. have you checked this out? ecutek I've change my Y6 for an E3 and the lumpyness/hesitation I had between 2.5 thou and 3 thou has dissapeared
  15. This part of the world? Talland Am down there for the weekend with my parents whilst they are on a weeks holiday shame couldn't get the time off work myself
  16. oh bum thats my Mum's birthday weekend Same place and similar time for July?
  17. Thought I'd add some in car footage On SS9 we catch and pass the impreza that started 30 seconds in front of us
  18. What did you guys get up to at the wet BH weekend? I went here Rally fun And took some flying lessons up and away
  19. shut up about the weather Nice looking motor by the way
  20. Apparently there were witnesses so here's hoping someone get caught for it. re maglite get yourself the 6D on that's more like a mini baseball bat
  21. What with saving for bump and wedding I've been banned from spent money on my wagon other than the routine services!! I was meant to be going to surrey rolling road this Saturday with the Hants lot but then I got an invite to navigate for a friend on the stage rally at Millbrook proving ground on Monday. Well I guess that's me saying I can't attend this either LOL
  22. I was wondering that too? When i saw this post originally I copied it on to the Turbosports web site which is kind of full of Escort fanatics but not heard anything from there either but then again I haven't look recently
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