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Everything posted by tazman

  1. Talking of turning things down! Could anyone recommend some good quality speakers to relpace the standard ones? I don't want anything over the top as I want to keep as near to standard size as possible.
  2. [H] Cool track Currently have the 'Best of Bond' playing in my wagon!
  3. yeah the abba one...... better keep it quiet though cause I'll no doubt get the mick ripped out of me by the lads!!![]
  4. The other one I'd really like to see is Mama Mea (spelling)
  5. A friend of mine has been to that four times........still haven't made it myself. Am currently listening to various rock compilation cd's at the mo in the wagon, I must update the speakers from standard though they just don't do the sounds justice!![]
  6. I've always thought of Lincolnshire,Norffolk, Suffolk and Essex as East Anglia!!!
  7. Signed and passed on to another forum!
  8. found this on MSN http://cars.uk.msn.com/News/car_news_artic...umentid=4614040
  9. NEWAGES No. Name YEAR MODEL Double Zero MY01 WRX Mrs Jc scoob MY01 WRX Keap_scooby MY01 WRX Chris_c201 MY01 WRX Scooby Doom MY01 WRX Aberscoob MY01 WRX ScoUK MY01 WRX Nitchiec MY01 WRX UK300 Dietbruboy MY01 WRX Sheep MY01 WRX 360ste MY02 STI Kev 580 MY02 STI Type UK GaryD & lesley MY02 STI Type UK hammy MY02 STI Type UK SG MY02 STI Type UK Dave (Helium) MY02 STI Type UK CYP_rock MY02 STI Type UK Scooby-Girl MY02 STI Type UK Westtra MY02 STI Type UK KINGHORN MY02 STI Type UK mjci7nt2 MY02 STI ScubaRoo MY02 WRX steve_nairn_sti MY02 WRX Higgy MY02 WRX Cal MY02 WRX moto MY02 WRX Rhindpiece MY02 WRX Z1000 MY03 STI Type UK Karps MY03 STI Type UK ScOObarOO MY03 STI Type UK Dean MY03 STI Type UK MR Orkney MY03 STI Type UK rallye 6 MY03 WRX Stu_B MY03 WRX Irish Al MY03 WRX oobster MY03 WRX bigbadboab MY03 WRX DrewG MY03 WRX mctwistuk MY03 WRX Gogsie MY04 STI JDM STi_Bandit MY04 STI Type UK Fai 17 MY04 STI Type UK Scoobymark MY04 STI Type UK scoobyiain MY04 STI TYPE UK Dipsy MY05 STI JDM G. Mac MY05 STI Type UK Digital MY05 STI Type UK Clutdav MY05 STI Type UK Kebab Nemesis MY05 STI Type UK Craig Mac MY05 STI Type UK ali37 MY05 STI Type UK Big Den MY05 STI Type UK COLZO MY05 STI Type UK st3ph3n MY05 WRX Mako MY05 WRX Mrs Big Den MY05 WRX scoobysailor MY05 WRX PECO MY05 WRX jimser MY05 WRX Snoopy MY05 WRX Arch MY05 WRX young-buch27 MY05 WRX Paul C 555 MY05 WRX PPP Fraz. A MY05 WRX 300 craigwrx MY05 WRX 300 Zeolite MY05 WRX 300 Spaceman MY05 WRX swrt 4hero MY06 STI Type UK STI Pretender MY06 STI Type UK dynamix MY06 STI Type UK b16dmc MY06 STI Type UK TheBlackSheep MY06 STI Type UK IainC MY06 STI Type UK Ian Coulter MY06 STI spec D (EU) NKWRX MY06 WRX The Welsho MY06 WRX Boyakasha MY07 STI Type UK Classics No. Name YEAR MODEL jodie typeRA MY92 type RA Weeb MY93 STi power D.S MY93 JDM WRX scoobyfuzzy MY93 WRX Todd MY93 WRX Mako MY93 WRX stevie 4 MY93 WRX TURBO John Stevenson MY94 RA 2.5 MY94 MY94 JDM STi V1 Wagon WRXMANIA MY94 JDM WRX STI Version 1 Road Warrior MY94 WRX Redscoobydoo MY94 WRX Redscoobydoo MY94 WRX STI Euan_r MY94 UK WAGON Gambler MY95 JDM WRX Kenny. S MY95 STi Type RA andy findlay MY95 JDM WRX neilswrx MY95 wrx import Ac!D MY95 UK billyyoung MY95 UK Gordyq MY95 WRX FastScooby MY95 WRX johnh MY95 WRX micra_wrc MY96 STi type RA V-Limited Pongo MY96 STi TYPE RA TheSquirrel555 MY96 WRX STI LIMITED 555 Gus the Bus MY96 WRX STI 555 coulty MY96 WRX STI V2 Pugpaul MY96 WRX Wagon jonnyb80 MY96 uk turbo Oz *sti* MY96 STI v3 ScottySTI MY97 JDM STI v3 butcher boy MY97 JDM WRX Ross9 MY97 STi4 Type R WRC No1 MY97 UK Catalunya80 MY97 UK Cat No. 80 Duncatr MY97 UK Cat No. 99 Jamis MY97 UK Turbo Simmie MY97 UK Turbo Wagon John Stevenson MY97 UK Turbo Wagon tosh32 MY97 Sport Arbroath Smokie MY98 22B John Stevenson MY98 Secret Project Carl Davey MY98 STi RA Seafar99 MY98 STI v5 Wagon RubyTheScooby MY98 Sport Darryll MY98 Type R scientific steve MY98 Type R scoobykev MY98 UK Thebluedragon MY98 UK Terzo No 54 Terzo Neil MY98 UK Terzo No. 306 scoobyscoop MY98 UK Turbo Wagon MrBadger MY98 UK Turbo Wagon John Stevenson MY98 UK WR PPP RRS 555 MY98 UKTURBO Saloon SCOOBAY MY99 22B Type UK Col 666 MY99 Type R mslorach MY99 RB5 No.41 graemegj MY99 UK Sport Wagon Boris B MY99 UK Turbo Wagon Bigdavie MY99 Turbo Jc scoob MY99 UK Frank C MY99 UK Turbo Stripe MY99 UK Turbo RS Grant MY99 UK Turbo philip_w MY99 UK Turbo Greenmonster MY99 UK Turbo Haribo1187 MY99 UK Turbo PPP Ian Coulter MY99 UK Turbo (for sale) Shep MY99 Sport Smiler AS MY99 Sport Whitelaw MY00 P1 Hepy MY00 P1 Rossco MY00 Type R ScoobySounds MY00 JDM WRX Iqy MY00 UK Turbo thefastone MY00 UK Turbo Nanaki MY00 UK Turbo Cullenmin MY00 UK Turbo Fiefster MY00 UK Turbo Wagon Marky.t.s MY00 UK Turbo Ally-b MY00 UK Kloon MY00 UK Vicki MY00 UK Dtabbit77 MY00 UK SergeantScooby MY00 JDM Type R BIG DEL MY00 UK WAGON Tazman MY99/00 UK Turbo Wagon
  10. mmmmm not sure kind of looks like a New shape Honda Civic crossed with a Ford Focus!
  11. PORSCHE 911 by the interior 1985 SC[Y] HOW wrong can you be but sounds like 911 Notes say its an M3!
  12. PMSLOL Shame there's no external footage of that! Any ideas what the car was? Ah just read the notes that go with it on youtube!!!
  13. Did the Bentley have a slight head start?
  14. Tried them but can get them locally for the same price IIRC. Infact I've just checked and the Goodyears are £44 dearer than mytyres and £2 dearer than local guy and Yokohamas are a whopping £96 dearer. So even if I pay the local guy £25 a pop to fit the tyres I will still be £71 per tyre cheaper buying them from mytyres and getting them fitted locally. Just shows you that it is worth shopping around. No worries it was just a thought. Sounds like you have been doing your homework. All the best with your search![]
  15. Have you tried Blackcircles.com they do mail order with a fitting option!
  16. To be honest I haven't really push the right foot down on the public highway..........I want to keep my licence! They aren't to bad from cold tho' on initail braking as they warm you do notice them biting more! Whilst at the 'ring' we did get chance to blat round the GP track as well but were stopping after every two laps to let things cool down just in case.
  17. I run Mintex 1155's on the front of my wagon with std disc's and survived a weekend at the Nurburgring without any problems! Am thinking about running with 1144's on the rear.
  18. If its any consalation I did a trip to the Nurburgring ant the begining of April..........on the Sunday I did 170miles in total around the 'ring' and managed to use 46 litres!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]
  19. I run a near standard wrx wagon, the only mod is a pipercross viper induction kit and I'm normally light footed with the old throttle..........and I normally get 320 miles out of a tank of optimax!!
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