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Everything posted by wrxmania

  1. Just going now My widely publicised trip to Ikea Did try to persuade Julie we should "pop past Nobles to have a look at the 05 STI" but she wasn't having ANY of that one Brian
  2. Only if he gets the modding bug does he turn green
  3. Nah - I have the box set. Anything else? Quite like a bit of Glen Campbell or maybe some Charlie Rich?
  4. The Subaru - outside Harvey Nic's easy - now put it outside Asda and it's more at home
  5. Errr - no thanks - I'd rather die I'll stick to Barry Manilow thanks
  6. << lets get some cronic up in this mo-fo!!! >> Even if I am on drugs - what does that mean for God's sake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Like to keep you all thinking - fumes rot the brain
  8. JANUARY - Jury will have a field day FEBRUARY - Flatulance causing bends MARCH - MANIACS APRIL - Ars* out MAY - Her Majesty's JUNE - JUST on the road JULY - Jeez that was close AUGUST - Anonymous (not me officer) SEPTEMBER - Subaru Assist OCTOBER - Oh my God! NOVEMBER - Never will I do that again DECEMBER - Damn good
  9. We trust the judgement of The Squirrel555 and WRC co-pilot (oh, and Andy too ) Brian
  10. << don't think "mad august" has a good ring to it... AWESOME AUGUST !!! now there's a title! c'mon brian... imagination!!! put a bit of effort into it for gods sake! lol >> Apologies - getting the same accusations from a troll on Scoobynet at the moment!!! What about Sensational September, Octogenarian October, Narcissistic November or Devilish December???????????????
  11. Yeah thanks for that - glad you liked my christmas tree event at the rear - was going for the semi-unsmooth, braking often (usually always before a bend I may add) and various other non-advanced driving principles.
  12. Thanks Ian!! P.S. Does my bum look big in this (not that you can see what I'm (not) wearing
  13. True - distinctly quiet on the East Lothian / (Midlothian) / Borders end of the country. There are some great roads there and would be IDEAL for a Mad August run - organised by The Squirrell and his faithful assisstant
  14. Swiggi, Can you email me it - I can accept it - or MSN it to me???? Brian
  15. Anyone got any video footage to post???????? Brian
  16. Mmmmmmmm - yeah RIGHT!!! You can't see me
  17. Welcome Claire Here is a gratuitous one of Matt & Grant Flaming @ Dastek (taken on phone so not that good)!
  18. Here are some more piccies now: Swiggi @ The Showcase in Coatbridge Mor piccies from the Showcase meet up. A couple of on the road pictures taken by Julie "oot the windae n'at" Lunch at Clatteringshaws Castle Douglas Finale Julie freezes @ Castle Douglas ScoobyMadBurd Claire just hingin' aboot Sorry for the quality of some but hey, they're here anyway. Brian
  19. Like these piccie's - thanks RS Grant - nice to see someone took some pics of me Brian
  20. P.S. Swiggi - I have a good picture of your car at the Showcase - I think you'll like it Brian
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