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Posts posted by wrxmania

  1. Yep,

    Same in Glasgow East End Shell - had fuel OK but busy and the sales assistant said the day had been "crazy" when I asked.


    HOWEVER, the fuel protest group, as on the BBC news website say they will NOT be blockimg fuel delivery so there should be NO ISSUE, unless people keep panic buying.

    Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif

    [right, I'm away to fill up my wheelie bins with fuel face-icon-small-shocked.gifface-icon-small-wink.gif ]

  2. Market forces Paddy, and the location of the station. However, I have never figured out why often the stations near the refinery here in Grangemouth are more expensive a lot of the time.

    It must be cost of site lease, distance from the refinery and who delivers the fuel, the charge of the supplier to the station (if an independant more expensive I would imagine), the staffing costs, the profits made by the shop on other goods, any recent forecourt work and finally the number of customers - the busier the cheaper.

    Some of these are just conjecture but may, as a pckage, contribute to the costs. Oh and some may want to make more profit than others, although I am sure many station owners/managers will tell you how little they actually make.

    Brian face-icon-small-smile.gif

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