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Everything posted by Boro_Babe

  1. << Nice 1 Paul. >> Ok what's he been up to - have I missed something
  2. Thinking about it Pete - need to work on Paul
  3. << And me Debs but not going to say anything until we get it. >> Hope you don't have to wait too long
  4. << The wheels are turning now. >> Must be a christmas present for Emma
  5. << Manx Scoobyfest 2006 Dates 2nd August > 8th August >> Might have to come over a few days earlier - Paul won't be happy if he doesn't get a run over the mountain on his birthday
  6. A big thank you to all those who made Scoobyfest 2005 the best trip ever We had a great time, met up with old friends & met lots of new friends As usual the amount of work that went into the organisation made it another brilliant holiday for us Can't wait for 2006 Paul, Debbie & Danny
  7. << << Paul I had that happen to me a few times so my mail posted out twice , I blamed it on being a newbie. >> >> I blame it on Paul getting over excited about the trip to the rock & getting into practice for some alcohol consumption Looking forward to meeting you Nicky << Dave, hope the car's OK, mind not allowed to look at it, after last time >> Don't even think about it
  8. << Paul mate, get the instructions out on the Radio...should tell you what you frequency it runs on. >> Just one question - how are you going to use your new toys when you're driving over the mountain?
  9. << What radio you got Paul? i got a cd off one of our drivers (sccoby66) on SN, doing the Peaks Tour, they had radios in, they had a right laugh with the looks of it >> Binatone MR 600 Paul
  10. You know me too well charlie - I always have room for chocolate muffins
  11. << Radio's arrived & charging >> We have that many toys in the car now that pretty soon there won't be enougth room for me Maybe that's the idea
  12. Forgot to say - tickets received today, thanks Richard Wine is open & holiday has begun Roll on Wednesday
  13. Just finished work YYYYEEEESSSSSS
  14. << Pete, Em can sit in the corner and complain with Elaine!!!! >> Emma & Elaine can sit in the corner with me - we need to practice drinking techniques for Germany
  15. << Were you on the sherberts last night Paul >> No, he's on call - it's just normal
  16. Sorry forgot to update the list Blue Boy X 3 Rasher X 4 ZippyEFC X ? Warby X ? Lee X ? Chrisp X 1 Chrismaz5 X 5 J5 X 4 mean&green x 3 Paul N x 3 Warby, are you bringing Emma - would be nice to meet before Germany
  17. We'll be there Bob (Paul, Debbie & Danny) << Sophie & I excluded! >> That's not fair on Sophie
  18. What are you two talking about Hope you behave better than that at Scoobyfest Brian
  19. << Sorry Deb, but are you sure >> One point away from Europe
  20. Brian - you're off topic But since you mention it - no way
  21. << What time was that Charlie? >> Probably around 3 o'clock in the morning To allow for small detours - you wouldn't want to miss the ferry
  22. << OK, might see you there then >> Great, the more the merrier - may as well start as we mean to go on (except for Charlie cos I don't think he'll be hungry) Anyone else for breakfast in Liverpool????
  23. << Where are you guys doing breakfast? >> Andy The last couple of years we have had breakfast at the Liver Building which is just across the road from the docks Looking foward to seeing you & Eleanor again Paul & Debbie
  24. Better make sure we get there on time then Bob Hopefully see you on sunday if all goes to plan Paul & Debbie
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