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Everything posted by Boro_Babe

  1. We went a few years ago to watch some banger racing As Pete says the road to the circuit is fantastic [H] Wasn't so sure of the figure of 8 racing though[+o(]
  2. Pic of Charlie's engine[H] Charlie's car on the left Will leave him to spill the beans about the wastegate chatter[]
  3. Might have had sonething to do with the amount of alchohol being consummed (not by me of course)[<)][<)] or that we're all really thick[]
  4. From the pictures you posted your car looks georgeous - obviously someone is very jealous
  5. Looking forward to seeing you & Lyn again Markie[] Any more CADS coming ??? - the marque will be pretty empty otherwise
  6. Been too busy with footy Si[] Was in bucharest on Thurs & off to Villa Park tomorrow[][]
  7. Boro through and through (although a bit disappointed with last night's performance!) - I'm originally from the north east but came down here in 1994 with the job.[ I suppose someone had to support them [] Bob, where abouts is Sedburgh? What do you mean Andy[] Welcome Si I was in Basel with our son Danny, I'm sure we'll catch up at one of the CADS meets[]
  8. Thanks andy - Not doing too well in the league but certainly making up for it in europe []
  9. No problems in this house either as long as I get my wine [D] and football was in Rome on Wednesday - next stop Switzerland (then Romania for the semis & Holland for the final)[][]
  10. Didn't know there was a Dales run Bob, cos I'm not allowed into the meete section![] And I'll have a hangover on the Sunday[<)]
  11. OOhhhhhhh[] Are you including F1 in motorsport?[|-)]
  12. Don't pretend you know anything about shoes Bob[]
  13. Just think how many hadbags that would buy[]
  14. Nice one, even if i did already understand[] but are you trying to say that the ref knows the rules?[][] from another girlie[A]
  15. No - everyone knows about the drinking silly Who told you about the SIDC on the T shirts[A]
  16. Thats a sensable thing to say debs. PMSL And after a bottle of wine[]
  17. Your pink scoob is fantastic[] But you won't regret getting the P1[]
  18. I love it Sophie[] Maybe we can adopt it as the CADS theme tune[6] For the ladies only section of course[]
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