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Everything posted by Boro_Babe

  1. Thinking of moving over, kill 2 birds with 1 stone
  2. Mmmmmmm Might be a birthday surprise for someone in July
  3. Well done Andi - that is brilliant
  4. << Evening all dudes , Good weekend ?????? >> Hi Andi Breakfast in bed, chocolates & out to the pub for Sunday dinner What more can a Mum ask for
  5. << Do you have the little short skirt , note book and pen( for your short hand ) and the glasses >> I'll ask Paul - since they seem to get on so well together
  6. << Erm Dave. Paul is a married man dude >> Paul told me the attraction on the island was the mountain road
  7. << So now you're ready for my next box of tricks when you come over. >> Don't even joke about it - You're still in trouble about the defi's
  8. << Please add Ronnie, Ade & lil one to the list. LOL >> Ade, how long to go now? Hope Ronnie is ok, we're looking forward to seeing you both again & meeting the new addition
  9. << Lol dude, thats timing for you, and I was only joking >> Dave I was only joking when I agreed he could get them I think he took advantage when I'd had too much to drink
  10. << Work hard >> When did that happen Charlie
  11. << Paul dude , come on over the boats or cheap M8... >> Don't give him ideas, he's got work to do at home On second thoughts maybe he might surprise me
  12. How many weeks are you taking off work Charlie?
  13. Hi Brian I am soooooooooooo not happy I bet Pat's pretty gutted too
  14. << What guages you fitted Nick Dude, still thinking about some for ours >> What!!!! I hold you responsible for this Dave
  15. << Duh.......only just realised who "Boro Babe" is........ >> Easy mistake Rob, especially when Margie says that I led her astray - you obviously would never have thought of someone as quiet as me
  16. Hi Andi dude Glad you're having a good time
  17. Whhooooooooopppsss Forgot to log Paul off
  18. Rob You know the truth And i keep trying to get them back on topic
  19. << Just waiting to have the rear quarter repaired now >> Dave If you don't get it sorted I don't mind checking your rear quarter in July Debbie
  20. As if !!!!!! I learnt everything I know about going astray on Scooby Island I wasn't the one crawling under the table during the ice fight Just to stay on topic Come to Scoobyfest 2005 & be led astray (if you dare)
  21. Now I've got her into football, SIDC log on is the next step Paul is getting withdrawal symptons & I've got more posts than Charlie Go on take Pat Anyway now to get back on topic Paul, debbie, Danny & maybe Rob Gordon & Pat
  22. I'm away on a course - otherwise might have been tempted Go on Gordon, give Pat a surprise
  23. Yes you Gordon Ok back on topic, who's going? Paul, Debbie , Danny & maybe Rob
  24. Sorry Rob Gordon youre getting me into trouble & I'm only a newbie
  25. << Are Sunderland playing >> Can't put a price on a Sunderland game either Gordon, no amount of money would make me go (unless it was to watch Boro thrash them of course) :
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