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Posts posted by st3ph3n

  1. 4.2 0-60 is heavily affected by traction. The computers have to work super hard to get all that power on the floor through the rear wheels.

    I remember when I had my wee 1.4 civic I had a C43 AMG behind me coming onto the M73. I don't think I've ever seen a car make so little fuss about going from 50 to warp speed.

  2. http://www.flickr.com/photos/st3ph3n/sets/72157605794867912/

    Updated with a lot of pictures from Sunday. Got another wee set taken in the Tunnel half way through thte day that need a bit of work done on them which I may or may not upload depending on how they turn out.

    Most pleased with the ones towards the end which were taken on the second competition run on the Sunday. Got utterly drenched during a particular rain shower but after seeing how they turned out it was 100% worth it.

  3. Were you up yesterday Frank? Didn't spot you if you were, not that I have ANY idea what you look like.

    The silver/grey AX is driven by a guy who posts on here. He drives it pretty damn quickly up that hill.

    Good photos Scott. I'll get through mine over the next few nights I hope. Got some real good ones though after a quick pass through. Standing on top of east brae and getting a pan of them coming round the meadow was a good place. Couple of quite moody ones in the tunnel too. Had to crank up the ISO to get the lighting right in there but it makes the brighter cars quite punchy looking.

  4. Larkhall was open earlier, but suspicions of no V. I should have went into check but was intending going to Cumbernauld as I was having to rush up past blackwood to scavenge a part to take to a very stranded race car!

    Cumbernauld was out though, which was a right pain in the neck as I was low by then. So I had to put half a tank of regular in. So have run on low boost map since then. The defis haven't registered more than 0.2 in all honesty!

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