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Posts posted by st3ph3n

  1. Seen the car in the flesh today. The pictures do not do it justice. It looks stunning with the widearches, and the purposeful stance. The wheels fill the arches up close too.

    Oh, and most importantly - it absolutely flies. Or at least it did, but I'm sure John will be along later to tell about his minor problem :(

  2. Stick it on 'S' Dunc, or whatever your canon uses for shutter priority and set the shutter speed to about 200 and start panning.Check how they are coming out then work your way down to a slower speed until they come out crap then turn it back up again! hows that for a professional explanation :rotfl:

    If you can get great panning shots at 100th/sec your doing bloody well!

    ISO 800 on a bright day? no wonder they didnt come out! I have my ISO on auto the whole time trackside.

    It's "Tv". Which stands for ..... "Timing Value". Which means you set the timing and it does the rest.

  3. Even if you were using 800 (too high!) and a speed of 100 (workable) you still need to constantly adjust the aperture for the light conditions. Were you doing this?

    I cannot recommend the book "Understanding Exposure" highly enough if you want some help. I've read it about 5 times through now.

  4. What modes are you using Dunc? For the panning stuff I just shove mine into Tv (shuttery priority), dial up a number that I'm feeling good with then start snapping in burst mode with the auto focus set to servo.

    I was using 1/160 and 1/200 for a lot of my panning shots.

  5. The thing is Dunc - even as a point and shooter you'll get fantastic results with these DSLRs. I'm certainly learning the settings and I know what I have to do with a composition to get it "creatively composed". I'm no David Bailley quite yet, but I'm doing alright.

    Although the 40 pictures I took of a red Squirrel at Loch Garten on Tuesday have turned out utterly PISH! :rotfl:

  6. There's the outlet place, which I thought when I was in last august. Carlisle was a nice place to visit though and isn't far away. Bring your passport though for crossing the border.

    Oh and a twisty road - get to peebles then selkrik, hawick etc. etc.

    Google maps is your friend.

  7. Eh, not really Cal. Can't work out what of those is percentage or pence based. Either way - higher oil prices = more for the government. If they "budget" for a set amount and are now getting more in why don't they reduce that amount until oil cheapens?

  8. Good shots chaps. Looks like Sunday was a cracking day.

    I'm going to go through mine in the morning. I have 850 to go through from Saturday, then another 300 from my holiday!

    Got a couple of nice ones, including the all important flame and the token artistic ones too. That 50mm fixed is great in the pits.

  9. Is fuel tax percentage or pence per litre based? If it is percentage then we need to get that dropped a bit for the moment.

    I filled up in perth at 125, but Inverness and then Blairgowrie were cheaper. No idea why as it all supposedly comes from grangemouth, and Perth isn't that far from there surely!

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