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Posts posted by st3ph3n

  1. I would have said my WRX at 290/290 would have been at the cayman's level. Certainly on the straights I'd have it beat, but I'd need the aid of a brick wall to stop quicker.

    An absolutely lovely car with 2 things wrong with it - could clearly have taken twice the power and coped incredibly well with it, but then it becomes a 911 beater and that's not on for Porsche. And secondly at 6'4" I'd need to remove my shins to make it driveable.

    Not a patch on the R8 I drove tail end of last year. :D

  2. There was definitely a SICC meet going on!

    Not a bad day today. Weather to start with was fairly poor really. Trackday had some nice metal on display, although lacking in scoobies a bit.

    Still, it cleared up a bit and the early part of the time attack practice was enjoyable.

    I'll probably not get my pictures up until wednesday night or thursday now though as tomorrow I'm away for a few days.

  3. Drove a Porsche cayman earlier. Lovely looking car but got to say that it wasn't brilliant. Performance is good, but not earth shattering in a straight line. Manual gearbox was a touch fiddly. Very easy to get 4th instead of 2nd on a downshift. Seating position was dreadful if you're my height. Couldn't really get my knees under the wheel and leave enough room to steer well. Sounds good though when giving it stick.

    I'd have said a sorted WRX will have no issues keeping up with one or even getting away, especially when the going gets straight.

    Secondly - new BMW M3. Didn't drive one but there was one in front of me round the private race track that is luckily shaped identically to the raith interchange. It looks fantastic, and it appears to go well, but either the driver lacked the balls or again .... it's not as fast as the price seems to dictate.

  4. I'm feeling like that with my car just now and have been for a while. I think it's now relegated to an exciting daily driver for the rest of its career and wont see the track again.

    My problems with the gearbox last year left me feeling less than confident at REALLY pushing the car and not breaking something I don't really want to be forced to fix. Plus even though the dealers rectified the problem, and it's been serviced by someone I trust since then, I still have my doubts that the box will last another 20 or 30K, especially if it's tracked. It's maybe just my imagination that changing gears is just that bit more clunky than it used to be .... but then that's the subaru paranoia!

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