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Posts posted by st3ph3n

  1. Yer jokin!

    When the price came in it felt like someone had pissed in my chips to be honest. If that's what they're playing I'll maybe phone around and not mention windows to anyone else then :D

    This year I did get my renewal in before the policy run out though, which is certainly a bonus after last year's wee incident.

    Oh and I'm 27 now Andy, so I'm hardly a pup anymore.

  2. Anyone with any knowledge in this area?

    I thought that your insurance was supposed to go DOWN not up! Last year I had one claim of a windscreen which to the best of my knowledge didn't affect your policy, so why the hell has my insurance - now with 7 years no claim instead of 6 - gone up!

    I think a phone call on Monday will be in order.

  3. I'm replying on my phone and can't find a number anywhere but it's iain cowie racing at knockhill. From memory they can be quite busy so you might need to call far in advance. I'm sure my mate's got a business card for them so i'll see if he's got the number.

  4. Depends on the question you ask. One of the good things in my mind about this place is that no one feels obliged to post whore and respond with "sorry I don't know". If everyone done that then there would be utter chaos!

    This place is far from dead.

  5. Well complete nightmare this evening. Made it up to Paul's and we were both brimming with confidence that changing brake pads after doing the differential last night would be a complete walk in the park. Started on the front driver side caliper and after an hour and 20 minutes we gave up as the pins just wouldn't come out with none of the other calipers even attempted. Phoned Spooks halfway through to seek his professional advice, then phoned Paul's dad (ex-helicopter engineer) and the advice was the same - WD40 and just hit it. Never worked though.

    So going to book it in and get someone professional to do it.

    I feel rather defeated.

  6. Cheers chaps. 2005 WRX is 2 pot rears so sounds like everything should be alright.

    They never arrived today though so fingers crossed for tomorrow. So this evening's entertainment instead consisted of the reinstallation of a diff into a westfield. Great fun!

    I think the only thing I'll need to pickup then is some copper slip as my mate has run out he thinks.

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