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Manx minx

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Everything posted by Manx minx

  1. Hi Pauldyson, lots of good B&B 's around the tourist board will be able to give you more info on these.If you can stretch to stay for the rally it would be good to meet you, we are a friendly bunch. Nix[]
  2. Sounds like fun[][] Re manx power seen a few nova's etc advetising this site a few years ago. Nix[]
  3. Morning Dudes still very quiet on here. I think you may be right about Dave Graeme, still haven't seen or should I say heard him around lately. Nix[]
  4. Morning dudes or should I say Graeme, I like scoobynet nice and friendly on there, mind you haven't got much time to come on the computer at the moment too busy with courses and swimming. Regarding Dave I haven't seen him since we all met up over tt but he was moving house around that time. Nix[]
  5. Evening dudes very quiet on here lately!!!![] Nix[]
  6. [][]They took their time announcing it but at least it has been worth the wait.Thank you Nic and gang. Obviously not the result the government wanted otherwise they would have been shouting it from the roof tops by now[] Nix[]
  7. It was superb weather indeed for TT (was off the whole week, mostly working on my boat!) Wasn't bad on Saturday either which was handy for me wedding! [][] Morning Dudes another miserable day. Glad we didn't get this weather for TT or I would never have got time off. Congratulations Jim on your recent wedding, hope you and your good lady had a great day.[] Nix[]
  8. Nice scooby Graeme have to keep an eye out for you now.[] What will James decorate the back seats with in this car [] lol Nix[]
  9. Evening dudes. Yes we were in peel for the Honda day and we were hoping to catch you guys in your home town but like you say it was a tad busy so that would explain us not catching up with you. Nix[]
  10. Morning Dudes not so nice today! Graeme sorry we never got to catch up with you over tt,typical luck we normaly see you a few times a week but when you want to catch up with you we keep missing you. Need to get yours or Helen's mobile number so that next time you can join us all. Graham said to say sorry he missed you guys but that he will hopefully catch up with you in about 6 weeks when he is here for the rally. Also coming is sideways Si so I am sure we will catch up then. Nix[]
  11. Sounds like a plan nicky, I am however a little busy this fortnight so will not be able to arrange anything Ta Ta Richard ps,my new car's here on the rock[] Ok Richard I will start a new thread to see if there is much interest, even if it is just meeting in Douglas for a few drinks without our cars. Be nice to catch up with everyone whilst the 2 guys are here. Whats your new car then Richard, is it the landrover sport you were talking about last time I saw you. Nix[]
  12. That scooby belongs to a guy from Castletown or Port Erin, He waves and says he has been to a few meets in the past, didn't catch his name when I was talking to him though. Nix[]
  13. Good to hear you are coming over Andi, hope all is well with you. Sounds like a good time for a meet as Graeme is over on the 3rd for a week without his car though.What do you guys think. Nix[]
  14. Yes we saw it on sunday at the hairpin in Ramsey. And it is on Uk plates, so probably only here for tt. Nix[]
  15. Only just got in from work now,already 2 dead from the southern yesterday so I believe not a good start to TT[]. Nix
  16. It's TT time again of course!! Ta Ta Richard Evening Dudes Don't I know it no doubt I will be busy again.[]
  17. Welcome Guys , don't think I have seen either of you yet but I will keep an eye out for you both. I am most likely to see you if you are in the south of the Island or in and around Douglas. Won't see much of anyone the next 2 weeks as I will be too busy working.(keeps me out of trouble though.)[]
  18. Great pics Dave, looks like we missed another good event. However whilst we were waiting for the boat we did see a lot of these cars getting off.
  19. good morning dudes another nice sunny day so far. Nix[]
  20. Morning dudes, sorry to hear you are back to work today Graeme, I however have another week off yet.[] Yeah I have to take it to get the tyres changed round this morning as well keep the wear and tear (burn) even,as you know what he's like.lol [] see you around guys. Nix
  21. Afternoon dudes looks like I will be taking John's car tomorrow to get new brakes fitted tomorrow []seeing as he cooked them yesterday[]. I have been on scooby net and there is a bit of interest for the scooby fest. Also Graeme wr1 says hi and he will be over soon. Richard I touch goats. Nix
  22. Evening dudes.It has certaintly been a busy but fun easter weekend, and I think the smacs guys we caught up with today enjoyed the quick side of the sloc especially on the way down. I t should be good to see your video footage Richard.[H] We have Rogers web address to go and have a look at his footage in a few days.Roll on the next meet guys. Nix
  23. Hi Dudes seems a lot has gone on since I last posted on here. Good luck following your move across both Andy's.Sorry to see you leave[] Hope your keeping well following your op Richard and following the doctors orders![] Hope all went well with your wedding today Nick and all the best for you both for the future.[] For those who are looking for window stickers with your forum name and flag on I recommend the sidc sticker boys as I ordered mine and they were here within a week and not at all expensive. Mine are now in place on the car.[H]
  24. This is true andi, Best of luck and hope Kirstie gets sorted out soon. Nix[]
  25. Evening dudes, sorry to hear both Andi's are moving away but best of luck to you all. Nix[]
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